A preventive event was held on the topic "Prevention and fight against crime among young people".

A preventive event was held on the topic "Prevention and fight against crime among young people".

Today, it is no secret that youth education has become one of the urgent issues of state policy. At the heart of all the positive changes taking place in our country, our priority is to take care of the young generation, who is physically healthy, mentally mature, capable of independent and creative thinking, and has high intellectual potential.

Today, a preventive event was held at the Palace of Culture of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute on the topic "Prevention and fight against crime among young people". Otabek Orinboyev, head of the Department of Crime and Offense Prevention of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Fergana region, rector of the institute Oktam Salomov, 1st vice-rector Sh. Dehkanov, faculty deans and students took part in this event.

 The event was opened by the rector of the institute, O'Salomov, with a speech aimed at the changes in the legal system in our country, the causes of crime, prevention of crime, drug addiction and other negative diseases among young people.

During this event, Otabek Orinboyev, head of the Department of Criminality and Offense Prevention of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Fergana region, gave a presentation to the participants on "Prevention of crime among unorganized youth and work to combat crime."

At the end of the event, students received answers to their questions from experts.

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