ACADEMIC REFERENCE is a document that contains the information about the educational components, learnt by the applicant for higher education, including their full names in Ukrainian and English, number of ECTS credits and the mark, received as study results.

Template of the Academic Reference is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The Academic Reference can be issued to:

• a student/PhD student, who was expelled from the University after the failure to perform the individual study plan/individual plan of scientific research;

• a student/PhD student, who realises his/her academic mobility right;

• a PhD student after the finish of his studies by the educational and scientific programme, as one of the documents, that should be provided with the Dissertation at the stage of its preparation and defence.

The Academic Reference can be issued to an applicant for higher education, according to his personal application; the Academic Reference can be given to the authorised representative of the applicant for higher education (based on the notary proved document).

The applicant for higher education should apply at the Dean’s Office of the faculty/institute where he/she studies(d) to receive the Academic Reference.

The period of preparation of the Academic Reference lasts for 10 days.

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