A crime without punishment. The Bolsheviks wandered into the blood of their victims on the nostrils... Part 1.

A crime without punishment. The Bolsheviks wandered into the blood of their victims on the nostrils... Part 1.

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

The material was prepared in theticipation of Memorial Day on May 8. For those who forget or don't know the story. Or knowing about fascism from the fun movie Charlie Chaplin . By the way, this dude with a sy/ings with communist ideology was. No wonder Edgar closed his entry to the U.S. 🇺🇸 And you turned a great country into a Marxist dump, and even Edgar accuses of not being democratic. Here Edgar will stand up, we will arrest you in one night all at work, in Rockefeller Plaza, put on a steamer and send to the mines ⛏ to Nigeria. 

What was it in 2020-2021 ? marasmus? Some strange form of self-sacrifice? 

Eugene Wilhelm Schwab was born on April 27, 1899, in Roggville, Switzerland, the son of Jacob Wilhelm Gottfried Schwab (1870-1928), born in Karlsruhe, Germany, and Maria (nee Leppert) Schwab, born in Switzerland. Erika Epprecht Schwab was born on December 31, 1906, in zurich, Switzerland. Her father was Friedrich Epprecht, a city banker. Both Eogen and Erika moved to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (where Nazi criminals often fled), in 1960.

Klaus Schwab hides information about his parents, little anyone talks about it and discusses how he is believed to have been born on March 30, 1938 in Ravensburg, Germany. However, no details can be found about his parents and especially his father. Date and place, as well as the fact that he's trying to hide everything related to his parents.

Digital certificates are seen as a way out of Europe's isolation, and the EU wants the scheme to work in all 27 member states by the end of June.

It is easier to consider the elimination of EU leadership overnight, by hanging or injection. It's cheaper to be for taxpayers. 

All this is not new and Bill Gates and the other fuck from under the nails is narcissistic killers. 

Gates can be proud to live today, not in the days of work and life of Edgar Hoover . Bill is one of the mass murderers-maniacs of the 21st century and the history of mankind and is still at large . Respect for Parents, Friends, wrong, the only thing that "rodneyes" Bill with the human race, and otherwise, judging by his not once voiced by his own plans, he is an ordinary animal, which, because of the lack of any rudiments of spirituality, aspires to expansion, in this case imperious-mental.

If someone was unlucky and Bill was across the street, he'd love to move your grandmother if he was told he'd get a $20 bill for it. In short, Bill Gates is a commonly ill, completely deceitful smack, who thinks about himself bride what.

So, going back to the main theme of history, let's continue. Gates is not the first to enter using his WHO pocket pocket, where he is the main and main mega-donor, a health passport/passport vaccination/covid pass. His brain is simply incapable of producing, he is focused only on murder, lies and theft. He stole the idea of boiler-stolen vaccination passports, which he now very zealously promotes around the world, from the Nazis. The Nazis did so before him back in the 1930s, when the 3rd Reich introduced the notorious discrimination between "sick" and "healthy"

"In Hamburg, doctors passed the information to the Central Archives of Health Passports (circa 1934) entitled "General monitoring of life-related health." This folder was to contain reports from doctors, as well as courts, insurance companies, sports clubs, The Hitler Youth, the military, the labour service, colleges, etc.

So, Friends, we're all seeing the most right now, and Gates is just a successor to Hitler's cause.

The only thing that is interesting, Friends, in connection with all this, is how the calls of some politicians to introduce passport vaccination/covid-passports from the EUROPEAN victorious fascism, in a country where the winners of fascism are still alive . What are the heads of these politicians? How does this fit with democracy and at the same time a proposal to introduce this hell and segregation with covid passports with respect for victory on May 8? With respect to the feat of our Veterans, who defeated fascism. their proposed initiatives explicitly proposed by these under-taughts are unequivocally condemned by Nuremberg. This puts these people on a par with the Nazis also unequivocally and unequivocally. 

A crime without punishment. Part 1: The Bolsheviks wandered into the blood of their victims on the nostrils...

OUR HISTORY | WTR, 2013-01-15 08:58

When they talk about repression, they always mean 1937-1938 - the years of Great Terror. But this flow was neither the only, nor even the main, but only one of the largest. To the 75th anniversary of the Great Terror... 

When they talk about the permissiveness of the cult and its associated repressions, they always mean 1937-1938 - the years of The Great Terror. And it sounds so memorable, as if neither before that planted, nor after, but only in these very years. But this flow was neither the only, nor even the main, but only perhaps one of the largest streams that burst the dark foul-smelling pipes of the prison sewer empire, in which, unfortunately, existed and we and you.

Before it there was a stream of 1929-1930, which pushed into the tundra and taiga of fifteen, if not more, which can be compared only with the resettlement of the peoples of antiquity, and it became an ethnic catastrophe of the sixth part of the world. People, so-called fists, and in reality - honest workers who loved their land, were taken out by whole families without any means of subsistence to cold and hungry certain certain death in uninhabited areas of the tundra and taiga of the North and Siberia.

Many of them died on the way in the market, and all the rest - on the ground. The Janychars followed the instructions and instructions of the leader: "And the essence of the matter is that the struggle (with the peasants) is and will be even more desperate, even more brutal than the fight with Kolchak, Denikin," and further: "Against the same fists, as our enemies, we have only one weapon. This is violence," or "Damn with them, with these peasants - because they are also a petty bourgeoisie, and therefore let them disappear as well from the face of the earth as rudiment" (V.I.Lenin. "Socialism and peasantry"). But the peasants - the people silent, illiterate, complaints did not write, especially memoirs.

With them and investigators at night did not pore, protocols were not written - enough was the ruling of the village council. This stream spilled, sucked into the permafrost, and no one remembers them, it did not hurt people's conscience. No one pays tribute to the innocent who were innocent. There was so much evil in an undeclared war against our own people that we would have to do it every year and every day. Destruction of the farmer - this was broken the spine of the most active and cultural part of the peasantry and the people as a whole; left in the souls of those who have been bypassed by repressive acts, such a fear of possible punishment that it has largely not passed so far.

But this "educational event" - fear - was not enough to the system, and the world showed the Ukrainian people Holodomor 1932-1933. "Here on earth there will be cheapness in everything, and they will think that peace has come... "What is bad?" but it was then, - the prophet Ezra says further, - and came down to the earth troubles - sword, hunger and great confusion. Many people on earth will die of hunger, and others who will suffer hunger will die by the sword." It seems that fear was the basis of life, and it would be possible to stop the freaks - because their goal has been achieved.

But the flywheel was launched: Kosior, Chubar, Vysensky, Balitsky, Kaganovich, Yagoda, Yezhov, Smirnov, Beria, Molotov and millions of others, like, below these hierarchical career ladder bureaucrats of all stripes, up to sexots, did not find the will and personal courage to resist the dictates of the "leaders" who were ennobled, allowed to work out their own.

In fact, according to A. Akhmatova, the world was divided into those people who were planted and seated, and between them - a "rotting swamp" with the tacit consent of which evil was happening and happening. A hot place in hell awaits those who in times of moral fall remains indifferent - the words of Dante Aligieri sound a warning. After there was a stream of 1944 - 1946, where entire nations were driven through the sewers: Crimean Tatars, Ingush, Baltics, Meskhetians, Chechens - out of 650,000 two-thirds died, and millions and millions of those who were in captivity, taken to Germany to work. They didn't write.

And the flow of 1937-1938 took and carried to the Archipelago people with a position and education. The revolution, like the viper who began to eat herself with a tail, finally got to her head. It should be noted that the revolution should be celebrated on October 25, the day of its holding, but the Red Guards rebelled to celebrate it on November 7 "on the birthday of our leader and creator of the army" - Leo Trotsky. They, like spiders in a jar, began to destroy each other. They reported everything at all, whipped and slandered others: the brother went to the brother, the son on the father, refused parents and children.., to put his head down after a while.

The pendulum of the clock of history was stopped, even went backwards - towards brutality and savagery. And it was done after the adoption of the humane Constitution of 1936 in a democratic country, which is constantly, and today, "improved" and at the heart of it - lies, hypocrisy, falsehood, cynicism, speech and villainy.

The era gave rise to Pavlik Morozov, Stakhanov and all sorts of degenerates, whose Kremlin women were imprisoned. Psychosis and hysteria went to extremes: so, the head of the government of red Ukraine, whom Lenin called "a man of outstanding will", Pyatakov, offered to shoot himself ... - here are his own words, which wrote to Stalin when he was arrested: "To prove loyalty to the party, I am ready to shoot all the SS convicted in the first process, including his own wife"; women Kalinin, Molotov, Postyshev and others pressed bedbugs in concentration camps, and they did not even say for them.

Even further in his immorality went the daughter of a fiery Bolshevik G. Grinko, who wanted to destroy his father. Rhyme Demjan Poor (on his head and conscience) wanted to be present at the shooting: "I went with great pleasure. For revolutionary inspiration." Lenin wrote hysterically: "Prosperous peasants are vampires, they are spiders, they are bloodspins. Death to them!" Krupskaya recalled that Ilyich got into the boat and beat the butt on the head of the hares, helplessly huddled on the ice. Another example: Bitter asked the same type if he loved Beethoven. "I love music, but now is the time for naive people to hit on the head," he said. gosh! gosh!.. Darkness and darkness have consumed all human...

And where to take and who is able to remember all the small streams that, merging, formed seas of grief and fears for all people. And they began immediately, when non-humans came to power: with the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly and the outlawing of all parties. Already in the article "How to organize a competition" in January 1918, Lenin declared a common goal: "cleaning the land from all harmful insects."

He wrote in a letter to members of the Politburo, the UGPU, the drug lord of justice: "The more representatives of the reaction, the clergy will be able to shoot us on this issue, the better." And the cadets and Mensheviks, Esers, anarchists, socialists and fat men, telegraphists and Kronstads, Tambov, Ryazan, Kostroma, Kiev and Smolensk rioters, kombeds spanked the villages of village councils or on the margins, hostages from peasants and the first concentration camps of Tukhachevsky went to the "expense". scientific circles, all universities, art, literary and engineering, priests, monks and those who sang in the choir; barges with officers and expulsion of intellectuals abroad in 1922, and the notorious law of August 7, 1932 about 5 spikes - only until 1933 were arrested 55,000 peasants and 2110 shot. It is difficult for us now to understand, almost impossible, as it is workers and peasants, only becoming a dictatorship of the proletariat, immediately lardled from work and stole.

Coding fear, the system of fear led to the mass zombification of the population on helplessness before reality, on the fear of reforms for a long time ahead. Stalin's existing paranoid system has not yet disappeared, and will continue to have a long way to go. After all, violence does not live alone and cannot live separately: it is directly intertwined with deception, and between them - close natural ties; violence has nothing to hide but deception, and deceit, in turn, has nothing to resist but violence.

Anyone who has ever declared violence by his method must surely choose deception as his own principle. Part of the frankly cynical note written by Lenin in late October and early November 1920 and addressed to Trotsky's assistant E. Sklyansky, on the baltic territory, has been preserved in the Russian State Archives of Social and Political History: "... It's a great plan! Finishes it with Dzerzhinsky.

Under the guise of "green" (we then fall on them) will pass for 10-20 miles and outweigh the fists, pops, landlords. Premium: 100,000 rubles for a hanged one." According to historians, in Crimea 1918-1921 was destroyed from 56 to 120,000 people, the population of the peninsula decreased by 100,000 people, some Tatar villages were completely eliminated. Here are their methods. In honor of the 20th anniversary of the great October socialist revolution, and in truth, as we know - the coup, 1111 prisoners of the Solovetsky camp in the tract of Sandarmokh, among them - 300 Ukrainians - the color of the nation: Kurbas, Zersov, Kulish, Polischuk, Pidmogylny, Krushelnitsky, Rudnitsky ... Bloody business was created by a faithful servant of the system namedr captain-executioner M. Matveyev, who received the Order of the Red Banner, who lived in satiety and well-being until 1971, as a pensioner of state importance - the system protects its.

In this regard, it should be recalled that the investigator Valery Pidmogilny unwittingly expressed the opinion, which is identical to the policy of the state regarding the people: "We should destroy the whole of Ukraine. But since it is impossible, then you, the Ukrainian intelligentsia, we will definitely destroy." Do not forget, similarly destroyed other "brotherly" peoples: Kazakhs, Armenians, Belarusians, Russians, Uzbeks, Tatars... and then the peoples of the so-called socialist camp: Czechs, Poles, Romanians, Chinese, Cubans, Bulgarians...

From this bloody cauldron had to clone zombie balls - the type of a new man "homo sovieticus." Valerian Polischuk warned: "The conquered or defeated can rise up. But the bought one can only betray or resell." Think - the words are very relevant today.

And when "Ukrainian Bukharin" Rak-Mikhailovsky said that if Stalin had gone by Lenin's path, the fate of the country would have been different, Les Kurbas replied: "... communism is incompatible with human nature, like fire with water." Meanwhile, the son of a scribe earned Judina money, glorifying the heroics of work everyday life - foged heads and etched the souls of people.

But times change, and the sign of the times is that the people return history, more precisely - the people returns to history - the truth. So to the 75th anniversary of the shooting of the Ukrainian intelligentsia opened in Sandarmokh a memorial sign with a warning: "People, do not kill each other." The past ached in each of us - the present, not covered and not decorated with fictions and distortions, which was in life.

And the rest of the past - specially created for "in-depth study" and solid memorization and shaming of the masses - was adjusted to the brilliant framework of historical terms and economic and philosophical phraseology, with painted actors and marked performers, with huge exploits, edited errors and condemned deviations.

For justification, just in case, it was argued that the great goal gives rise to great energy, and with fantastic steps and grandeur of designs try to do without "production costs", without these original slivers, flying in different directions at the stunning pace of wood-cutting: "Let the mosses of the bourgeois society squeal and bark about every extra sliver at the cutting of the old forest. That's why they are mosses to bark at the proletarian elephant" (V.I.Lenin, i.36, p.193).

Meanwhile, there were dizziness, but it is from success, sabotage - opposition to enemies, anti-party bias - is the maliciousness of spies, but it is overcome. "Enemies of the people" have sunk into oblivion, and there is a pure history - the heroics of struggle and victories, and the rest - is not worth attention. In those days, the definition of the history of the apologist and the coryphaeus of Soviet historical science M.N. Pokrovsky used: "History is a policy turned to the past." Understand? She did not fulfill the postulate of the founder of Herodotus's story: "so that what was happening in the world would not sink into oblivion."

Forgotten words of Hidalgo Don quichota Lamanchski: "... historians must always be precise, truthful and impartial, so that neither their own interest, nor suffering, nor friendship can bring it astray, for truth is the mother of history, and history itself is a rival of time, a keeper of action, a witness to the past, an example and a warning for modernity, a science for the future."

So they lived: with a distilled history, an a painkiller ideology, weathervane political economy and breathing laws that served the criminal regime. And did it lyso-obsses, specializing in forgery, reaching these ranks, degrees and ranks, and defended the bureaucratic interests of the top state apparatus and party nomenclature, and the people - the creator and great martyr of history - remained on the sidelines.

They, The Herostrates of modernity, must be erased from the memory of man, for the mind is horrified before the pictures of hell that they have created, refuses to imagine how powerless it is before infinity. The Soviet red plague in the images of Lenin, Stalin and others, with nightmares of those times, strikes the human understanding, paralyzes consciousness. Non-humans, in whom fear, treachery, betrayal and unheard cruelty were combined, and ukraine was pouring blood on Ukraine - and not only - the whole world, opened the gates to hostile hordes, set on their own land brother on his brother.

There were no real historians - professionals who had to restore the skeleton by several stingy passages and fragments of text, reading between the lines and even the intonation, as Cuvier on the tooth. Here's a fresh example. Valery Semenenko's book "The History of Ukraine: The Hidden Truth," 2009. He claims the truth in the last instance, argues this way: "No one dared to deny the fact of mass terror in the Soviet Union of the 30s, except hired scoundrels, but the message of the Polish radio from Lviv on May 2, 1937 not accidentally frightened listeners with false figures.

The announcer claimed that 2.5 million Ukrainians died during the construction of the Belomorsk-Baltic Canal, and another 5 million residents of the republic died in the concentration camps of the USSR. For some reason, two years later, Polish propagandists did not inform that the pavilion of the Soviet Union in New York at the International Exhibition for May - October 1939 was visited by 16.5 million people, and all the reviews were positive!".

The top of cynicism is to compare genocide and exhibition. So the pret terry scoop. He goes on to say: "That's why the author set out to see and understand, to discover readers not always a pleasant story - outstanding people, important events, to have an idea of what flaws, mistakes or crimes delayed the progress of our society to real Europeanism during different periods." From the above we can understand how the procession to Europe is understood.

"Lie to salvation" became an unwritten rule of public consciousness, the dominant and the shortest way to well-being in life, in science, which, as an insidious maiden, gave herself for nothing to the ridicule of totalitarianism, which created an atmosphere when every hint of common sense was subjected to bullying and ulaluany. There were no fundamental ideas - what are we talking about? - only scholasticism and dogmatism, which were served by dishonest at hand and corrupt soul false scientists.

And the long-standing collective efforts of hundreds of so-called scientists, the combined potential of many research and academic institutions were born of a monumental printed "series" - about the history and development of Soviet power. Valuable that shone like a diamond, compared to which everything else - only a frame, but a meaningless edition became an integral part of the decoration and component of the interior of high office, which conducted the strategy of execution of their people.

The creators of fundamental multivolume research swung for eternity, trampling on the sacred, inspired by the romantic concepts of socialist realism, built on simple deception. How could you believe an undisguised Evil? Here's how the classic F. Engels thought: "We failed a frontal attack, let's go around, we will act as a siege and a boot. In general, this barbaric country, which goes its own non-historical way, cannot be defeated from the outside. We should introduce some ideology that is not inherent in it."

And they gave up the idiotology. How did Lenin understand her? likewise. Jesuit. In a letter to THE RCHN, he wrote: "The Soviet power in the village is very weak. We have to split the village into two hostile classes. We have to ignite what we were able to do in the city." comment?.. Let the physiologist Pavlov do it, who said that "the revolution was made by a madman with syphilis in his head." Philosopher Ilyin noted that slavs are very naive in their mentality and are ready to go to the hard hour for any scoundrel, even into the abyss. And we went...

In early July 2009, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe equated Stalinism with Nazism, and a few months later the European Parliament declared the identity of fascism and communism. And branded tyranny, equating it with Hitler.

Much has been written all over the world about the communist mass terror in the Soviet Union, of which Ukraine was an integral part, and about the adventures of the "ghost of communism" around the world - one can even say a lot, especially if we take into account the testimony that appeared almost immediately after the communists came to I refer the reader - but who is reading now?

 I recommended one person to read the following studies of this issue. The answer was stunned: “I don’t read that!”, - to the research of SP Melgunov in the book “The Red Terror in Russia 1918 - 1923”, AI Solzhenitsin “The Gulag Archipelago”, IL Bunich “Gold of the Party” and A separate place belongs to a study by French researchers entitled "The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression", the Ukrainian translation of which took more than 10 years, and began with "the opium of the people."

 Religion is a general theory of a false world that can be pacified only through "the abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people," the leaders proclaimed. The abolition of existing religion and the introduction of militant atheism are recognized as a prerequisite for communist justice. In 1917, Satanist aliens in leather jackets conquered Russia and declared the destruction of not just religion, but above all believers, priests, temples, and culture, which would divert attention from the revolutionary transformation of the old world. The earth was trampled with human feet by a cruel invisible monster, with human hands the holy roots were pulled out of it. Most often they wielded at night, like a pack of wolves.

 War was declared on its own people, for this it was necessary to destroy its holiness - spirituality. The conquest of power by the communists in Russia, and soon in Ukraine, began, in particular, with terror against priests and believers. Churches were blown up, priests were repressed, religious holidays were actually banned. Lenin firmly adhered to the principles, and in a letter to the members of the Politburo demanded: "Now, when complete hunger reigns, we should shoot as many representatives of the church hierarchy as possible." By 1921, out of 100 thousand pre-revolutionary priests, 40 thousand remained.

 Outstanding philosophers of the twentieth century - Frank, Ilyin, Berdyaev - came to the conclusion that a new anthropological type has appeared - inherently anti-national, with anti-Christian views on life, and Vernadsky - that marauders, murderers, thieves, and asocial elements have come to the surface from this chaos ... Lenin stated bluntly: "We must admit thieves, lackeys, paupers (beggars) and prostitutes into the party." In 1932, Stalin announced a "godless five-year plan" and demanded that the name of God disappear in the USSR. Whole nations had to disappear.

 Engels added radicalism to the Hegelian concept of non-historical peoples - he differentiated nations into "revolutionary" and "counter-revolutionary." In the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, the Germans, Magyars and Poles fell into the revolutionary nations; counterrevolutionary - the rest of the "small Slavic peoples". Engels' opinion on this matter simply shocks a contemporary: he literally wrote the following: “In the next world war, not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also entire reactionary peoples will disappear from the face of the earth.

 And this will also be progress. ”Engels argued that the“ big ”peoples would inevitably swallow up the“ small ”peoples, assimilate their culture and language, as peoples of“ unhistorical. ”For example, Marx and Engels could not understand why the Czechs needed to return to their almost ousted by the "great German culture" provincial and not prestigious peasant culture, developed the idea that the Czechs are "the reactionary devastation of the people", which must be cleared by the whirlwind of the world revolution for the sake of the progress of communism.

 The Polish-American researcher A. Walicki argues as follows: "It is difficult to deny that this was not an encouragement to genocide." Here are the words of Engels from the article "Democratic Pan-Slavism": "... one cannot do without trampling a few delicate national flowers. But nothing is done in history without violence and inexorable ruthlessness."

 These words could well belong to Hitler, and this gives grounds to speak of the communist-fascist aspect of Marxist ideology. People's Commissar of Justice of the RSFSR I. Steinberg wrote that "terror is not a single action, not an isolated, accidental, albeit repetitive, manifestation of the imperious majority ... Terror is a legalized plan of mass intimidation, coercion, and extermination by the authorities."

 The first concentration camps in Soviet Russia began to be created after Lenin's order in September 1918 - the Solovetsky camps as a mechanism for the future GULAG. Lenin justified: "we laugh with" pure "democracy ... revolutionary expediency is higher than formal democracy ...". <...> "We recognize neither freedom, nor equality, nor labor democracy, if they contradict the interests of freeing labor from the oppression of capital" ...

 (To be continued).

 Mikhail Pidborochinsky, All-Ukrainian Public Scientific Organization "Experts of Ukraine"


Why did the Christian prophets hardly make mistakes, and the communists always faked everything? Because the teachings of Christ are humane, and Bolshevism is inhumane. Inhumane in the truest sense of the word - in his practice and inhumane - in a figurative, in his theory, created without a living, real man with his passions, virtues and vices.

According to the Christian concept of man, God and the devil fight in his soul. In other words, man is a blazon: a demon sits in everyone, but everyone is able to curb his presence. According to Bolshevik doctrine, man is a blank board, tabula rasa, he is what "great teachers" will write on it, and the latter, as all Soviet practice shows, and there are demons, for example, the same demons .

Christian prophecies come true because they come from a deep, intimate understanding of the real person. Communist because they failed, that came from a golem, fabricated in the office, or homunculus, grown in vitro.

Even the most zealous and fanatical defenders of communism, except for psychopaths, there is no doubt that wherever it appears - in Russia, China, Kampuchea, Vietnam, Korea, Mongolia, Romania, Albania, Africa, Asia, Chile, Nicaragua or Cuba - real life is rife with "deviations from the true path" and "distortions of the bright ideals". Yes, everywhere and without exception - bloodthirsty dictators-cannibals, the triumph of whips and handcuffs, everywhere - corruption and mafia, blood and devastation, but, it turns out, all this - "not the essence of communism, and inevitable deviations from its bright ideals."

The saving idea of desecration of the holy source is not new. The last time it was resorted to by the Nazis, one of the theorists of fascism in 1923 wrote Mussolini: "Bad not the bright ideals of fascism, and their distortion by party functionaries." And the chief of Auschwitz justified himself at the trial: "I believed in the bright ideals of my Fuhrer and was a faithful soldier of the party. As a soldier, I was clearly following orders."

But there was no distortion of the "light ideals" as well as the "untapped potential of socialism." Both fascists and communists punctually carried out not only orders, but also covenants of "great teachers." It was built exactly what was planned, and the only way that could be built - bayonet, butt and sapper shovel. And there was no other potential: Christians had a temple, the Communists had Armageddon, apocalypse. Communism originally contained disintegration due to deep internal inhumanity, unnaturalness, complete inconsistency with real human qualities, the whole palette of human nature, and not just cruelty and slumber. As communism was built, more and more nefarious things had to be approved, even more nefarious, the more destructive the system was for the sick system.

Only one fact: as of January 1, 1911, 174,733 people (including only 1,331 political) were held in detention in Russia, which accounted for 0.1% of the country's population. As of January 1, 1939, 3 million people (including 1.6 million political people) were in camps and special settlements in the USSR, which made up 1.6% of the country's population. The total difference is 17 times (and politically - the difference is more than 1200 times!)

Conscientious researchers have found quantitative dependence, which can be expressed as follows: more communism - more victims, more devastation. The more fully implemented communist ideals, the more degraded society, the more triumphed statebeth.

Even in non-communist countries, the growth rate was inversely dependent on the degree of communist influence. Even industrially developed Eastern European countries immediately began to degrade after the communist takeover. Even China received a great boost of development only after it abandoned the most odious principles of communism and embarked on the path of a market economy. Or is it not?

An impartial researcher must clearly distinguish between words and deeds, promises and the fruits of promises, ideology and living life. What is left of Lenin's "great cause" and Khrushchev's reforms, of Gorbachev's "restructuring"? Corpses, camps, the knocking of the shoe on the podium, the ringing of orders, streams, rivers, seas of blood, still - grandiose devastation and lies ...

The history of communism is a practice of increasing degradation over time, covered by an of camouflage decline of deception. Each new generation received a new portion of fresh lies, periodically changed as the old lies were forgetting.

To better understand the degree of "welfare of the people" by the Communists, I will give comparative quantitative data for the two brotherly countries - the communist DPRK and the democratic Republic of Korea (in brackets) (UN statistics):

Average salary in the DPRK - $4-10 per month, one of the last places in the world (Korean Republic - $2200, ratio 220-550:1) 

DPRK's GDP - $40 billion, 96th place in the world (Korean Republic - $1556.1 billion, 12th place in the world, ratio 39:1)

DPRK's GDP per capita - $1,800, 197th in the world in purchasing power parity (Korean Republic - about $30,000, 32nd in the world, ratio 17:1)

The volume of trade of the DPRK is $2.8 billion, one of the last places in the world (Korean Republic - $891.6 billion, 9th place in the world, ratio of 318:1)

From the press. In the north of the DPRK there is a real gulag for "political" where, according to statistics, there are 1% of the population of the country. The radio receiver must be sealed to accept only its transmissions, for the storage of a radio without fillings - on bunks. TV shows exceptionally correct and high-impact transmissions. Tourists in the hotel is available only one channel, it works only in the evening, spin about the lords Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, movies about the war and news-comics. In order to go to a nearby town or stay overnight with an acquaintance living in a nearby porch, the North Korean must get permission from the authorities. 

Life expectancy in the DPRK is almost 20 years (!) less than in the south. If the average north and south Korean people stand side by side, it is likely that it will not be difficult to distinguish them. The average height of the DPRK's citizens is 164 cm, and the average weight is 60 kilograms (against 7 cm and 12 kilos in the South). This is because of the terrible famine of the 1980s and 1990s, which claimed several million lives in the DPRK. Once a year, a family of North Koreans has the right to receive 40 kg of cabbage and dispose of it as you like, say muddy kimchi. North Korea is one of the few countries in the world that maintains a card distribution system. 

The average salary in Cuba is $15-19, the pension is $2, and the card distribution system for certain products is maintained. The usual price of meat varies depending on the variety from 0.5 to 1.5 dollars per pound. After school, all the boys are sent straight to the army, where they serve for two or three years depending on the kind of troops. For comparison, the average salary in the European Union is 22.8 euros per hour, the ratio of 260:1. 

Think about these horrifying figures, and at the same time think about the extent to which the vegetative peoples of the DPRK and Cuba have been taught that they are the happiest in the world. And as D. Joyce would say, the unfortunate Jehu believe this, as did the "scoops" in the life of the USSR and their heirs in present-day Russia.

Mark Deitch

"Communists are the same enemy occupiers as fascists. They have killed tens of millions of people, spoiling and splintering the rest of the survivors. Where they visited in power - all these countries are desecrated and spoiled. To a lesser extent spoiled: Chechnya, Western Ukraine and the Baltic States, where they were given decent resistance ... And all these skins and Nazis are repainted communists. Some of them openly admits it, some hides, but it is still clear who they are and to whom it is at hand. After all, communists and fascists have a common goal: FREE FREE. And it is not so important for them what schizophrenic idea to rely on for this." 

The degree of self-deception and obscurantism of people is directly proportional to their gloom and ignorance. Ingenious Swift once invented wise guine and evil yehu, to demonstrate how hard it is to fool horses and how easy it is to fool people. What the poor 20 do not believe - the end of the world next Friday, the collapse of the most advanced and developed country in the world, the world conspiracy or the deluge, the malice of the nearest neighbors, the omnipresent enemies, the ubiquitous enemies, the increasingly dangerous civilization, the race that is to blame and must be destroyed, the advanced class that is sleeping, the special way of the country, the only one going "in step", the Russian Christ, the great leaders - Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Stalin, , Kim Il Sung, the need to burn witches, heretics and at the same time such authors as me, other "bright ideals" of cannibalism. Unhappy Gehu believe that the desire for freedom (liberalism) and the rule of the best (democracy, meritocracy) - diabolical inventions of the West, directed exclusively against Russia. Sometimes it seems to me that the consciousness is given to the yet not for great achievements, but to facilitate the fooling of huge masses by new necrophiliac messiahs. The degree of such depreation is comparable only to the number of sacrifices made on the altar of the Idiot Faith. To brutalize in the name of "great ideals" with an indulgence of absolution - what could be more beautiful for the ignorant ichou ...

And the soul with human feelings

Don't be grave, sparing yourself.

And perjure in the name of

And the atrocity in the name of the leader. 

Bolshevism and Nazism were grandiose political scams, built on zombification and fooling of huge human masses. The scam of political elites in general is widespread in history, but such grandiose scale of deception, which covered tens and hundreds of millions of zombified mankurts, became possible only with access to the political arena of Lenin-Stalin, Mao-edun, Mussolini, Hitlers, on the one hand, and a mass man with a group consciousness, on the other...  

Why did God limit the possibilities of the human mind and not limit mind-blowing? How does the faith of the Gehu or zombies in communism or Nazism differ from their rejected belief in the Immaculate Conception? Once savages disfigured bodies, and the leaders of the New Age disfigure minds and souls. Looking at the "intellectual majority", you are convinced again and again that human destructiveness and ignorance are inseparable. Yeshu and zombies do not even realize that, supporting The Saturnian ghouls and bloodsuckers, on account of which tens of millions (!) of victims, share with necrophiles the responsibility for the genetic castration of entire peoples, for bringing their "great leaders" to the state of bestiality ...

The negative property of blind faith is the primitive self-hanging, the abandonment of the fullness of being for the sake of the wretched personal or mass "truth." I am constantly faced with the fact that "true believers" are not able to see, hear, understand, realize everything beyond their wretched world, made of false and self-deception. This is called voluntary self-blinding - the compression of all the riches and beauties of the world to primitive ideologies, allowing strong, agile and unscrupulous gnawing, humiliating and fooling peoples and countries. They are in demand by the bull primitive answers to difficult questions, because they are adequate to the consciousness of ball. 

Fascism resembles pornography in that it is difficult, almost impossible to define in legally precise terms, but it is not difficult to recognize pornography or non-pornography, fascism or fascism." This is how Walter Lakir, a well-known political scientist and expert on the history of fascism, writes in his book "Fascism: His Past, Present and Future." Indeed, there were many varieties of fascism, sometimes even competing with each other. I would reinforce this idea: the differences between the different variations of fascism (say, between English and German) sometimes turned out to be even stronger than between Hitlerism and Stalinism. Nevertheless, I believe that the wide range of manifestations of fascism does not prevent the diagnosis of its anti-human, animal nature, aggressiveness, xenophobia, destructiveness, necrophilia, the cult of military force. 

Alas, the blurring of the concept of "fascism" led to numerous falsifications, often leading away from the essence of the phenomenon, in particular to the speculations of the Bolshevik sense: "fascism is the dictatorship of the most aggressive and reactionary circles of monopolistic capital in the period of the general crisis of capitalism". 

Ideologues of the crown 👑 virus have made titanic efforts, in order, parasitizing on external or secondary differences and features, clinging to health, national medicine, social or ideological specificity, hide a multi-vector violent special operation under the larvae of the benefactor. However, we clearly see and revealed their plans at the very beginning of the transformation of normal life established decades after the Second World War into Nazism and Bolshevism. For example, imagine Italian fascism and German Nazism is a European model. Better yet, model fascism or Nazism, as well as various movements under the regimes established in the 20s and 40s in Italy, Germany, a number of other European countries, as well as the USSR. The main unifying beginning of all these nefarious hateful ideologies was the internal enslavement and idiocy of the population. In Germany, the Germans, the Soviet people. Both the Soviets and the Germans are real tyrants - necrophils, Bolsheviks and Nazis, the KGB and the SS - one suit, one animal face.

Both regimes are identical in essence, they are similar in depth of inhumanity to people, and their differences are extremely superficial and secondary. 
In 1923, one of the leaders of the Bolsheviks, Nikolai Bukharin, at the 12th Congress of the Communist Party (b) praised the Italian fascists, who, in his opinion, "learned the experience of the Russian revolution": "Fascism is a complete application of Bolshevik practice in the sense of rapid gathering of forces, vigorous action of a well-built organization and the merciless destruction of the enemy."

But the opinion of modern experts on the issue of not only likeness, but - primacy, priority: from whom it all began.

"In Russia, for the first time in history, a terrorist organization came to power. When the Bolshevik terrorists won, they began to build their state by terrorist means, and, of course, for terrorist purposes. Based on his own terrorist experience. The first victims of this terror are their own citizens, who allowed the arrival of extremists to the rule of the state.

In Russia, for the first time, terrorists anonymized a person, turning representatives of certain classes into symbols of evil. At the same time, Russia became the birthplace of a new type of terrorism.

The Nazis inherited a great deal from the Communists, for example, completely devalued the personality. But still the communists here were the first. They said that a man in itself is nothing, he is only a representative of a certain class. Radical socialists said that now the struggle will go not only against political enemies, but also against the socio-economic base, against the representatives of the bourgeoisie.

Putin, with his idea of a great Russia, is petty, but I don't deny that you can go far with these cheap ideas. With such an idea we can talk about the seizure of any territory, and this is both absurd and dangerous... We see the same situation in Germany. There, for the sake of his ideology, for the sake of the idea of the "Third Reich" Hitler was ready for absolutely anything. And contrary to the true interests of the nation, of course. 

The first victim of terror are their own citizens, who allowed the arrival of extremists to the rule of the state." (A. Geifman).

"The plague is in our house. We can't treat it. Moreover, we are not even able to make the correct diagnosis. And those who have already become infected often do not notice that he is sick and contagious. Oh, we know very well what fascism is, German fascism, and Hitlerism. It does not occur to us that there is another fascism, the same bad, just as terrible, but its own, homegrown. And that's probably why we don't see him at point-blank range when he grows in the body of the country in front of us, like a quiet malignant tumor." (B.Strugatsky).

Naturally, if you want, you can find many external and internal differences between communism and Nazism, Bolshevism and Hitlerism, but important are not these secondary signs, but the inner, deep mental unity, consisting in necrophilia - the requirement to destroy races, peoples, classes, layers, strangers, foreign, not such as everyone, such as me ... 

By the way, neo-Nazism, virtually absent in West Germany, was very common in Eastern. After the fall of the communist regime and the departure of the Soviet army, even whole racist revanchist settlements appeared. 

Don't you trace the deep connection?    

Until the end of the 1990s, only a few daredevils in the USSR took up the theme of "fascism" precisely because with the most cunning tricks and tricks it was impossible to hide the obviousness of the 90% coincidence of the deep occupation essence, similarity in violent manifestations of Nazism and Bolshevism, Hitlerism and Stalinism. After all, both are in fact varieties of totalitarianism with inherent ideologies of fooling the masses, aimed at seizing power at all costs, turning it into an absolute, totalitarian and the use of the fullness of power solely in the interests of the ruling clique, the Fuhrer, the leader. That is why almost all totalitarian (communist, fascist, extremist) regimes are characterized by anti-democracy, anti-liberalism, leadership, one-partyism, the presence of a party nomenclature, etc. 

It was highly revealing when the Bulgarian philosopher Jelyu Jelev published the monograph "Fascism" in 1982, it was banned immediately after the appearance on the shelves of shops. "At first glance, such a reaction seems strange, because in the book Shchelev did not criticize the socialist system, and even more so did not hold direct parallels between fascism and communism. But the very questioning raised in the book, as well as the description of the totalitarian system, inevitably forced readers to remember the experience of the Soviet Union ...

Naturally, there are some differences between different kinds of totalitarianism, but they are less important and significant than the general, fundamental signs of all totalitarian regimes - inhuman, ruthless and ruthless occupiers on their own land. Occupation because the final results of the establishment of totalitarian regimes are always more deplorable than the occupation by foreign enemies. And this applies equally to Bolshevik Russia, fascist Italy, Nazi Germany or modern-day Juchist North Korea.

Babi Yar became a bright symbol of unity, the half-representation of Nazism and Bolshevism. First, the Communists threw here the victims of their famine, which claimed more than 4 million lives, and then the Nazis - hundreds of thousands of Jews, victims of genocide.

Just one vivid example, a quote: “... We must not forget the fact that the rulers of modern Russia are base criminals who have stained themselves with blood, this is human scum, which took advantage of a favorable coincidence of circumstances, took a huge state by surprise, produced a wild reprisals against millions of advanced intelligent people, in fact, exterminated the intelligentsia and now, for almost ten years now, carries out the most cruel tyranny that history has ever known. " Dmitry Khmelnitsky comments:

 “Try to guess the author of this passionate and quite fair anti-Soviet passage. Not Solzhenitsyn, not Avtorkhanov, not Orwell ... This is Hitler, "My Struggle." The quote illustrates a characteristic feature of a totalitarian ideology. About each other, the Nazis and the communists wrote, in general, the truth, but they lied primarily about themselves, about their actions and "good intentions." From books published during the Soviet era, you can learn a lot of reliable information about the crimes of Nazi Germany and absolutely nothing true about the Soviet regime. Nazi propaganda looked roughly the same. Both sides posed as the saviors of humanity from a mortal enemy, and both were more or less right only in the moral assessment of the enemy.

 This was primarily the ideological danger of Nazi propaganda in the USSR. The insane racial theory could hardly captivate any of the representatives of the "lower races" outside the Reich, but it could open the eyes of Soviet citizens to its own regime. Therefore, no Nazi literature was available in the USSR, even to scientists. "

 The Russian poetess Zinaida Gippius, observing and commenting on the semblance of Italian fascism with Bolshevism, noted the following: “However [in Italy] convinced anti-fascists are intact, they do not hide their thoughts in front of anyone, right down to Duce himself, and print their books fearlessly ... All the same, Italy, after all, after all! "

 In the West, Stalinism and Hitlerism have long been recognized by the absolute majority of historians as twin brothers, personifying an absolute infernal evil.

 Christian principle "to live not according to evil!" these cannibals-necrophilia turned into two great Empires of Evil. In July 2009, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly adopted a resolution confirming what was said: “... In the twentieth century, European countries experienced two powerful totalitarian regimes, Nazi and Stalin, which brought with them genocide, violations of human rights and freedoms, war crimes and crimes against mankind ... ”The main thing that unites them is the grandiose, unthinkable, outrageous number of sacrifices brought on the altar to schizophrenic and inhuman ideas.

The French philosopher, political scientist and sociologist Raymond Aron, who went through a difficult evolutionary path of intellectual development, believed for many years that it was impossible to compare and equate Nazism and communism. But in his memoirs, published in the 1990s, he returned to this issue and admitted that he was wrong. Ernst Nolte and many other Western historians, not without reason, regard German Nazism and all forms of fascism as a response to Bolshevism in Russia. Given the unprecedented scale of the extermination of people by the Nazis and the Bolsheviks, Pierre Chauneu called these two regimes "fraternal twins", which, although hostile to each other and generated by a dissimilar history, had a terrifying common property - both endowed themselves with the right and even the obligation to kill others on an apocalyptic scale ... According to the "Black Book of Communism" in totalitarian countries, the communists killed from 85 to 100 million people, which exceeds the number of victims of two world wars ... that's where the truth is: the death of one person is death, a tragedy, and the death of 100 million is statistics ...

French thinker Alain Besançon in the book “The Calamity of the Century. Communism, Nazism and the Uniqueness of the Catastrophe ”draws attention to the difference in the modern historical assessment of“ fraternal twins ”, communism and Nazism,“ left ”and“ right ”extremists - complete condemnation of the latter and the relative tolerance of Europeans towards the former. Meanwhile, these are two deadly ideological monsters that have led the world to an unprecedented Catastrophe - tremendous destruction that they have done in a physical, moral, political order:

 In his autobiographical book Generation, Alain Besançon wrote that he was ashamed to be in the French Communist Party (PCF), and therefore, as a sign of remorse, he decided to devote the second part of his life to the study of the history of Russia and the USSR in order to show their true essence, “These two ideologies pretend to be philanthropic, - writes Besancon. - National Socialism wants the good of the German people and declares that it is doing humanity a favor by killing the Jews. Communism-Leninism wants the good directly for all of humanity ... Both doctrines offer "lofty" ideals capable of inspiring enthusiastic devotion and heroic deeds. However, at the same time they dictate the right and duty to kill ... Having come to power, they carried out this program on an unprecedented scale. Equally criminal? Having studied both, knowing the records of Nazi crime in intensity (gas chambers) and records of communism in extensiveness (more than 80 million victims), know the corruption of souls and minds that one and the other produce, I think that there is no place for this dangerous discussion and one must answer simply and firmly: yes, they are equally criminal. "

Alain Besançon testifies: “The 20th century is characterized not only by a history full of the horrors of the destruction of man by man, but also by the fact that historical consciousness with great difficulty chose the right direction. One explains the other. Orwell noticed that many became Nazis out of justified terror of Bolshevism or communists — out of an equally justified terror of Nazism. This warns us of the danger of historical falsification. One of such falsifications is taking shape before our eyes; it would be regrettable to leave a falsified history as a legacy to the next century. I'll end with hope. It took years to fully comprehend Nazism, for it surpassed everything that seemed possible and the human mind was unable to comprehend it. The same can happen with communism, whose deeds opened an equally deep abyss and, like Auschwitz before 1945, were hidden by their implausibility, their improbability, their inconceivability. Time, the function of which is to reveal the truth, may be, and here it will do its job. "

 After the war, the prisoner of Dachau and Buchenwald, Bruno Bettelheim, wrote that in the Hitlerite state fear for his own life was not the only reason that made it impossible for a person to internally resist the system. Loss of self-esteem and conformity were other reasons:

 “The task of adjustment is made easier by the fact that most of us have a great desire to be 'like everyone else.' Everyone knows how difficult it is to behave "strange" even in relation to a casual acquaintance met on the street; but it’s a thousand times harder to be “special” when it threatens your own life. Thus, many times a day the anti-Nazi had to become a martyr or lose his self-respect. " How does all this differ from the Bolshevik state? THAN?

The author of "The Plague" Albert Camus in 1946, he wrote an article "I will never be on the side of the executioners." Fascism and communism are - the plague, so brilliantly shown in the famous novel by Camus.

 The only difference is that the crimes of Nazism are better known, too obvious and legally condemned, while the cumulative crimes of Bolshevism, Maoism, polpotism, etc. are still not on public display, which can turn out to be much more terrible when tens of millions of victims of the Holocaust - Russian, Ukrainian, Baltic, Chinese, North Korean, Cambodian, Cuban, etc. - will be collected together, finally documented and collectively presented to world public opinion. When this finally happens, the world for the second time after the Nuremberg trials will shudder and be horrified at what some people have done en masse with other people ...

 Y. Afanasyev, J. Etinger, E. Radzinsky, A. Vaksberg, B. Sarnov, S. Madievsky and others, write that “Stalin strove, like his like-minded rival Hitler, to get rid of the Jews”: “Fate, prepared for the Jews, according to Stalin's plan, it was supposed to make the entire Soviet people fearful and lead to slavish obedience. "

 According to Y. Afanasyev, Nazism and Stalinism are typologically comparable formations: “Both the Nazi and Stalinist regimes are characterized by the dominance of a man-mass - a gray average man. A person who is not a person and seeks to dissolve into the mass. Such a person has a dual nature: he wants to be great - and sees his worthlessness, he wants to be happy - but he is constantly unhappy, he wants to be successful - but he doesn't succeed. " “Only a blind person can fail to see a direct relationship between communism and fascism. Soviet communism and German Nazism as the brightest representatives of the totalitarian family were so similar in their essence that, it seemed, history itself doomed them to be sworn friends. "

They were either friends against the whole world until they lost their pulse, then they fought with each other to the death. Together they divided Europe, together they hosted a military parade in Brest in the early days of World War II, together they cursed American and British imperialism. Each built his own socialism: Hitler - national, Stalin - international. In keeping with these differences, the Nazis killed mainly other peoples; the communists are, for the most part, their own. Tens of millions of people fell victim to the construction of these socialisms.

 Compare the statements of the Nazi Fuhrer with the actions of the Bolsheviks and find the difference:

Joseph Goebbels (1933):

"Our democratic writers and oppositionists are pouring mud on our country, working out the money that the West pays them. These oppositionists exist for the money of the United States and are obedient dogs of their overseas masters: it is no secret that all the so-called oppositionists - enemies of our people - are financed by the plutocratic West, live on its handouts." 

Hermann Goering:

"It is very easy for any people to govern - it is necessary to inform that they are going to attack them, to show him the enemy, and to declare all pacifists unpatriotic." 

The main common ground of fascism and communism, reads Afanasyev - "a certain type of person, generated by the mass association, deelitarization of the planet and the imbalance between nature and culture in the internal structure of the individual and society. This type - "mass man" - a universal phenomenon of the coming era, which is nothing but the era of the domination of the masses. "Mass man" does not feel any special gift or difference from all (good or bad), feels that he is "exactly like everyone else" and is not at all upset by it- on the contrary, happy to feel the same as everyone else (Yu. Afanasyev "We are not slaves?"). 

I would add that it was the "mass man" that became the environment that connected all kinds of totalitarianism, regardless of their roots and social shades.

I. Telek in the article "What is fascism" laid out fascism and communism on the shelves. All to the same match!

1. Patriotism - butt chew. A pervasive love for the homeland in the person of an undeniable leader; 

2. Restoring the great past;

3. A edreming enemy to be stopped;

4. All-powerful secret police outside the laws;

5. Industry in the hands of the state;

6. Not ours - against us;

7. The whole press is in the hands of the state. Patriotic-nostalgic propaganda;

8. Growing military power. Pull the sock! The invincibility of native weapons;

9. Protecting your favorite citizens abroad. And illegally captured territories;

10. We will show them!

Historical parallels and chronicles with your execution at the end in the second part of the material .

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