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Since the mid-to-late s, synthetic cathinones have gained popularity among drug users due to their psychostimulant effects greater than.

А29 a-pvp MDPV наркотик Пекин

Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. The structure-activity relationships for this action have been investigated. The metabolism of these two agents has also been extensively investigated, but it is not known which, or if any, of the metabolites contribute to their pharmacological actions. The results of these studies are consistent with the agents acting as potent cocaine-like central stimulants with abuse potential. Both agents are structurally related to methcathinone which, in turn, is structurally derived from cathinone Figure 1. Nomenclature for these agents can be confusing at times. When the R substituent of the aminophenone Figure 1 is a methyl -CH 3 group, they are referred to as propiophenones. Methcathinone, then, is a propiophenone. As the length of the R group is increased from one carbon atom to two, three, or four, these are termed butyrophenones, valerophenones sometimes, pentiophenones or pentanophenones , and hexanophenones, respectively, and so on. Cathinone and methcathinone Figure 1 long have been known to act as releasing agents i. However, once MDPV was identified on the clandestine market and its structure elucidated, new studies quickly revealed that it was unique. Due to different and varied names and acronyms being applied to these agents, it took some time to unravel this puzzle. The Meltzer et al. Various cathinone analogs have been examined for their binding at several different neurotransmitter receptors and, although a few bind with low i. In electrophysiological studies, MDPV produced cocaine-like hyperpolarization of Xenopus laevis oocytes transfected with hDAT; hyperpolarization is the signature of a DA reuptake inhibitor. That is, each structural feature of MDPV was systematically eliminated, one at a time, to identify its role on activity, and it was found that both the pyrrolidine ring and an extended side chain were optimal for inhibition of DAT. Opening of the pyrrolidine ring or truncation of its side chain resulted in reduced potency. Marusich et al. Kolanos et al. A quantitative SAR i. Effect of pyrrolidinophenones on inhibition of synaptosomal monoamine transporters Marusich et al. Abbreviation of the pyrrolidine ring of MDPV to its simplest tertiary amine analog i. An understanding of the metabolism of synthetic cathinones is valuable not only for anti-doping and forensic purposes, but to also assist with the identification of metabolites that could potentially retain abuse potential and require additional pharmacological evaluation. Sauer et al. The lactam also underwent hydroxylation to PVP hydroxy lactam, and the pyrrolidine ring was degraded to the primary amine PVP amine Figure 4. Another route of metabolism involved aromatic hydroxylation, presumably at the 4- or para -position, such that each of the metabolites shown in Figure 4 had a corresponding 4-hydroxy counterpart structures not shown. Negreira et al. Although other conjugated metabolites were found, no lactam ring-open products were identified Shima et al. Recently Grapp et al. Uralets et al. Aromatic presumably 4- or para - hydroxylation seems common in rats, but no such metabolites were identified in studies with humans. This is not an unexpected finding in that it has been reported that although 4-hydroxylation is a major route of metabolism of related agents e. Because MDPV possesses aromatic substituents i. The methylenedioxy group of MDPPP underwent ring-opening to a catechol which was subsequently O-methylated to the 3-methyl catechol; all three of these metabolites can also form lactams Figure 7 Springer et al. These metabolites also underwent oxidative deamination to their corresponding di-keto analogs. The metabolism of MDPV, evaluated in vitro using human liver microsomes, resulted in identification of two Phase I metabolites: MDPV catechol and its corresponding 3-OMe derivative presumably arising from the action of catechol-O-methyl transferase Strano-Rossi et al. Meyer et al. Simple cathinone analogs with small N-alkyl groups e. A 3,4-methylenedioxy group, such as found in MDPV, also hindered reduction. The authors acknowledged the limitations of their study, including their consideration only of non-conjugated forms of agents and metabolites; hence, other metabolites might have been present but were undetected. As earlier mentioned, one reason to investigate the metabolism of synthetic cathinones is to identify metabolites that might retain central stimulant activity. Lactam metabolites, because they lack a protonatable amine, and the aromatic hydroxy analogs, because they should not readily penetrate the blood-brain barrier depending upon where hydroxylation occurs , are unlikely to be potent stimulants. But, this remains to be investigated. Recently, Anizan et al. Rats were administered doses of MDPV and blood was collected using in-dwelling jugular catheters; plasma specimens were collected and analyzed for MDPV levels, as well as for levels of its two major metabolites MDPV catechol and 3-methyl MDPV catechol see Figure 8 following different doses and times of administration. A positive correlation was found between plasma concentration of MDPV and both drug-induced locomotor activity and stereotypy, but not with metabolite levels. In fact, where metabolite levels were at their maximum, locomotor activity and stereotypy were at their lowest; it was speculated that the metabolites might even exert effects that suppress motor activity Anizan et al. Wander S. In the U. Thus, their therapeutic ratio is very high and therefore unexpectedly favorable pg. MDPV is the most potent substance in this series and, as such, the projected dose would probably be 2 to 10 mg total dose for human consumption. In comparison, the U. Thus, humans might currently use or abuse doses of MDPV that are approximately 2 to 10 times higher than those envisioned by the inventors of this drug. Lastly, Table 3 indicates that MDPV is approximately 10 times more potent than racemic amphetamine as a stimulant and exhibits a more favorable therapeutic ratio. Other procedures, however, have also been employed such as wheel-running and rotorod performance. The major advantages of the latter procedures are that they provide very stable baselines of activity to study the effects of drugs and the results of such studies are very reproducible. In general, evaluation of this behavior falls into two categories: automated monitoring including radio-telemetry of behavior and direct observational techniques. A widely used device to investigate the behavioral reaction of an animal to a drug is an enclosed chamber that is equipped with photo- or infrared-beams. It has been argued, however, that animals show a behavioral repertoire in an arena that is infinitely richer than simply an overall tally of breaks of beams e. A typical study consisted of an animal placed in an unfamiliar novel or familiar habituated enclosure, surrounded by one set for floor-plane movement of beams. The FOB emphasizes visual observation of animals to categorize a range of behaviors that includes ataxia, exploration, convulsions, circling, hyperactivity, salivation, head weaving, head circling, compulsive stereotypic behavior and movements, and stimulation. They are only considered as stereotyped when they occur at a frequency that is several times the normal frequency. An early study by Fuwa et al. In other studies, Marusich et al. Mice significantly increased their beam breaks at all doses of each drug but the lack of no effect doses precluded the possibility of potency comparisons. Gatch et al. Lastly, Gatch et al. Baumann et al. Measurements included distance traveled and stereotypy repeated interruption of the same photocell beam within 2 sec. MDPV 0. Kaizaki et al. Both drugs significantly increased motor actions. Wakabayashi et al. Thereafter, animals received 4 injections over 20 seconds of either MDPV 0. Lastly, Kiyatkin et al. Fantegrossi et al. Aarde et al. Motor measurement was counts per minute of changes in signal strength from radio-telemetry transmitter relative to baseline 30 min pre-injection. In addition, stereotypy repetitive licking, biting or sniffing was evaluated for MDPV under both response contingent self-administration and non-contingent administration of MDPV 0. In a follow-up study, Aarde et al. Both drugs, at 1. In their follow-up study, Marusich et al. For over a century now, animals have been observed and documented to engage in voluntary wheel-running and many studies have utilized this activity to model the effects of exercise on health for review, see Sherwin Moreover, no consensus of opinion exists as to why this behavior occurs or what function it serves Collier et al. For example, wheel-running has been suggested to reflect self-reinforcement, exploration, general activity, escape behavior, stereotypic activity, play behavior, adrenal gland activity, and body weight maintenance Mason Huang et al. Moreover, stereotypy e. In contrast to those actions, MDMA produced only dose-related decreased wheel running and an absence of stereotypy. The rotorod procedure is used to assess neuromuscular coordination or balance. Typically, rodents are trained to maintain themselves for a specified period of time on a rotating rod rotorod moving at a constant e. In order to stay on the rod, the animal must walk in a direction opposite to the direction of rotation. Groups of animals that have demonstrated the ability to negotiate the rod for a specified period of time e. Subjects that failed to stay on the rotorod for the specified test duration would be considered to have suffered loss of coordination or have neuromuscular impairment ataxia. MDPV produced negligible effects on temperature in comparison to the hyperthermia produced by methamphetamine. In addition, the effects on body temperature of MDPV 0. In contrast, Fantegrossi et al. In other studies, King et al. MDPV produced marked hyperthermia in both strains of rats although more variability in temperature response was noted in LEW than in F animals. Merluzzi et al. MDPV generally decreased the body temperature of adolescent rats and increased the body temperature of adult rats. Kiyatkin et al. Lastly, Aarde et al. Both drugs produced definitive trends toward decreased body temperature i. Drug self-administration procedures are designed to assess the reinforcement reward properties of a drug and the most frequently used method employs animals that are implanted with a venous catheter and then trained to perform an operant response, usually presses of a lever, to obtain injections of drug. Over the years, such tests in non-human animals have been shown to be valid and reliable indicators of abuse liability of drugs in humans; animals will self-administer most drugs that are abused by humans e. Later, Aarde et al. Dose response studies indicated that MDPV 0. In a follow-up study, Aarde and colleagues a successfully trained separate groups of rats to self-administer i. Rats trained to 0. Also, Aarde et al b trained separate groups of rats to self-administer i. Lastly, Schindler et al. Subsequent dose-response tests indicated that both drugs displayed an inverted U-shaped dose effect function for self-administered injections per session. MDPV doses of 0. In comparison, peak infusions of 0. Because the subject has direct control of the response and is able to self-administer the brain stimulation, the response in these situations is generally referred to as intracranial self-stimulation ICSS. Watterson et al. In a later study, Watterson et al. In other studies, Bonano et al. Lastly, Bonano et al. Such results strongly suggest some differential mechanisms of action for MDPV in comparison to cocaine in the facilitation of ICSS in the medial forebrain bundle. Conditioned place preference CPP experiments can provide data on the reinforcement or reward effects of known or potential drugs of abuse. In this procedure, animals receive a dose of drug or vehicle and are placed into 1 of 2 sides of a distinct environmental chamber; typically, chambers differ in visual e. Drug is always paired with one of the chambers and vehicle with the other. Drug treatments and environmental conditions are continued over the course of several days, which creates associations between treatment and environment. Subsequently, a test day is conducted on which no treatment is administered and animals are allowed access to both environments. Karlsson et al. King et al. In a follow-up study, King et al. MDPV 1. Also, King et al. Drug discrimination procedures are designed to evaluate the subjective effects of drugs in animals Glennon and Young, In a typical experiment, subjects are trained to discriminate a dose of training drug from vehicle usually saline in a two-lever operant procedure. Once trained, stimulus generalization substitution or recognition tests can be conducted. Such tests are used to determine the similarity of the stimulus i. The challenge drug can be a different dose of the training drug i. Stimulus generalization also may involve the administration of novel test or challenge drugs to the trained animals. For example, doses of a test drug can be administered to the trained animals to determine similarity of stimulus internal effects. However, a training drug may partially generalize to a test drug because there is stimulus effects that are common to both the dose of training drug and the test drug but complete stimulus generalization will not occur because the overlap of pharmacological effects is incomplete. In another study, Gatch et al. Later, Gatch et al. Naylor et al. In other studies, Harvey and Baker trained separate groups of rats to discriminate 1. Lastly, Gannon et al. In some animals, stereotyped behavior included picking of the skin, sometimes to the degree of self-mutilation. Such results occurred with mice and rats injected with these drugs via different routes of administration and under novel or familiar environments. These results suggest some similarity and some difference in stimulus effects and, consequently, mechanisms of action between the two drugs. As such, when MDPV is employed as training drug, its stimulus effects are predominately if not solely mediated by catecholamine-induced actions. When MDMA is administered as test drug, its catecholamine-mediated stimulant component to its mechanism of action is sufficient at some dose to achieve MDPV-like stimulus generalization. However, when MDMA is employed as training drug, its stimulus effects are mediated mainly by serotonin-induced and, to a lesser extent, catecholamine-induced actions. When MDPV is administered as test drug, only partial MDMA-like generalization occurs because MDPV has the catecholamine component but is mostly devoid of the serotonin component, which precludes the occurrence of complete stimulus generalization. Although both agents had been previously reported in the patent literature with valid therapeutic claims, for one reason or another they were never really exploited by pharma. However, these early findings were, seemingly, recently exploited by clandestine chemists. This led to a flurry of activity to better understand the actions and mechanism of action of what are now termed synthetic cathinones. The nomenclature of the synthetic cathinones has presented a problem. Various chemical terms have been used to describe them both in the patent and scientific literature. Certain synthetic cathinones have roots that are years old; however, the term cathinone only appeared 40 years ago and the term synthetic cathinone is even more recent Glennon, Today, it is recognized that, depending on the substituents present in the molecule, synthetic cathinones can act either as releasing agents i. Current studies are aimed at understanding the structure-activity relationships required for these actions and selectivity. Synthetic cathinones undergo a variety of routes of metabolism. The contribution of metabolites of synthetic cathinones to their abuse-related actions or side effects remains largely unexplored. The behavioral effects of certain synthetic cathinones have been extensively investigated; the behavioral actions of many others have not. Public Health Services grants DA As a library, NLM provides access to scientific literature. Brain Res Bull. Author manuscript; available in PMC Feb Richard A. Glennon and Richard Young. PMC Copyright notice. Open in a separate window. Figure 1. Figure 2. Chemical structures of amphetamine, methamphetamine, cocaine, and pyrovalerone. Structure-activity Relationships In electrophysiological studies, MDPV produced cocaine-like hyperpolarization of Xenopus laevis oocytes transfected with hDAT; hyperpolarization is the signature of a DA reuptake inhibitor. Table 1 Effect of pyrrolidinophenones on inhibition of synaptosomal monoamine transporters Marusich et al. Metabolism An understanding of the metabolism of synthetic cathinones is valuable not only for anti-doping and forensic purposes, but to also assist with the identification of metabolites that could potentially retain abuse potential and require additional pharmacological evaluation. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Novel Environment An early study by Fuwa et al. Familiar Environment Baumann et al. Radio-Telemetry Fantegrossi et al. Wheel-Running For over a century now, animals have been observed and documented to engage in voluntary wheel-running and many studies have utilized this activity to model the effects of exercise on health for review, see Sherwin Rotorod The rotorod procedure is used to assess neuromuscular coordination or balance. Self Administration Drug self-administration procedures are designed to assess the reinforcement reward properties of a drug and the most frequently used method employs animals that are implanted with a venous catheter and then trained to perform an operant response, usually presses of a lever, to obtain injections of drug. Conditioned Place Preference Conditioned place preference CPP experiments can provide data on the reinforcement or reward effects of known or potential drugs of abuse. Drug Discrimination Drug discrimination procedures are designed to evaluate the subjective effects of drugs in animals Glennon and Young, The novel recreational drug 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone MDPV is a potent psychomotor stimulant: Self-administration and locomotor activity in rats. Binge-like acquisition of 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone MDPV self-administration and wheel activity in rats. Flakka becoming more popular than cocaine in South Florida. The Fix, June 15, Adorjan; Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH. French patent. Linear pharmacokinetics of 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone MDPV and its metabolites in the rat: relationship to pharmacodynamic effects. Addict Biol. GB British Patent. Effects of the neuropeptide S receptor antagonist RTI on abuse-related facilitation of intracranial self-stimulation produced by cocaine and methylenedioxypyrovalerone MDPV in rats. Eur J Pharmacol. Bath salts components mephedrone and methylenedioxypyrovalerone MDPV act synergistically at the human dopamine transporter. Br J Pharmacol. Synthesis and biological evaluation of bupropion analogues as potential pharmacotherapies for cocaine addiction. J Med Chem. Metabolism of amphetamine and arylisopropylamines. Amphetamine and its Analogs. Psychopharmacology, Toxicology, and Abuse. Academic Press; San Diego: Activity patterns in rats Rattus norvegicus as a function of the cost of access to four resources. J Comp Psychol. Substituted methcathinones differ in transporter and receptor interactions. Biochem Pharmacol. Microdialysis study of drug effects on central nervous system. Changes of dopamine levels in mice striatum after oral administration of methylenedioxypyrovalerone Ann Rep Tokyo Metrop Inst Public Health. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. Comparative behavioral pharmacology of three pyrrolidine-containing synthetic cathinone derivatives. Behav Pharmacol. Bath salts, mephedrone, and methylenedioxypyrovalerone as emerging illicit drugs that will need targeted therapeutic intervention. Adv Pharmacol. Wiley; Hoboken: Forensic Sci Int. Benzodiazepine self-administration in animals and humans: a comprehensive literature review. CH Dr A Wander A. Contrasting effects of d-methamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone, and 4-methylmethcathinone on wheel activity in rats. Drug Alcohol Depend. New recreational drug 1-phenyl 1-pyrrolidinyl pentanone alpha-PVP activates central nervous system via dopaminergic neuron. J Toxicol Sci. Mephedrone, methylone and 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone MDPV induce conditioned place preference in mice. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. Sex differences in 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone MDPV -induced taste avoidance and place preferences. Effects of social interaction and warm ambient temperature on brain hyperthermia induced by the designer drugs methylone and MDPV. ACS Chem Neurosci. Stereoselective actions of methylenedioxypyrovalerone MDPV to inhibit dopamine and norepinephrine transporters and facilitate intracranial self-stimulation in rats. U S Patent. German patent. Stereotypies: a critical review. Anim Behav. Age dependent MDPV-induced taste aversions and thermoregulation in adolescent and adult rats. Dev Psychobiol. J Mass Spec. Metabolism of pyrovalerone hydrochloride. Discriminative stimulus effects of second generation synthetic cathinones in methamphetamine-trained rats. Anal Bioanal Chem. Self-administration of drugs in animals and humans as a model and an investigative tool. J Mass Spectrom. US Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Biberach an der Riss; Germany: Compositions and methods for stimulating the central nervous system and increasing the blood pressure. Voluntary wheel running: a review and novel interpretation. Forensic Toxicol. Pharmacological characterization of designer cathinones in vitro. Metabolism of the new designer drug alpha-pyrrolidinopropiophenone PPP and the toxicological detection of PPP and 4-methyl-alpha-pyrrolidinopropiophenone MPPP studied in rat urine using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. J Chromatog B. Rapid Commun Mass Spect. Vergleichende pharmakologische Untersuchung eines neuen zentralen Stimulans, 1-p-Tolyloxopyrrolidino-n-pentan-HC1. Arzneim Forsch Arzneimittel-Forsch. What is flakka aka gravel and why is it more dangerous than cocaine? Special to CNN May 26, , and online. Testing for designer stimulants: metabolic profiles of 16 synthetic cathinones excreted free in human urine. J Anal Toxicol. Mouse mutants studied by means of ethological methods I. Intracranial self-stimulation: Animal models of drug addiction. New York: Humana Press; Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. List of Prohibited Substances and Methofs. Cathinone and its analogues e. Copy Download.

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