A description of Swedish massage and its benefits

A description of Swedish massage and its benefits

Swedish massage is a widely recognized and popular type of massage. Only English- and Dutch-speaking countries, as well as Hungary, recognize the term Swedish massage. In all other countries, classic massage is referred to as this style.

The purpose of this article is to describe the history and development of Swedish massage, what techniques it uses, and what benefits it has.

The Development of Swedish Massage

Many consider Pehr Henrik Ling, a pioneer of physical education in Sweden, to be the originator of Swedish massage. Despite Ling having founded the Royal Central Gymnastics Institute in Sweden and played a significant role in developing calisthenics and free calisthenics, there is little proof that he invented a system of massage.

Swedish massage seems to be derived from Chinese and Greek massage techniques developed by the Dutch practitioner Johann Georg Mezger, who also gave the basic strokes their French names.

Swedish Massage Techniques: What Are They?

Five different stroke styles are used in Swedish massage. The five basic strokes are:

The glide or slide of effleurage

Petrissage, or kneading

Tapotement, or rhythmic tapping

A friction between the fibers or between the fibers

and vibration / shaking

They are applied with massage oil and can range from a light touch to a firm grip.

swedish massage denver of Swedish Massage?

There are several benefits to regular Swedish massage, including:

Massage has been found to reduce back and neck tension in office workers as well as promote relaxation.

Treatment of chronic pain, fatigue, and stiffness - Swedish massage has been found to decrease chronic pain, fatigue, and stiffness in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.

Massage has been shown to have a positive effect on many common mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety.

You need not look any further than Zen'd Out Massage Spa 's Downtown Denver Swedish Massage for Swedish massages. Visit us at 910 16th St Mall Suite 408, Denver, CO 80202 or call us at (303) 656-2944 to schedule an appointment.

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