A Taikoo Shing resident’s on site observation: Prohibition on Group gathering Regulation (Cap 599) provides Hong Kong Police another excuse for abuse of power - Rev. Yuen Tin-yau

A Taikoo Shing resident’s on site observation: Prohibition on Group gathering Regulation (Cap 599) provides Hong Kong Police another excuse for abuse of power - Rev. Yuen Tin-yau


(27 April) I was very sad to see the plight of Hong Kong and the depravation of the Hong Kong Police yesterday evening.  I couldn't calm down until this morning.


I preached at a church on Sunday morning. It was a lovely sunny afternoon. I went for hiking at Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir. I felt so good until I returned to Taikoo Shing around 6.30 pm when everything turned me around! Before I entered Cityplaza, I already seen intensive presence of riot police force outside. Their guns were fully loaded as if they were facing some sort of dangerous enemies. Inside the mall, there were hundreds of people scattered around. The riot police force stormed in less than few minutes after I entered the shopping centre to disband the crowds before I could even hear anybody chanting slogans or doing anything.“I live at TaikooShing, I didn’t participate in anything. Why am I not allowed to walk around?” I asked the police. "You violated Cap 599." A police officer replied rudely. "I'm on my own, how do I violating the ban'?" I asked. "You are because I say so!!"He said. I was furious.


As I passed through the mall slowly preparing to leave, I saw riot police pointing their long guns at the citizens.There were elderly and childrenthere, how could the police do this to the civilians?Innocent people would be hurt if the guns fired off accidentally. Of course, I could hear people at the site condemning the police while the other side spatted back “cockroaches” and other indecent insults that were hard for me to let out of my tongue. A law enforcement officer should not insult citizens even if they break the law; let alone not everyone at the site was in the sing glory to HK activity!


When I reached the first floor, I saw three people coming from the direction of Mark & Spencer. They were immediately stopped by a few police offices accusing them of violating 599G. How did they breach the requirements when there were only 3 people?


Later on when I returned home watching TV news, the police said that “It is illegal when four people gather with a common purpose even if they are 1.5 meters apart.” Is it true that the law should be interpreted in this way?


Although the Wuhan pandemic is not over, people have been staying at home for a long time. Many people will go shopping or go to the countryside during holidays. Basically crowds of people could be seen in these places. People go in groups and they are less than 1.5m apart from each other. Clearly they have the same reason to be there: shopping. Is that illegal? Personally, I don’t know much about the law but the law should be understandable to common folks. That’s why I believe that the police create their own interpretations to the law, especially their attitude are, “You break the law because we say so!” Are the police Japanese Imperial Army?It’s not illegal when more than four people gather in a mall. It’s just that the police don’t like citizens gathered to sing ‘Glory to Hong Kong’. This has nothing to do with epidemic prevention and control. If you want to disperse people or accuse them of breaching the law, you should enforce the law reasonably. You should not cite an irrelevant infectious disease control regulation based on your own added subjective interpretation. There is actually no scientific basis for the ‘gathering ban’.  (Editorial Note: the medical rationale for keeping social distancing is to prevent large scale outbreak and contagion at community level but some oppressive governments have taken advantage of this kind of regulations as new excuse to suppress citizens.)Of course, I hope that there are not too many people gathering at any particular place. However, law enforcers certainly could not misuse group gathering prohibition to implement political agenda. Unfortunately, we have a depraved regime that keeps assaulting the law and random interpreting the laws as they want. They use police brutality to suppress opposing views. They put HK under terror. Who are the genuine terrorists? People know this well in their hearts.


“Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong” (Psalm 37:1)


I’m furious only because Hong Kong has fallen into the hands of evil. “Break the arm of the wicked man; call the evildoer to account for his wickedness that would not otherwise be found out.” (Psalm 10:15) This is the prayer from the bottom of my heart.

Source: Stand News


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