Anthony Johnson

Texas state university article (Montgomery) your new york city I've seven half hours start the clock was seven half minus one hour for subway still six and a half within an hour back so roulette five and half kind of sir die pizza Times Square that park thing but the square park thing and because it's really quarter yeah what uh there's no what what the whole street what's possible oh my gosh Thank You New York New York City it's free phone call ah got some hot dogs but I mean it's no doubt I pizza beautiful whoa the 10 million times square oh Jesus yep oh my gosh I mean it is chaotic but I'm just looking for some pizza you need the down the slice my tummy's grumbling oh this is a cool this is a cool city i got at me it's like an excitement there's always something to do it is like the most iconic places in the world sucks like some a lot of time to embrace I still got to get some pizza where is the dollar slice Ivan founded it surrounding someone darlin walking walking through Times Square dollar slides hmm New York State College of Human Ecology (HumEc).

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