A patent application has been filed in MEXICO.

A patent application has been filed in MEXICO.

Dilan Mirror Team

We continue to actively work on patenting in different countries, and a new patent application has already been filed in Mexico.

Demand for classes: fitness, dancing, shopping in Mexico:

1.The growing fitness market.

The market volume of health and fitness clubs is estimated at 98.14 billion US dollars in 2023. It is projected to reach 172.95 billion US dollars by 2028, and the average annual growth rate will be 12.00% during the forecast period (2023-2028). 

Consumers are willing to spend more on wellness and fitness clubs, with health aspects playing a key role in the growth of the global market. 

The sudden surge in online courses further contributes to the growth of the market.

2. Increasing the number of fitness centers:

For example, in January 2022, Planet Fitness Inc. announced the signing of a definitive agreement to acquire Sunshine Fitness Growth Holdings LLC, owner and operator of more than 100 Planet Fitness fitness clubs in the southeastern United States, in a $800 million cash and stock transaction. Consequently, all these factors contribute to accelerating the growth of the wellness and fitness clubs market in this region.

The most active companies in the market include Planet Fitness, The Bay Club Company, Equinox Holdings Inc., Self Esteem Brand and Town Sports International Holdings, Inc.

3. The popularity of fitness apps:

Online applications have millions of active users.

Their use has increased significantly during the pandemic.

Dancing classes

Growing interest:

The global Dance Studio software market is expected to grow from US$2.57 billion in 2023 to US$5.61 billion by 2030, with an average annual growth rate of 11.8% during the forecast period.

 Social network:

Instagram Facebook, TikTok, and social networks promote dance challenges and video tutorials.

Festivals and competitions:

There are many dance festivals and competitions in Mexico that increase interest in dancing classes. 

The market for buying and selling things in stores: 

Retail trade:

High disposable income leads to high retail growth.

 The retail and consumer goods sector is one of the industries that has the potential to surpass Mexico's national average growth in the future. Mexico's retail market is likely to grow by an average of 5% by 2028.

Sales of clothing and accessories are expected to grow strongly in Mexico:

Mexico is a key supplier of textiles and clothing to the United States and sends most of its textile and clothing exports to the United States.

Offline retail:

- Shopping malls and shops become centers of experience by offering interactive

zones and entertainment areas.

The Mexican market of fitness and dance, wellness centers is actively developing. Trade is showing significant growth. 

An economic and investment overview of Mexico, or why is doing business there a great idea?

Mexico's economy is an export-oriented emerging market economy. GDP.$1.322 trillion (nominal, 2022) $2.890 trillion (PPP, 2022). GDP growth (prospects) 3.9% per year 


Mexico's economy is based on three main areas: oil, tourism, and remittances from Mexican citizens living abroad. Mexico has the second largest economy in Latin America and is a major producer and exporter of oil.

Investment opportunities:

Mexico is an open, stable, competitive economy offering interesting opportunities for investors. 

An attractive country in many areas, in particular in the service and manufacturing sectors. 

The consumer market: 

About 81% of Mexico's exports (and 30% of its GDP) are manufactured goods.

Today, Mexico is a competitive global producer of high—quality products and has trade agreements with 44 countries around the world - more than any other country in the world.  

The technology sector:

Financial technology companies are a rapidly growing sector both around the world in general and in Latin America in particular. In 2021, Latin American startups received a record $13.5 billion in funding.

More than 440 fintechs are currently located in Mexico, including Nubank, Kavak and Clip, which provide over 60 thousand jobs. And Mexico City is becoming the fintech center of Latin America, attracting countless well-known and start-up companies.

Over 75% of the Mexican population uses mobile devices, and about 80 million people use the Internet (and their number is constantly growing). 


Mexico City is the capital of Mexico, the political, economic, industrial and cultural center of the state. The second most populated agglomeration after Tokyo (Greater Tokyo); according to the UN report WUP2003, 19.72 million inhabitants live on its territory. This city occupies a leading position in the world in terms of the number of inhabitants. The official language is Spanish.

Mexico City is considered the cultural capital of all Latin America. This largest city in the world and the oldest in the New World amazes with an abundance of monuments of the pre-Spanish and colonial past.

Mexico has more than 128,000 km of highways, 76 airports, and a large number of ports. Car freight from the manufacturing regions of Mexico to anywhere in the continental United States can be carried out within 24 hours.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI):

Foreign direct investment in Mexico may exceed a record $36 billion this year.

Foreign investors have invested $35.058 billion in the Mexican economy. The growth in relation to the same indicator for 2022 amounted to 27%. According to published data, the main investor is the United States, which accounts for 38% of the total volume of FDI.

Sectors for investment:

Automotive industry: 

Today, Mexico is the 5th largest exporter and the 6th largest manufacturer of passenger cars in the world.

84 of the 100 largest manufacturers of automotive components have production facilities in Mexico: 26% from the United States, 31% from Japan and 23% from Germany.

Multimillion-dollar investments in the automotive industry came to Mexico from companies such as General Motors, Ford, Honda, Mazda, Nissan, Chrysler/FIAT, Audi, VW, BMW.

Aerospace industry:

There is also one popular area for foreign investment in Mexico. 

Mexico (the world leader in the aerospace industry), its average annual growth rate over the past 10 years has been about 20%. 271 companies and more than 40 thousand highly qualified employees are currently working in this field. 

The real estate sector:

In recent years, there has been an influx of foreign investment in real estate in the developing tourist regions of Mexico.  

Information technology:

Mexico's booming IT sector represents a receptive market for Russian software solutions, cybersecurity services and technological innovations.

Agriculture and food industry:

The diversity of Mexico's agricultural lands and the developed food industry present many opportunities for Russian agricultural companies.


Mexico's construction sector is booming due to urbanization and infrastructure development.

Resources and links:




The development of our company will help businesses increase sales and increase customer loyalty to their brands due to the unique consumer experience and practicality of this equipment.

In summary, we understand that Mexico itself, and the areas in which we are effective, are actively developing there and need us.

We also know, based on figures, research and experience, that our invention will make a splash. Join the project, let's achieve global success together!

During the consideration of the application, a formal and substantive examination will be carried out, during which the presence of signs of patentability of the proposed technical solution is established. Based on the results of the examination, it is predicted that a decision will be made to grant a national patent in Mexico for the invention.

The patenting of the invention "IMAGING SYSTEM, MADE WITH the POSSIBILITY OF PROVIDING IMAGES OF THE FRONT AND BACK SIDES OF THE SUBJECT" in Mexico is carried out on the basis of an international application for an innovative technical solution PCT/FR2023/050078 dated 20/01/2023, filed at the French Institute of Intellectual Property (INPI) and published on 07/27/2023 on the INPI portal: link- https://data.inpi.fr/brevets/WO2023139337?q=Dilan%20Vasile#W02023139337

with the number WO2023139337

Sincerely, the Dilan Mirror team.

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