A letter from ‘Brother Ngog’ in prison

A letter from ‘Brother Ngog’ in prison

Translated by Guardians of Hong Kong

Dear fellow brothers and sisters,

How are you? I have parted with the outside world for almost three months now. First of all, thank you for the birthday wishes and letters. I am touched. I saw the advertisement on Apple Daily that wished me a happy birthday and the handmade birthday card with Tai Mo Shan as background. I really appreciate the effort. Thanks so much!

Second, on behalf of other fellow brothers and sisters behind bars, please allow me to thank you all for not forgetting us. We really appreciate your kindness.

Just as the song “The Timekilling Factory” says, “In the long night, the letter in your hand can save you”. Every time I get letters from the outside world, I feel so touched. I thank you all for taking the time to write to us.

If you have spare time, please go support your fellow brothers and sisters that are facing trial by attending their trials in court in the future. They have sacrificed their youth for their freedom for Hong Kong. Its their blood and flesh. Please support them.

Let’s talk about my situation. The food in prison is still flavourless, but I will slowly get used to it. Besides vocational training and classes, I mostly spend my time reading and working out. I try to stay optimistic for what's ahead. I originally thought that I would have mooncake for Mid-Autumn Festival and be able to vote in prison. But in the end, I didn’t have the chance. The news here is relatively up to date. At least there is Apple Daily to read, the radio to listen and state-run TVB news to watch. I still have a thread of connection to the outside world.

If you have spare time, please feel free to write to me and be my pen pal to relieve the boredom of prison. Your letters are all very interesting and strange and wonderful. There are recipes for baking cakes, news reports, updates, jokes, Sudoku, riddles, stories and so on. I have to remind you guys: if you want a reply, please write a return address. Thank you.

Lastly, I want to tell you all, “Only the steadfast soul can stay true to oneself.”

I wish you all health and all the best!






#5201314 #SeeYouInTheHill


There is a confirmed case of the Wuhan Pneumonia in the Pik Uk Prison nearby. It also affects the Pik Uk Correctional Institution. Take care.

Today there is also a mass arrest in Kowloon. The corrupted cops are hunting down innocent citizens! I saw you guys on the TV and were very worried. I hope you guys will be safe and can get home early!

Writer's note

Today is the anniversary of Brother Ngog being beaten up and arrested. I happen to receive his reply. There is some time lag of the content. Please bear with us.


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