A short history of TONCommunity.org

A short history of TONCommunity.org

Tooz Wu

This post is a short review of TONCommunity.org Project history.

March and April 2019: Telegram Blockchain project TON-test-network was launched. A few developers received test invitations and my good friend John Deo developed and released TON’s first blockchain wallet, Gram50 wallet.

May 2019: with the in-depth research of the project, Tooz Wu translated the TON White Paper written by Dr. Nikolai Durov into Chinese. 

June 2019: The @ton_research community was established, which became the first-ton global community, where people interested in TON could gather to talk. I met developers and enthusiasts who love TON-tech here. For example, Mr. Fedor Skuratov (@teodorix) later launched TCF (TON Community Foundation); Seitaro Higuchi (@Rulon), and @ tolyayanot later launched the toncenter project and led the newton project; @AntonioMarreti, whose enthusiasm for Telegram and TON is unforgettable, many people learn about TON through his @infoton channel; @uniskor later won the TON Blockchain Contest award and built ton.ms and a ton faucet bot with the community; @skywinder, the community founder of @ton_research, connected early ton global developers and contributors.

July 2019: the TON Chinese Community held TON Fans offline meetup in Shanghai, China. 

September 2019: Gram50 wallet interface was optimized to enable users to easily experience the TON testing network.

01.10.2019: TON’s intelligent contract language fift white paper.

11.02.2020: The TCF (TON Community Foundation) was founded with initial members as early TON contributors. TCF included members from more than 20 countries and more than 60 organizations, including Coindesk correspondent Anna Baydakova. The goal was to help Telegram Group Inc. & TON Issuer Inc launch TON network. (member list here https://ton-foundation.org/members.html)

25.03.2020: The TCF members discussed and proposed that TCF launch TON. Toozwu proposed that TCF launch TON Network and give all the Grams of Genesis Block to Grams as a gift to avoid the Howey test. 

01.04.2020: Telegram Group Inc. & TON Issuer Inc were inspected by SEC. 

05.04.2020: a large number of external members interested in TON wanted to join the TCF. 

08.04.2020: members of the TCF community discussed the admission conditions for new members and the establishment of a governance committee. At the same time, TON Labs, a TON ecosysteam company, invited employees to join the community to occupy the right to vote in the community was opposed by the community. 

09.04.2020: @teodorix launched the proposal: New Members acceptance proposal voting. See Details above. Vote for or against. 

Option A: For ; Option B: Against 

15.04.2020: the community defined the vote as a “TON Labs vs. community” case. The result of the vote was 29/60 votes, of which 23 voted for and 6 against (4 of which were TON Labs employees).

15.04.2020: TON Labs Executives quits TCF (TON Community Foundation); TCF launched self test network.

15.05.2020: Telegram CEO Pavel Durov announces the end of TON.

30.05.2020: TONCommunity.org was established and announced the launch of its testing network.

25.07.2020: TONCommunity.org inviting the TON testnet2 validator join TONCommunity.org Test Network.

31.07.2020: An airdrop event was started. Any Telegram users could get the TONCommunity.org main network coin——TONcoins.

06.08.2020: The English community held its first AMA event to answer questions on the vision and background introduction of the TONCommunity.org

11.08.2020: Twitter user airdrop was held, inviting Twitter users to experience the TONCommunity.org Test Network.

18.08.2020: TONCommunity.org released new Lite Paper and roadmap and also released TONToken, with a launch auction where 105000 TONToken were auctioned and the proceeds to be donated to ETH Foundation.

29.02.2020: The auction ended, with a total of 88 participants, receiving 24.27ETH, with a maximum auction ratio of 1:40000.

23.08.2020: Host Creative Contest.

28.08.2020: It was announced that it would accept donations from the community.

09.09.2020: Atotal of 62 works were received at the end of the Creative Contest, with awards of 120000 TONToken.

10.09.2020: Data summary of the test network:1️⃣Test network address: 14870 2️⃣Test network translations: 61251 3️⃣iOS APP Download: 1051 4️⃣Community Channel: 32647 5️⃣Community Group Member: 9897.

11.09.2020: Loopring founding team invests <TONCommunity.org> project

(Still go on…)

Love Telegram Love TON and thanks community supporter.

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