A guide on how to get rewards for contributing to the liquidity pool on DeDust.io.

A guide on how to get rewards for contributing to the liquidity pool on DeDust.io.


How do I add my tokens to the liquidity pool on DeDust.io?

When adding a liquidity position, for this example, we will use a non-custodial Tonkeeper wallet and a $KINGY token. We will be adding to the liquidity pool in the $KINGY/TON pair on the DEX exchange DeDust.io.

In the pool of liquidity is added pair: Token (token in the network TON) and $TON itself, in equal proportion, according to the current exchange rate on the exchange DeDust.io, for example, we will add 100 $KINGY, the interface of the exchange we will automatically set the values of the number of $TON required to add liquidity

*When adding and withdrawing a liquid pair a commission is charged, so it is desirable to leave >=1 $TON on the wallet, the commission is much less.

So, all you need to add tokens to the liquidity pool:

1. Tonkeeper app where you logged into your wallet using 24 secret words (seed phrase)

2. Tokens that you are going to add to the liquidity pool on your wallet balance (If you don't have tokens, you can purchase them on dedust.io in the swap section).

3- The $TON balance on your wallet must be at least the value of the tokens you want to add to the liquidity pool

Let's get down to business, first we log into the TonKeeper app, and look for the browser section at the bottom of the app (as shown in the screenshot)

Instructions for searching for extensions

Next, go to search and type in the domain dedust.io (or scroll down a bit and find the DeFi section).

Exchange Search.

Before the following actions it is necessary to make sure that your wallet is linked to the exchange (it is necessary in order to conduct operations with the wallet), in case in the upper right corner there is not your wallet address but the word "Wallets", it should be linked by clicking on this word. (wallets).

After we have entered DEX-exchange we go to the Pools section (there are two possible buttons to enter the sections, shown on the screenshot).

Looking for liquidity pools

After going to the liquidity pools, we see the $KINGY/TON pool in the second place. It is necessary to click on this pool so that we can replenish it and get a part of the reward.

Go to the desired liquidity pool.

Once we have gone to the pool we want, we need to click on the "Deposit" button, so we can replenish liquidity and receive rewards for providing it.

Moving on to liquidity replenishment

Now you have two ways to do this:

Enter the amount of $TON you want to add to liquidity, or enter the amount of $KINGY you want to add to liquidity

In either case, the second part of the pair will be calculated automatically.

Putting it in the pool.

IMPORTANT: the amount of tokens in $ and the amount of TON invested in the liquidity pool should be the same in dollar equivalent, for example: if you have only tokens and no TON, it will be impossible to provide liquidity. Buy 50% of your desired token in advance if you want to throw it into liquidity.

It is necessary to exchange tokens not for all tokens, it is necessary to leave 1 TON for commissions (commissions will be less)

The exchange interface will ask you to confirm whether you really want to add the given amount of $TON and $KINGY to the liquidity pool, if everything is correct - agree by clicking Confirm.

Next, already the wallet will require you to confirm the transaction in the blockchain, for this you need to click Confirm, enter the pin-code.

Note that $KINGY and $TON will leave your wallet, but you will be given LP tokens, which will be the "evidence and ownership" of your share in the liquid $KINGY/TON pair.

In order to check if you have really provided liquidity, check the availability of LP tokens in the KINGY/TON pair in your wallet, or log in to the DEDUST exchange - in the pools section you will see My Pools section, click on it to see your pool.

In order to calculate the number of rewards received, it is necessary to calculate by the formula:

$ daily reward * % My Position= Sum Reward.

If you have any questions, please contact the channel chat @investkingyru

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