A Story of Betty and Eric Ch. 01

A Story of Betty and Eric Ch. 01

"I'm having a company party this evening, but I'll be back from the office to change and relax a bit before going out."

As Betty climbed the corporate ladder she had to attend those more and more often. Eric was getting used to at least one evening every two weeks without his wife at home. Unlike Betty, he spent most of his time in their household, being a writer and having a luxury of working in his armchair or on the patio when the weather allowed. That is if he didn't have to do some research in a city library, but for the past few months he struggled with his next book and didn't go out much.

Today was no exception as he was still in his pajamas watching his beautiful wife getting ready for the office. And the image before his eyes was very much worth watching. In her mid-thirties Betty has never looked better. She's always been tall and athletic, but now with her newly gained self confidence - due to her success at work being one of the senior executives and on her way to the Board - and her new wardrobe of expensive elegant power suits she was a sight to behold. Eric felt his member getting hard watching her getting ready to conquer.

"Would you pick my dress form the dry cleaners? The ecru one, I'm planning to wear it for tonight event but I won't be able to pick it myself and have some time at home before the party."

Betty was putting the last touches on her makeup and out of the corner of her eye glimpsed at Eric's reflection in the mirror. She wasn't happy with what she saw. Still handsome and in good shape, his recent struggles with the new novel took toll on his image. This morning again he wasn't looking like his former self - unshaved, still sleepy in worn out pajamas, clearly lacking energy he used to have so much in the early years of their marriage. As if he lost his drive and purpose in life, wasn't entirely happy with what he's become, and at the same time was clearly unhappy with what he hadn't become. Not that he was ever determined or pursued his goals with vision - unlike his wife, Eric was a dreamer - always lots of ideas on his mind but lacking the willpower to achieve them. Trying his luck in business and corporate world he was fairly successful at the beginning, but quickly lost his motivation with first few setbacks he encountered. Eventually decided to become a writer -something he always wanted to try, and surprisingly he took to it with focus and consistence. He published two fairly successful novels - a great source of pride for him and Betty, but hasn't been able to finish his latest book for over a year now, much to his own frustration and Betty's growing impatience.

The source of Betty's lately impatience with Eric wasn't about the book being published, or the income Eric would provide to the family budget. With every promotion Betty's, or Ms Elisabeth's - as she was referred to at the office - income increased significantly and now she made much more than Eric could have ever be able to. No, money was not the issue. Betty has always known that she is eventually going to be the main breadwinner in their marriage, part of her craved it and thought of it as fair that she - a woman would be the provider for her man. After so many years of wage discrimination against women in the labor market the scales have finally tipped - at least in her marriage. She loved her job - although often demanding effort and long hours - she felt very much on her rightful place: respected, even admired with many people dependant on her decisions - sort of responsibility she felt she was born to. However as she felt she was evolving, growing, moving forward, Eric on the other hand sort of stopped. As if he wasn't able to use his full potential.

Betty has always admired her husband - he was smart and funny, handsome and bold, caring and warm, both projecting self confidence on the outside and nursing many insecurities inside. It was a personality mix she loved, but also felt he's lost direction lately, kind off given up o himself. Which was so frustrating for her, as she wanted him to be her partner going to the top, happy and fulfilled in both professional and personal life.

"What's your plans for today honey? Gonna try to push the next chapter? "

"I hope so." Eric didn't like her pushing him too much, nor did he feel obliged to report his work progress to his wife. Let her knock herself out in the office and leave his own problems to him. To his relief she seemed to drop the subject, now putting on her black leather coat - another of her power clothing attributes - and walking to the garage. In her heels, Gucci suit and leather coat she looked magnificent. Eric knew he'll have a hard time not jerking off to this image when she leaves.

"Well, I'm off but I'll be a bit earlier today. Be ready for me babe." Betty gave him a brief kiss and got into her car. He watched as she put on driving gloves before firing up the engine of her new company car - she 's recently had it changed to even bigger one - and drive off.


Coming back home earlier Betty was in a great mood. Finally everything was going her way at work -after months of hard work she finally felt at the right place with things starting to get smooth, workload being done on time by her team. It was starting to feel not only as prestigious and exciting challenge, but also fun and surprisingly less demanding than what she had to deal with before she got her position. The work wasn't so hectic recently, and with her team set up properly on their tasks Betty found out she now had more time on her hands. Time she spent developing market strategies, but also considering some personal investments, and planning her day after work - something she hasn't had the luxury of for a long time.

Today was even better as she could call it a day earlier - to prepare for evening event. She enjoyed those business parties. Always in beautiful settings, good food, great drinks and many people to talk to - she felt like fish in the water on such occasions. Coming back home early also presented many possibilities - she hoped to have light dinner and spend some time with Eric, and if time allows have some quick but passionate sex. Eric was a caring and devoted lover, she loved his touch on her skin, his gentle mouth on her nipples, his broad shoulders when she embraced him, his eyes when he climaxed.

The mood was gone the minute she opened the front door. The house was a mess, with dirty dishes all around the kitchen and living room empty pizza box on a dirty floor.

Eric was on a couch watching TV, still in his pajamas, unshaved and all around unkempt as if he hasn't even taken a shower. Betty felt disappointed seeing him like that, seeing her husband stop taking care of himself. It was a striking contrast - she felt sophisticated and sexy in her elegant power suit, high heels, leather coat and gloves while he looked like a bum in his pajamas, unshaved and sprawled on a coach with a beer bottle in one hand and the remote in the other, watching a football match acknowledging her presence with just a nod, eyes fixed on TV screen.

"Is this how you spend your time when I'm gone?" Betty hardly contained her anger, she didn't want to shout on him, with her throat tight it was more of a growl that came out of her mouth. "Look what the house looks like!"

Eric just shot a glance all over the house before going back to watching the screen.

"I didn't know you'd be back so early, would've clean it up a bit after the match so you wouldn't have problem with the mess," he said.

"You didn't know, did you?" Betty was having a hard time not screaming at him. "I told you in the morning I was going back earlier today, but you never seem to listen to what I say! And it isn't so that I wouldn't have a problem with the mess - how can you even sit in a room like this?"

"Yeah, ok. Just go change, let me watch the match, will ya?"

Betty was on a brink of turning back and walking out to calm herself down, but something in her refused to back down this time

"Did you manage to work on your book today?" She already knew the answer but couldn't stop herself asking him. "You obviously didn't." Eric just shrugged, his eyes never leaving the screen.

"Is anything for dinner? Eric, I'm talking to you! Will you stop watching this stupid game and answer me?! I don't think I can stand it anymore, something needs to change around here. There I am working my ass off to support our lifestyle while you just sit around all day in this mess? And when I come back home to relax, have some dinner with my husband, maybe even fool around a bit - all I have is messy house, messy husband with nothing done!" The last words were really loud, Betty was fuming and Eric's indifference was getting her even angrier.

"I'm sorry honey, I forgot. I'll make something good for dinner tomorrow, ok?" Eric at least tried to sound sincere, but Betty noticed he was still intensely watching the match. She took a deep breath to calm herself down, she didn't want a row before her party, she needed her best mood tonight.

"Ok, I guess I'll order some pizza. Tidy up this room when you're finished watching, will you? Where did you put my dress from dry cleaners?"

"Your dress? What dress?" This was too much. In a few strides Betty was over him, in an instant her hand grabbed his face.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you Eric," she hissed. "Turn off the TV."

Suddenly there was silence. She looked into his eyes and saw he knew he fucked up with the dress. There was also shock in his eyes. Shock as she's never been that aggressive with him, not ever raised her voice not to mention her hands. She was shocked herself, she didn't knew what possessed her. But there was something else she saw in his eyes. Fear. This man that stood up to everyone, that never allowed anyone or anything disrespect him, that was never afraid to speak his mind, stood his ground for the things he thought important, this brave man was afraid of her. She stood tall above him, still in her heels and coat. Her black leather gloved hand grabbing his chin, forcing him to look in her eye.

"Did. You. Bring. My. Dress. As I told you..." anger boiling in her, but her voice was deceptively calm. At that moment she felt like a storm was ready to explode within her. Not only Eric spent all day doing nothing, not only he didn't appreciate her supporting the family while he could pursue his dreams of being a writer, not only he didn't respect her enough to clear the house a bit before she comes back, but now despite having the whole day for it, he also ruined her evening not picking up the dress she chose to wear.

"Sorry, I forgot..." In a flash she brought her other hand to his face, slapping him hard in the chin. Betty knew she should feel ashamed and guilty for hitting her husband, no matter he deserved it or not, but the sound of her leather gloved hand hitting his chin in this suddenly quite room, the look of fear in his now teary eyes, her looming over him in her power clothes - all that made something tingle down in her pussy. She felt warm down there, as if her new found power turned her on. She released his face

"Get up Eric." As he rose from the couch she noticed a visible tent in his pajama pants, formed by his hardening cock. Obviously despite the pain and humiliation from the slap he felt aroused too. Or because of the pain and humiliation.

"Grab your clothes, get in the car and go get my dress. Right. Now!" There was no question he will do what she said. Without waiting for his response she turned on her feet and went to finally take her coat off, hearing him spring to obey her command.


When Eric went out to get Betty's dress from cleaning, he was still in a bit of a shock. His face burned from her blow, his ears burned of shame and anger how he could let her treat him like that. Humiliate him. Treat him like some kind of servant. Still part of him, the part he didn't knew even existed, was in awe of her. Seeing her standing tall above him, Eric had to admit to himself he was both afraid of her wrath, of what she might do and at the same time felt strangely excited. He always admired strong women, the kind of strength so different and exciting from men's. The feminine elegance and grace, attention to details expressed with carefully chosen heels, make up, all those foreign to men little things like nail polish, earrings, bracelets, things designed to make them pretty. Those feminine attributes when paired with steely resolve, determination, confidence, athleticism resulted in a very sexy combination. Eric has always known Betty had some kind of steel inside her, and now he realized that it wasn't just her looks that made him desire her, but also her inner strength. The kind of strength he knew he lacked himself and it excited him to know his woman possessed it. It was as if Betty was some kind of super heroine with special powers that made him inferior to her.

He had to admit that it was a major turn on for him, but simultaneously his rebellious nature couldn't just let it go. His own pride was too strong to allow anyone, even Betty insult him like that. He still felt angry and resentful when he pulled into their garage, parking his 5 year old Toyota next to her new BMW 7. Another little sting of irritation - he complained his car was getting old and was too small, but she argued that they had her car comfortable for longer trips, and she wanted to save the money for some investment she had in mind.

He put those thoughts aside as he realized he was almost late - it was time she was to go out. His irritation vanished - instantly overcome by something new and strange to him. He realized it was fear. Angry now, he scolded himself for being ridiculous: to fear his own wife? He wasn't afraid of no man, and he certainly would not be frightened by a woman.

When Eric entered the house and noticed the how messy it was, he could understand why Betty felt angry when she got back from the office. He really went overboard today, it certainly wasn't a pleasant feeling stepping over empty pizza box and discarded socks.

"Eric? I'm almost late, the taxi will be here any minute. Would you bring my dress up here?" Betty was in their bedroom, he could feel irritation in her voice, could sense it in the sound her high heels on a wooden floor. She wasn't looking at him, putting her gold earring on, her eyes set on a mirror. It was a second time that day when Eric couldn't help himself but stop to admire his beautiful wife. Standing tall in her black heels, her long legs hardened by hours in the gym, and deliciously curved hips encased in sheer nylon thighs. Black panties over her shaved pussy, his eyes wandered up her washboard hard abs to the matching bra that complemented her perfect breasts. Her dirty blonde hair was put in an elegant bun - sophisticated but sexy, gold circle earrings complimented tastefully made up face. Dark red lips and a bit smoky eyes. She was a goddess, he felt lucky this was his woman.

Betty nimbly put on her dress.

"Zip me up will you?"

It was more a command than request, but Eric was too aroused to notice. Betty finished the look with short black leather gloves that perfectly contrasted with light cream dress and her delicate wrists. Following her to the hallway, Eric noticed the taxi already waiting by their gate.

"Don't wait up for me, I might be late." As Betty put on her elegant Burberry black leather coat, Eric shot one last look at his gorgeous wife and turned ready to spend the evening by himself.

"And Eric? Didn't you forget something?" Betty was standing by the door, obviously expecting something from him.

"Ah, ok. Bye baby," he kissed her goodbye on the cheek to avoid smearing her lipstick. He had to stretch his neck, in her heels Betty was slightly taller than him.

"No Eric," something hard in Betty's voice stopped him when he again tried to leave. "I want an apology. You made me very upset today." Eric was dumbstruck. How dare she ask for that? It was her who hit him if anyone should apologize it wasn't him. He turned to tell his wife to stick his apology but stopped in his tracks. One look at her cold expression, steel resolve in her eyes, her almost regal pose and attire and he knew he could not face her anger again.

"I'm sorry," he murmured.

"Sorry for what Eric? Speak up."

"I'm sorry I let you down today," Eric finally uttered, and realized it was true. He really was sorry, he not only let her down, but let himself down again. It was a feeling too familiar to him lately - by the end of the day he often felt he wasted it.

"Good. Now kiss my hand." Eric looked at her leather gloved palm extended in his direction - the same gloved hand that hit him earlier on. When he kissed her slender palm, he felt a mix of Betty's perfumes and a smell of leather. He also again felt getting hard. Betty noticed that too and smirked with confident authority.

"Clean the house up. I don't want to see any of this mess when I get back." And with that she walked out the door and got in her taxi.


That night Eric was unable to fall asleep. Couldn't stop thinking of what had transpired earlier in the evening. He couldn't understand the change in Betty's behavior. When did she become so bold? So forceful? And how could he allow her to treat him this way? What did she think of him, how was it possible that she thought he deserved such treatment? And why did he went along with it? And finally why the hell was he getting excited thinking of Betty now? Sure he felt resentful and hurt, but he had to admit to himself that a part of him, a significant part of him felt aroused and excited. The way she looked, the way she dressed, the way she spoke to him, all this made him hard just thinking about it.

He realized a new order was establishing in their relationship. In the last few months, or was it years already she became the provider, the main decision maker, the head of the family. It wasn't a sudden change, after he quit his job to become a writer Betty supported him and seemed happy with her decision. His previous income compared to her new wages was laughable at best, so the change barely affected their financial standing when instead of meager salary he contributed modest royalties from his first book. But somehow, and he couldn't say exactly when, it was her word that was last when push came to shove. She decided how they invested the money, where they would go for vacation, or even whether they would eat at home or go to the restaurant, where it was her who covered the check. She still treated him as equal partner and with respect, but he found himself more and more compliant with her wishes and decisions.

With him staying at home, at Betty's suggestion he took up more house chores now. It was only logical with her longer hours, that him being at home would take care of groceries, preparing meals, washing and cleaning. He thought it was fair, but now realized that she held all the power: the money and decisions, and when she was out in the world making money, he stayed at home with chores. Reality was she wore that pants in their relationship, while he was becoming her subservient stay at home husband. Her role was to lead the family and his to make her happy - prepare food, keep the house clean and get her off in bed. He took to this role naturally, as she took to hers, but without full realization how things progressed. It was an evolution rather than revolution. Up to this day. This afternoon something changed. Elizabeth (somehow calling her Betty in this situation seemed inappropriate) imposed her authority, gave orders instead of asking and even hit him. She left no doubt who is in charge in their relationship, that Eric better not cross her. It was a lesson not to make her angry again.

This was not something he would easily agree to. Eric recognized that he was too passive lately, he let Elisabeth take control, take over their marriage. This was his fault and maybe he deserved it, but he would change things back from now on. He decided to finish his novel and that this would finally be the one that makes him famous. And rich. He would reestablish his role in their marriage, he would show his wife that he's no pushover. That thought made him content and calmed him down, yet his arousal evaporated. Somehow the prospect of being again Elisabeth's equal killed his desire.r"






















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