A Passionate Apprentice Virginia Woolf

A Passionate Apprentice Virginia Woolf


A Passionate Apprentice Virginia Woolf
Random House , 19 июл. 2018 г. - Всего страниц: 512
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A Passionate Apprentice comprises the first years of Virginia Woolf's Journal - from 1879 to 1909. Beginning in early January, when Woolf was almost fifteen, the pages open at a time when she was slowly recovering from a period of madness following her mother's death in May 1895. Between this January and the autumn of 1904, Woolf would suffer the deaths of her half-sister and of her father, and survive a summer of madness and suicidal depression. Behind the loss and confusion, however, and always near the surface of her writing is a constructive force at work - a powerful impulse towards health. It was an urge, through writing, to bring order and continuity out of chaos. Putting things into words and giving them deliberate expression had the effect of restoring reality to much that might otherwise have remained insubstantial. This early chronicle represents the beginning of the future Virginia Woolf's apprenticeship as a novelist. These pages show that rare instance when a writer of great importance leaves behind not only the actual documents of an apprenticeship, but also a biographical record of that momentous period as well. In Woolf's words, 'Here is a volume of fairly acute life (the first really lived year of my life).'
Carlyles House and Other Sketches by David
Virginia Woolf was born in London in 1882, the daughter of Sir Leslie Stephen, first editor of The Dictionary of National Biography. From 1915, when she published her first novel, The Voyage Out, Virginia Woolf maintained an astonishing output of fiction, literary criticism, essays and biography. In 1912 she married Leonard Woolf, and in 1917 they founded The Hogarth Press. Having suffered a series of mental breakdowns throughout her life, Virginia Woolf committed suicide on 28 March, 1941.
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A Passionate Apprentice: The Early Journals 1897-1909

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A Passionate Apprentice Quotes

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“I belong to quick, futile moments of intense feeling. Yes, I belong to moments. Not to people.”

Virginia Woolf,

A Passionate Apprentice: The Early Journals, 1897-1909

“I had tea. I then spent a long time in a bookshop. A quiet evening.”

Virginia Woolf,

A Passionate Apprentice: The Early Journals, 1897-1909

“The inner life has its soft and gentle beauty; an abstract formlessness as well as a subtle charm. I often consider myself as a figure in a foggy painting: faltering lines, insecure distances, and a merging of greys and blacks. An emotion or a mood—a mere wisp of color—is shaded off and made to spread until it becomes one with all that surrounds it.”

Virginia Woolf,

A Passionate Apprentice: The Early Journals, 1897-1909

“I come home—and I have a feeling of returning like a ghost to its haunt.”

Virginia Woolf,

A Passionate Apprentice: The Early Journals, 1897-1909

“What she said in To the Lighthouse of Lily Briscoe’s art she might have said of her own: that the pen was ‘the one dependable thing in a world of strife, ruin, chaos . . .’,73 and the godlike power she felt as a writer is perfectly embodied in a passage from that novel.”

Virginia Woolf,

A Passionate Apprentice: The Early Journals 1897-1909


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Hogarth Press , 1990 - Всего страниц: 444
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In zeven dagboeken (1897-1909) beschrijft de auteur haar leven en de wijze waarop ze zich aan het bekwamen is in het schrijversvak.
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Virginia Woolf was born in London, England on January 25, 1882. She was the daughter of the prominent literary critic Leslie Stephen. Her early education was obtained at home through her parents and governesses. After death of her father in 1904, her family moved to Bloomsbury, where they formed the nucleus of the Bloomsbury Group, a circle of philosophers, writers, and artists. During her lifetime, she wrote both fiction and non-fiction works. Her novels included Jacob's Room, Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, Orlando, and Between the Acts. Her non-fiction books included The Common Reader, A Room of One's Own, Three Guineas, The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays, and The Death of the Moth and Other Essays. Having had periods of depression throughout her life and fearing a final mental breakdown from which she might not recover, Woolf drowned herself on March 28, 1941 at the age of 59. Her husband published part of her farewell letter to deny that she had taken her life because she could not face the terrible times of war.
A Passionate Apprentice: The Early Journals, 1897-1909

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