A Sage Piece Of Advice On Double Glazing In Hemel Hempstead From A Five-Year-Old

A Sage Piece Of Advice On Double Glazing In Hemel Hempstead From A Five-Year-Old

Double Glazing in Hemel Hempstead - Beware of Dirty Tricks

A shady double glazing salesperson may begin their presentation by offering you what appears to be a substantial discount. These discounts are not unusual to reach thousands of pounds.

The old saying is that a fool and his money can be easily parted so don't get swayed by this dirty trick. Here are a few other techniques double glazing salespeople with no morals use to scam customers:


Many people decide to replace their double-glazing for various reasons. These include enhancing energy efficiency, or replacing damaged or worn-out units. They may also want to make their property more aesthetically-pleasing, or may have found their current windows contribute to damp and mould. Beware of cheap double glazing companies who use deceitful tactics to entice customers.

The dirty trick used by morally incompetent salespeople who sell double glazing is to advertise the product for sale at the price of a "discount price" which they claim is only available because they've'sold out of it. This is a marketing classic similar to the way that supermarkets mark down an item in a single store for 28 days before distributing it across the country and the price difference could be a huge amount of money.

It is important to consider all aspects when choosing a new double-glazing design that include cost, opening styles and color choices. You should look for a company who offers bespoke designs, as this can help you save money over the course of time. You can also search for companies that supply only double glazing, which allows you to install windows yourself in order to reduce costs. However, this option can be risky, and you should only use firms that are FENSA and CERTASS registered.

"Sold Out" Adverts

Sometimes, unscrupulous salespeople selling double glazing offer the option of fitting rear windows and doors at a reduced cost as part of a package that will include the installation of a new front door. These sales tactics typically include the claim that the offer is open only to you, and that you must act quickly to avoid missing the savings.

This is an old technique that has been used to influence customers and is designed to make the possibility of buying double-glazed products seem more appealing. This is a tactic which does not work and is easily exposed when you shop around.

A double glazing salesperson who is morally absent could also offer a'special discount' tied to a scrappage program of the government or some other fictitious program. These schemes are usually advertised with convincing "reasons-why" that will convince you that you are about get a substantial discount. Discounts have been known to exceed a number of thousands of pounds. This is yet another one of those scams that never succeed and should be dealt with in a polite, but strict manner.

"Free" Front Windows

A uPVC front door will not only increase the security of your home, but also its thermal performance. It keeps cold air out and warm air in, which will reduce energy costs. In addition, a uPVC door can help reduce noise pollution. window glass replacement hemel hempstead locking system locks at multiple points within the frame. This makes it more secure.

You can choose from a broad range of windows and door styles in Hemel Hempstead that will suit your needs. Whether you're looking for a new front door, or a set of bi-fold doors, you will find the perfect solution. In addition, you could use a uPVC repair service to make sure that your uPVC door functions effectively.

When selecting a new double glazing system, you'll want to ensure that it has an excellent energy rating. A-rated units help to reduce heat loss, ensuring that your home stays warmer and dryer for longer. In addition, a-rated units can help homeowners save money on their energy bills.

'Last Season's Stock'

We're all trained to seek out bargains during the sales in January and summer but when it comes to double glazing, this is one trick that you must avoid. Unscrupulous salespeople have been often seen offering a discount price on 'last season's stock'. This is designed to make you believe that you are receiving an offer that won't be repeated when the company renews its stocks.

This is a shady tactic that should be avoided at all cost. The reason they say that this is stock from last season is because the company has already replenished with the latest windows and doors for the upcoming year. You can avoid this trap by comparing and shopping around prices.

The most modern uPVC windows are incredibly U-values and energy ratings, which can dramatically reduce your heating costs. In addition they are resistant to British weather and require only minimal maintenance. These attributes can make a significant difference to the overall look and feel of your property.

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Scrappage Schemes

Whether you are seeking to reduce your energy bills or replace damaged and worn window units, looking around is always an excellent idea when it comes to double glazing in Hemel Hempstead. However, it is important to watch out for some of the shady tricks favoured by unethical double glazing salespeople.

One of the most popular techniques is to claim that there's a Government Window Scrappage Scheme. This is a completely false claim and it is something that the ASA has received numerous complaints regarding. It is advised to walk away when you are approached by such an offer.

Other companies employ a different technique, offering a discount linked to their Window Scrappage Scheme. This is also a fictitious scheme and it is not approved by the government. A lot of people have misused these schemes and the people who are involved in them are usually dishonest.

There is no doubt that high-quality uPVC windows can make a significant difference to your home and boost its energy efficiency. They can keep your house warmer and dryer for longer, thereby saving you money over the long term on heating expenses. They can also reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which is beneficial for the environment. A window scrappage scheme could encourage homeowners to replace their old, inefficient windows with new, energy efficient uPVC windows.

'Special Offers'

We know that choosing the best double-glazing products for your home is a big decision. It is important to consider the style of your home and also the frame material and the opening options. There are also a range of energy efficiency factors that will impact on your final cost including the U-value and the energy rating.

Some salespeople for double glazing say that the stock is "older" or 'last season stock'. It's a ruse used to try and manipulate customers into making an uninformed purchase. They're attempting to take advantage of the desire we have to find a bargain. This is particularly the case during sales in winter.

Check around to make sure that the price quoted is competitive. Keep in mind that there are plenty of double glazing businesses out there that are willing to supply and install high-quality uPVC windows and doors for your Hemel Hempstead home. Our online service will help you find local installers who are recommended, which will save you time and effort. We'll only connect you with reliable double glazing companies close to Hemel Hempstead so you can be assured that your project will be completed to the highest quality. It's simple and free to use. Start searching now! AW Windows Ltd has been installing and supplying double-glazed windows in Hemel Hempstead for over 20 years.

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