A Promising Start

A Promising Start

Nicole pulled back from kissing me, trying to catch her breath. I felt rather overwhelmed myself; we hadn't known each other long, and this was our first time meeting in person, but the intensity of what was between us was undeniable. I was fairly sure she was going to ask me about...it that night. She seemed very keyed up, and I could tell her mind was racing, trying to decide how to bring up the topic. It was my fault for introducing her to it, I suppose.

We'd met online and hit it off rather well; she was clever, funny, interested in my writing hobby, and extremely cute. It didn't take long for our chats to turn explicit; on top of both being pretty darn horny, everything I learned about her made me more eager to meet her, and she seemed to feel the same. I was a bit nervous to tell her exactly what I wrote, since even people who were accepting of me being a smut peddler would usually balk at the expansion part. Not Nicole, though. She just said the idea of a fantasy that you could never live was fascinating, and told me how turned on she was hearing about it.

Yeah. I know.

Within a week, it was video chats with some teasing, and then the naughty pictures in texts, which is where she first got a glimpse of what I could do. I didn't push too far for the first reveal, barely nine inches, just a little more than my baseline. Some folks get scared by a big cock, and I didn't want to risk her running off. I shouldn't have worried. She was impressed to the point of hardly believing me, and insisted we had to meet soon. I went about an inch bigger for the second picture, which she almost didn't notice. It was kind of flattering, because she was so obviously turned on by me that the details weren't her focus, but she did catch it:

"Okay, is that REALLY your cock?"

"Yes, it's really me. Why?"

"Because it's further past your navel in this pic. Like, significantly. Soooo what's up with that?"

"Hooo, okay.

It's not a morph or anything.

Like, not photoshopped.

It is bigger than the first pic, though. It's...just something I can do. I can grow."



That's what you write in your stories. That's not real."

"It is what I write, yes, but I write what I know. Want me to prove it?"

"Um, yeah! Video call, now.

Show me the magic dick."

When her face appeared on my phone, I could tell she was skeptical. Who wouldn't be? It's not as though folks like me are commonplace. "Alright," I said, "no tricks, this is real. Just, you know, I don't want you to freak out. People sometimes get scared of, well, big." I switched the camera over.

Nicole made the most appealing whimper of desire I've ever heard when she saw it, propped up against my hand and faintly pulsing. Nearer to ten inches than nine is certainly impressive by most standards, however skewed my own perceptions might be. "It looks so good, babe. I want it already. So, what do you have to, um, do?" I love the way she can't keep the need out of her voice.

"I mean, not much. It's like, I have this pressure inside me when I get turned on, and I usually hold it back, but if I let it loose, I just...this." My cock twitched and throbbed, and slowly stretched, a new inch standing proudly above my hand after a minute or so, then another. I watched as Nicole's eyes widened, her mouth falling open as her breath quickened. She was completely entranced, shuddering as I passed a foot in length, gasping when I tried to wrap my hand around the shaft and my fingers couldn't touch. "It's really easy, almost too easy. I'm going slow, because I want to be able to, well, stop myself. It feels, mmf, so good to grow."

"It's, I'm, um, fuck. It just keeps going. Are you always that, um, wet? Oh wow, you're so, and your balls too, I want it. I want you. When can I meet you? Please say soon. I need that cock." Her voice had changed, more breathy, full of lust she couldn't hide. I was glad she wasn't seeing my face, because my look of relief at her being into the 14 and counting inches I was putting on display, rather than hanging up and never talking to me again, would have killed the mood.

I pulled back, my growth coming to a halt. I lay back in bed, letting the tip of my member rest at my sternum as I flipped the camera back. Not many people can get their face and their dick in the same shot on a front-facing camera, and I felt like showing off a little. "I was hoping you'd ask that," I smiled. "You free tomorrow?"

"Mm hm. I'm free whenever. Just let me know when you're coming. Um, how big can you, I mean, is there a limit, or?" She bit her lower lip, making me wish I was there to kiss her.

That was a question I didn't get often, and it suggested that this relationship was going to be a lot of fun. "I don't really know. I've never found a maximum, and I've bumped into ceilings. Tomorrow, then?"

"Huh? Yeah, yeah, t-tomorrow. I'm gonna go, um, oh fuck. I'll see you."

Which brought us to that night, sitting on her couch mostly ignoring a movie, having barely made some small talk before the lush softness of her body drew my hands. I have a lot of practice holding back an overactive libido, but the feel of her skin under my fingers sent an unexpectedly powerful shock through me. Kissing her had been unavoidable, a compulsion I didn't even try to resist, and feeling her lips against mine had set my heart racing and my pants tightening. Need filled my mind, in a way I hadn't expected, and for the first time in years, my control accidentally slipped for a moment, and my package pulsed larger before I locked it back down. How did she get to me so deeply, when we'd only just met? I tried to focus, before matters got out of hand.

That focus was immediately tested, as Nicole nodded to herself as if making a decision, then leaned into me and pulled me into another kiss. I felt her hands slide down to my waist, where she began tugging at my belt, eager to move the evening forward. How could I say no? I shifted to let her pull my pants down, which she broke the kiss to do, looking with undisguised hunger at the rapidly stiffening prize just beneath my boxers. It was already threatening to push past the waistband, hardly what I would consider excessive, but I could feel the insistent push for more building rapidly.

"Are you sure about this? I mean, it's kind of sudden, and I'm flattered, I just don't want you to rush if you..." I didn't get any further than that; Nicole laid a soft, unhesitating hand on my shaft, kissed me hard, then looked straight into my eyes, knowing she had my full attention.

"I don't know why I want you so bad. It's crazy how intense this feels. I can't explain it, I just know I have to have you. I'm sure, so relax." She returned her attention to the main attraction, where the touch of her hand had me starting to get messy. "Oh wow, you're so...wet. Is that weird to say about a guy? Damn."

"Just how I am, I guess. Granted, you're getting me going very quickly."

"Oh really, am I?" She smirked at me, and shifted lower. "I haven't done anything yet. Now this should get you going."

Nicole pulled down the band of my boxers, freeing my cock from its confines momentarily before her mouth descended over the tip. Her lips felt smooth and perfect wrapped around me, her tongue languidly running over exactly the right spots to draw a moan from my throat. I felt her swallow as a new pulse of pre burst forth, and my hips twitched forward, instinctively trying to push deeper. She returned the favor by taking as much of me as she could, the glorious warmth of her mouth growing tight as she filled it with cock. As before, the unreasonable strength of my desire for her found a crack in my control, and the throbbing tip suddenly surged further down her throat, causing her to pull back with a cough.

"Sorry! Sorry, are you okay? I didn't mean to, it just, I normally have more control." I was so concerned (rather rationally I think) that I had hurt her, or scared her, that I was entirely failing to keep up the confident demeanor I figured would be attractive. I shouldn't have worried.

She looked at me with some amusement, licking her lips. "Fuck, you taste good. I'm fine, and you can do that all you want. Oh, baby, you're so long! I love it hitting the back of my throat, and when you grew? Mmm, so hot. Just fuck my face, I need it." As if to underscore her extremely horny declaration, she gave my dripping shaft a long lick and returned to the blowjob in earnest.

It was as though we'd been partners for years, the way she knew exactly what I liked with only the slightest direction, and yet the electric connection was new and exciting. Nicole clearly didn't want me holding back, but I still tried, if only because I knew there was only so much I could let go before she'd have to stop. I managed to hold the length of my dick to about a foot, which proved ideal for her to wrap a hand around (well, mostly, considering the girth) while still pushing the limits of her mouth's capacity. She didn't make it easy, though, and I had to resort to a trick I hadn't used in quite some time. I used my already productive balls as an outlet for some of the growth pressure, letting them swell to the size of apples, which upped the amount of precum she had to deal with but helped me keep my dong in check.

Nicole became increasingly accustomed to the pole stretching her jaw open, and the steady flow of slickness it provided, and the pleasure only mounted as she went. The familiar feeling of inevitability washed over me, and I fought for the words to warn her. This was going to be messy. Again, when she got the message, she didn't take it as an opportunity to get clear or slow down; my loss of control was what she was after. I couldn't escape the rising tide, every attempt to distract myself turning into gazing at her round, luscious rear, or the bouncing of her perfect, lush tits. I passed the tipping point, and pulled her down hard onto my cock as I came. The first several pulses poured down her throat, a volume I couldn't see to estimate but it felt like a lot. I wasn't nearly done when she pulled back for air, though, and the next burst puffed out her cheeks as her mouth was filled with hot spunk. She released me entirely to deal with it, and for her trouble, the last few shots coated her face and breasts.

Nicole blinked up at me, at first in disbelief, then with mild reproach as she glanced at her chest. "I hope this washes out. I like this shirt."

I was still catching my breath, but couldn't help a sheepish grin. "Sorry. I didn't expect quite so much so soon. Are you alright?"

"Oh, I'm fine. I'm just giving you shit; I earned this mess. Mmf. So much, I'm stuffed." She stood, wiping her face with her already cum-soaked shirt; she might have felt full, but her tummy wasn't even visibly pumped up. Yet. "I'm going to jump in the shower, and change. You want some water or something?"

"That would be great. Thanks." She directed me to the glasses, and cleaned up while I hydrated and recovered some control. I still didn't understand the intensity of my reaction to her. I wanted her, needed her, and every touch strengthened that feeling. It was like we meshed, like the lust and need inside me found a match in her and we fed each other's flames to new heights. I had finished a couple glasses of water and cleaned up a bit when I heard the shower stop.

Nicole's voice came from the bathroom, a note of concern coloring her words. "Babe, does your cum, like, I don't know, do anything special?"

"Not that I know of. Why?"

"Oh, I just wondered, because you filled my belly with it. Is your, whatever, growth thing, does it transfer or share or...?"

I walked towards the bathroom, this line of questioning making me a little apprehensive. "Uh, no. It's just me. Again, why?" A beat of silence. "Nicole, are you bigger?"

She stepped into the hallway, a towel wrapped around her, but even so, I could see her previously quite generous tits were pushing the cloth further out than they had at first. If I knew her better, I'd have been better able to judge, but her hips seemed wider, her butt bubbled out a touch further, her lips a bit fuller. She didn't look to be actively growing, but there was more of her, no question about it. I had just gotten calmed down, and the sight of her blew it all away; I could feel the seams of my pants stretching as my rod thickened and swelled down one leg. If she had a condition similar to mine, as she evidently did, that explained some of the connection we had. Such as, for instance, why I was walking towards her as if drawn by a magnet.

Nicole looked worried as I approached, understandably so. She wasn't even used to my capabilities yet, and suddenly her body had jumped on the size train with me. "So we're clear, all...this isn't you? You didn't make me get all curvy?"

"Curvier. You were luscious before. Anyway, no, not directly. It's possible my output was a growth trigger, but it looks like this is something you've always had and just never known about." I reached a hand up to her cheek, and she leaned against it.

"Oh. Wow. So, um, I take it you like it, based on how hard you looked. Do you wanna do lewd things?" She looked at me with a small smile, and lust in her eyes.

"Very much so. I want to show you what I can do, not to mention see what you can do. I owe you one." I winked at her and licked my lips, and she shivered in anticipation. She led the way to the bedroom, and dropped the towel as she looked back at me with a grin. This was going to be good.

Nicole lay back on the bed as I stripped off my clothes, sighing when she caught sight of my eagerly stiffening schlong. Indeed, that was the main event when it came to me, but I owed her some additional attention. I climbed into the bed and began kissing my way up her thick, rounded thighs, slowly working towards the prize. Her breath quickened, and she began whispering encouragement, a good sign that I was doing something right. Her scent was intoxicating, light and clean after her shower but with a heat that seemed to roll through me with every inhale. Then my lips and tongue reached her plump nethers, and I was hooked instantly.

She reacted with a breathy, "Oh yes, yes baby, right there, just like that, just like that!" I registered the words, but I couldn't have stopped if I wanted to. My tongue pressed firmly on her clit, tracing small shapes that each elicited new moans and cries, before moving downwards to push a little ways inside her. She was already wet, and the taste went straight to my head, demanding that I get more. I couldn't get any air when I pushed that close, but it didn't matter. I needed to eat her out, I was desperate to please her, I wanted to stay between her thighs forever. I had just gone back in after catching my breath when I felt it; Nicole's body quivered, I was rewarded with a burst of slick deliciousness, and her legs tightened around my head, holding me firmly in place. Then, the pressure increased, not through the pull of muscle, but because she was growing.

I was pushed hard against her plush, soaked pussy as her thighs filled out, swelling even thicker as she demanded "don't stop, don't stop, fuck yes, more, don't you dare stop" in a voice I could barely hear, my ears covered as they were. I obliged her, licking and kissing with abandon, every flick of my tongue only fueling her growth, until I started seeing stars. It was still several seconds after my efforts slowed before I was able to pull back and gasp for air, and yet, once my brain was getting a modicum of oxygen again, my instincts were to immediately go down on her again. I resisted, laying my head on her thigh while I waited for the dizziness to pass.

"Oh fuck, babe, are you okay? Say something, tell me you're alright." Nicole was coming down from the heights of her pleasure, and it made her sound only mildly concerned.

"Ya, yeah, I'm, hoo, I'm good. You want, huh, more? You taste fantastic." I kissed the sensitive skin of her inner thigh, the promise obvious.

"Take a break! I don't want to lose you," she said, patting the pillows next to her. I pulled myself away, following her invitation. "I think I grew some more. Did you notice?"

I raised my head for a moment, raised my eyebrows at her, then dropped back to the pillow. "Yeah, I noticed. Kinda curious, suggests that your trigger is just, like, me. Which is weird; I've known people with an arousal trigger, or a food, but not a person. Felt amazing to be right there for it."

"I figured you enjoyed it, considering the evidence. Fuck, that looks good."

I looked down at myself in the dim light, and blinked a few times. The tip of my cock was near my sternum, which meant it was pushing 15" rather than the foot I'd tried to limit myself to. I'd lost my hold on my size, and it hadn't even registered. This girl was dangerous; I had years of practice holding my condition in check, even in contact with others like me, but somehow Nicole was connecting with me so intimately that I couldn't contain my excitement. She reached over and stroked the firm, hot length of my shaft, from base to tip and back down, and I couldn't help but moan and twitch my hips toward her hand.

"Wow, someone's eager. Mmmf, baby, your dick is so long! Is that for me? Are you getting all huge because you want to stuff that massive cock in my pussy?" She kept slowly stroking as she spoke, which went straight to my head, and I let another half inch of length add on as a dollop of pre dripped onto my chest. "Oh my god, it just keeps growing! I need it, big boy, I need it now. I have to feel what that's like. I've never had anything that big inside me, and it looks so good."

I'd caught my breath, as much as possible with her stimulating me to an unreasonable degree with her touch, and decided to oblige her. I sat up, swung myself between her legs, and laid my rod atop her tummy. Her eyes went wide as she realized how far up her body it reached, a mix of worry and desire on her face that I found especially arousing. "You sure you're ready? With how this has been going, we'll probably both get even bigger..."

She interrupted me before I could finish my thought. "Yes, please, I want that, put it in me, fuck my pussy, please daddy I want it so bad!" She pressed her huge breasts together, their new size overflowing her hands, an enticement I couldn't resist. I bent down to kiss them, only to have her forcefully bury my face into one as soon as I took her nipple into my mouth. I couldn't breathe, again, but I didn't care. The sounds she made were extremely encouraging, as was the slow swelling of the soft flesh under my lips. Every touch was electric, building up the strange pressure that drove my condition, making me desperate to fill her completely and see just how far we could go.

When she let me pull back, I gasped for air, but my focus wasn't on regaining oxygen. I shifted to guide the slick, pulsing tip of my member towards her pussy, feeling her shudder at the sensation. It seemed at first glance that I was too far gone, already too big to squeeze inside. As wet as we both were, as plump and inviting as the entrance was, I was simply massive, and she'd never had anything like it. Considering how perfectly we matched, though, I should have known that there was no stopping our union. I felt the push against my tip as her ass billowed larger, raising her up to meet me, and the glorious warmth parted and enveloped the throbbing head, growing to match me as I took that long, slow first stroke. I took my time, partly to let her adjust, partly because it felt so good I would have lost all control if I moved with any less care. As it was, I still had another inch to give by the end of entering her than I did when I started.

Nicole had gone quiet as I slowly stretched her out, only letting out the occasional whimper. I made it further than I expected, but still had a few inches left when I bottomed out; she gasped at that moment, filled with as much cock as she could handle. At least, for the moment. I locked eyes with her, silently checking to see if she was okay. "Kiss me," she said, no concern in her gaze, only hunger for more. I lowered my mouth to hers, and as she seemed to want to devour me, so passionate was the kiss, it was like we'd completed a circuit. I began to move inside her, falling into a steady rhythm, and each thrust had a bit more room to push into. I could feel her growing beneath me, the cushiony softness of her body quivering wonderfully with every movement. As she grew more comfortable, the words started again; "Fuck, yesssss, oh my goodness, fuck you're huge, so good, right there, just like that, just like that, don't stop, oh fuck me, harder, yes!"r"






















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