A Sound Of Thunder Download Movie Free

A Sound Of Thunder Download Movie Free


A Sound Of Thunder Download Movie Free


When a scientist sent back to the prehistoric era strays off the path he causes a chain of events that alters history in disastrous ways.
2055, Charles Hatton has made a fortune by founding 'Time safari', which offers rich 'big game hunters' short time travels to kill off dinosaurs just before their natural death. When Travis notices the weather and wildlife are not behaving as usual, he consults Dr. Rand, the contractually invisible inventor of the supercomputer which controls the time travel. They soon face 'time waves', each worsening the effects in 2055 of evolutionary distortions, lower lifeforms first. They attempt to identify and rectify the past alteration, but each attempt gets harder in their distorted present.
Those of us of a certain age will remember the greatest comic-books ever; the EC comics of the 1950's. One issue of a particular comic freely "borrowed" the Ray Bradbury short story "A sound of thunder" for adaptation and produced a seminal comic-book work. Bradbury noticed and initially protested to EC, but the company and the author came to an arrangement whereby EC would adapt many of Bradbury's short stories to the comics medium, thus providing us comic readers with many wonderful comics stories. This particular story was also re-adapted in Ray Bradbury Comics many years later. The new film has expanded upon what was, after all, only a short 'cautionary tale' type story, otherwise it would have been a very thin film indeed. I found the film thoroughly enjoyable and certainly not out of place in today's movie world. It is thrilling and fun and definitely worth a couple of hours of anyone's time.
... yet not bad enough to be &quot;good.&quot; I loved the short story. I even liked the old &quot;Ray Bradbury Presents...&quot; short that was done of the story back in the 80&#39;s. There is great potential for a real thinker&#39;s &quot;time travel paradox&quot; movie.<br/><br/>This doesn&#39;t do it.<br/><br/>As others have commented, the absolutely pathetic effects are one of the first things that grab your attention. While I tried to grit my teeth through them, they are simply too distracting and completely prevent you from suspending disbelief.<br/><br/>I can understand that the screenwriters would take some liberties with the concept of how a time travel paradox might unfold -- after all, who really knows? -- but the lack of basic logic compounded with an appalling butchery of high school evolution was appalling. For a movie which pretends to play the role of &quot;science&quot; fiction it falls decidedly short.<br/><br/>He &quot;stepped on evolution&quot; indeed...
Burns doesn't even bother to disguise his New York accent, any more than he does his boredom.

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