A Quiet Evening Контрольная Работа 5 Класс

A Quiet Evening Контрольная Работа 5 Класс


A Quiet Evening Контрольная Работа 5 Класс

A quiet evening

This is Vera’s family. It’s 8 o’clock in the evening and everyone is at home. Vera’s Grandma (0) is
watching a comedy on TV, she likes it. Vera’s dad is reading a magazine, he hates comedies. Vera
and Sam (1)_____ chatting on Skype. Vera’s mum (2) ___ watering the flowers. She likes flowers
in the house. She likes cats too. There are two little cats in the room. They (3) ___ playing with the
ball. This is Vera’s granddad. Photography is his hobby. He makes wonderful photos now. They
(5) ___ enjoying a quiet evening at home.
5. Read the text (exercise 4) again and write 5 sentences about likes and dislikes in Vera’s
family. Use constructions to like doing something/to enjoy doing something, to hate doing
0. Vera’s Grandma enjoys watching comedies on TV

Составьте 10 предложений с переводом на русский с модальным глаголом may

[tex]785 - (74x85) \\ 77y85 \geqslant 88[/tex]помогите пожалуйста!!!​

СССРРРОООЧЧЧНННООО!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ДАЮ 26 БАЛОВ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The interview is about
А) the Olympic Games
Б) football
В) healthy li

Г) different kinds of sports
2) (Points: 1)
Choose the right sentence.
А) People can go in for sports only in gyms.
Б) Weightlifting is not popular in America.
В) One can go swimming only in summer.
Г) Many secondary schools pay much attention to sports.
3) (Points: 1)
Find the wrong statement.
А) Sports and activities have become more fashionable nowadays.
Б) Englishmen like all kinds of racing.
В) Nobody goes in for sports seriously, just for fun.
Г) In summer people can swim in lakes and rivers.
4) (Points: 1)
Complete the sentence (according to the text).
Many fitness clubs and public leisure centers _________________________________.
А) are very popular in England
Б) are great places for people to spend their leisure time
В) are very cheap
Г) are a way to keep fit
5) (Points: 1)
Answer the question.
What sports (according to the text) are British fond of?
А) Track and field
Б) Rowing
В) Cross-country skiing
Г) Many sports are very popular with them
6) (Points: 1)
Choose the best title for the text.
А) What is a dog-racing?
Б) Sports at secondary schools
В) Sports in America
Г) People and sports

Відповісти на запитання.
What do you usually have for breakfast? What is your favourite TV programme? What do you like to do in your free time? What d

o you usually wear in summer?
(пожалуйста срочно)

D) Havaya doğru atılırken yukarı giden10. Aşağıdaki olayların hangisindekuvvetin cisimler üzerindeki etkileridiğerlerinden farklıdır?A) Hareket halind

eyken frenine basılanbisikletB) Durağa yaklaşmakta olan otobüsC) Havalanmak üzere pistten hareketeden uçaktop​

Напишите про любую телесемью кроме симпсонов на англиском вот пример

1bDraw and write a puzzle.Нарисуйте и напишите загадку,I'mI haveI can​

Н/w: Дополнить пропуски выбрав изпредложенных вариантов подходящиедля вас и выучить 7 предложений.1. I get up at 8 o'clock in the morning.2. I wash, g

et dressed and have breakfast3. After breakfast- I go to dance class /football practice.I play computer games.4. I have lunch at 1:30 pm (half past one inthe afternoon)5. After lunchI talk on the phone.I do my homework.- I go to the funfair.I clean the house.6. I have dinner at 6:30 pm.(half past 6)7. After dinner- I-1 watch TV. .- I wash the dishes.- I help my mother. .- I go to bed.Слова для справкиAfter [aftə] - послеbreakfast [brekfəst) - завтракlunch [lany] - obendinner [dinә) - ужинto talk on phone [to:k pn fəun]разговаривать по телефону.Говоря о времени мы используемпредлог at- вв 3 часа. - at 3 o'clock. |​ПЕРЕВЕСТИ

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A quiet evening This is Vera’s family. It’s 8 o’clock in the evening and...
A quiet evening this is vera’s family. it’s 8 o’clock in the evening and...
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