A creative meeting was held at the Fergana Polytechnic Institute as part of the "Sharing Spirituality" project

A creative meeting was held at the Fergana Polytechnic Institute as part of the "Sharing Spirituality" project

Today, writer Abdurazzoq Obroy, who continues to share enlightenment with the youth of our region, and journalist Salim Ashur, who served in the Republic of Uzbekistan, head of the Fergana branch of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan, Dilshoda Ergashevalar, also visited the Fergana Polytechnic Institute. .

First, the guests got acquainted with the activities of the museum organized in the institute. After that, a meeting with young students was organized in the 1st gallery of the institute.

During the meeting, the guests discussed the formation of reading culture and increasing their interest in books.

The rector of the institute, O'ktam Salomov, noted that such events are aimed at educating the young generation in the spirit of patriotism and self-sacrifice, studying the creative path of great writers and the great literary heritage created by them, and widely promoting reading. At the end of the cordial dialogue, the rector of the institute O. Salomov handed over souvenirs to the guests.

The logical continuation of today's event continued in secondary schools numbered 5-8-25 of Fergana city attached to the institute. During the event, students and young people were closely introduced to the creative world of the artists of our country, they were told how powerful spirituality and enlightenment are.

Also, the participants of the event shared information about their works, listened to the poems and stories of creative young people and selected the best ones.

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