A2 Media Studies: September 2020

A2 Media Studies: September 2020

The uses and gratification theory (UGT) is an approach to understanding why and how people actively look for specific media to satisfy specific needs. Identify - having the ability to recognise the product or person in front of you, role versions that reflect similar ideals to yours or aspiration to be someone else. Cognitive - having the ability to acquire information, understanding and understanding. Entertain - what they are consuming should provide pleasure and a form of escapism, enabling an audience to temporarily just forget about their concerns. This could be applied through music videos, a form of media text, as people are likely to watch these video clips and feel much better about themselves, their lives or feel motivated to accomplish better because of the video they watched. Many examples of this might be charity video clips, such as for example One Direction's One Way Or Another rendition made for Comic Comfort. People select music videos that not merely fit one's particular feeling but also in attempts to show empowerment or various other socially conscience motives. This can be reflected through the genre of the music and what type of video they're choosing to view.

This video is normally a parody becuase it requires an orginal track and then adjustments the lyrics to make them funnier and also changes the video to make it more funnier to the audience. In this video they modification Kesha's song 'Tik Tok' and helps it be more funnier. click the next webpage of using commericals and increases infulence the music video, including the Dark Eyed Peas 'Where may be the love' make use of the idea of branding within their music video to impact people, they hand out leaflets, place flyers on walls and show an image of a question tag to ask where may be the love? This video can be a allusion which means that it is discussing something, Referencing can be like a pastiche nonetheless it doesnt plan to be funny. It is inspired by the additional media product, either if its a film, book or TV show.

For most famous guitarists of all time in the music video made by Thirty Mere seconds To Mars 'The kill' It provides taken inspiration from the film 'The Shinning' Without the original item and film the music video would have probably never been made, its purpose is usually to be motivated by the different media product and use it to make their very own recreation of it. For instance in this music video they use a picture of the bear scene in both the film and also the music video, they consider elements from the film and place it into their music video but just a little different. The usage of abstract in music videos makes them more interesting and in addition makes them surreal and shows the audience points that could not happen in real life, it is an artistic flavor on real life. In my own example in the ‘Of monsters and men Small Talks’ tune video, it runs on the combination of real life and animation, thus giving the music video a surreal experience to it and that it would not happen in real life.

This video gives off a dreamlike world and makes the viewer feel just like it’s a 2D world. Interpretive music videos are where in fact the lyrics for the melody lets you know exactly what is going on in the music video, For example the Lonely Island ' Im On a boat'. On a Boat' and the whole lyrics describe whatis going on in each shot of the video. All these kinds of music videos are just video interpretations of the lyrics, that is why they are therefore called Interpretive music videos. In this music video they are singing about getting on a boat throughout most of the song, because they are standing on a boat. In addition they use more interpretive imagery in the music video, for example in the song he sings, 'Ive got my swim trunks and my flippy floppies' and it displays him sat down waving his flip flops. A impressionist is normally where they take motivation from lots of different sources in the mass media, or simply an idea that they have on something.

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