A new beginning is like a blank page in a book waiting to be filled with words.

A new beginning is like a blank page in a book waiting to be filled with words.


'A new beginning is like a blank page in a book waiting to be filled with words. Just as a book needs an author to write it, our lives need a creator to design them. And just as a book is more than a collection of words, our lives are more than a collection of events. They are stories waiting to be told.

The story of our lives is always unfolding. Sometimes the plot thickens and the pages turn quickly. Other times, it seems like we are stuck on the same chapter for years. But even when it feels like we are stuck, the story is still moving forward. It is always moving forward.

The beauty of a new beginning is that it gives us a chance to start fresh. It is a chance to write a new story, a story that is more beautiful than the one that came before.

This Sunday, we are going to talk about new beginnings. We are going to talk about how to start fresh and how to write a new story for our lives.

It is said that every ending is a new beginning. In the Bible, we see this truth played out over and over again. From the very beginning, God promised His people a new beginning. After the fall, He promised Eve that her offspring would one day crush the head of the serpent (Genesis 3:15). When Noah and his family stepped out of the Ark, they were given a new beginning (Genesis 8:15-19). When the Israelites left Egypt, they were given a new beginning (Exodus 12:1-14). And when we come to Christ, we are given a new beginning (2 Corinthians 5:17).

This Sunday, we are going to look at the topic of new beginnings. Specifically, we will look at how submissive women and alpha males can find new beginnings in Christ.

First, let's look at the definition of 'submissive.' A submissive person is someone who is willing to submit to the authority of another. In the context of marriage, a submissive wife is one who is willing to submit to the authority of her husband. She is not a doormat; rather, she is someone who recognizes the God-given authority of her husband and willingly follows his lead.

Now, let's look at the definition of 'alpha male.' An alpha male is a man who is confident, assertive, and in control. He is the leader of the pack. In the context of marriage, an alpha male husband is one who takes the initiative and leads his family. He is not a tyrannical dictator; rather, he is a loving and compassionate leader who sets the tone for his home.

So, how can submissive women and alpha males find new beginnings in Christ? First, they need to realize that they are not perfect. Just as Eve was not perfect, and Noah was not perfect, and the Israelites were not perfect, we are not perfect. We all make mistakes, and we all need the grace of God.

Second, they need to realize that Christ is the perfect Alpha Male. He is the perfect example of what it means to be a loving and compassionate leader. He is the perfect example of what it means to be confident, assertive, and in control. When we submit to His authority, we will find new beginnings.

Third, they need to realize that Christ is the perfect example of submission. He willingly submitted to the authority of His Father, even though it cost Him His life. When we submit to His authority, we will find new beginnings.

Fourth, they need to realize that, in Christ, they are both equal. In Christ, there is no longer any difference between male and female (Galatians 3:28). We are all equal in His eyes. When we submit to His authority, and when we follow His example, we will find new beginnings.

Finally, they need to realize that, in Christ, they are both loved. In Christ, we are all loved unconditionally (John 3:16). No matter what we have done, or what we will do, Christ loves us. When we submit to His authority, and when we follow His example, we will find new beginnings.

So, this Sunday, let us all remember that, in Christ, we are given new beginnings. Let us submit to His authority, and let us follow His example. And let us remember that, no matter what we have done, or what we will do, Christ loves us unconditionally.

We all have a story to tell. And it is never too late to start telling it.

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