A new fail proof File System

A new fail proof File System


IPFS, otherwise known as InterPlanetary File System, is an innovative data storage and communication protocol that has the potential to completely revolutionize the way data is stored and shared on the internet. IPFS has been described as a "distributed, versioned, content-addressable file system", and it seeks to replace the traditional web hosting system. By utilizing a peer-to-peer (P2P) network rather than a web server, IPFS works without relying on the physical infrastructure of the internet. This makes the protocol more resilient, secure, and private than traditional web hosting (Enck, 2020).

IPFS operates in a decentralized manner, meaning that there is no single point of control that can be used to manipulate data. Instead, the data is stored across multiple computers, known as "nodes", meaning that there is no risk of a single node failing and taking down the entire system. This also means that data can be stored redundantly and a single node cannot be targeted by malicious actors or government actors.

In order to access a file or web page stored in IPFS, instead of the traditional web address, a user would search for the file's hash value. This hash is a unique identifier which is determined by the contents of the file, meaning that two different files would have different hashes even if they had the same name. This ensures data integrity, meaning that a file is not changed without its unique hash value also changing. 

IPFS also has numerous features which make it attractive for web development. For example, IPFS supports version control, meaning that developers can easily keep track of changes affected to a file or page. IPFS also provides a distributed form of hosting, meaning that the content is hosted by multiple nodes on the network, meaning there are no single points of failure (Dunkley, 2019).

In conclusion, InterPlanetary File System is a revolutionary protocol that has the potential to revolutionize the way data is stored and shared online. By utilizing a distributed network and unique hash identifiers, IPFS provides levels of security, privacy, and data integrity that are far superior to that available via traditional web hosting. 


Dunkley, C. (2019). What Is IPFS & How Will It Help Decentralize The Web? Blockchain, 10(2), 1-2. 

Enck, W. (2020). What is IPFS? Understanding InterPlanetary File System. Retrieved 4 June 2021, from https://www.imperva.com/blog/what-is-ipfs-understanding-interplanetary-file-system/

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