A List of Useful Office Software and Apps for Windows Phone

A List of Useful Office Software and Apps for Windows Phone


Windows Phone, in each the Windows Phone eight.1 model and the Windows 10 model for smartphones, ships with a local office productivity suite in the form of Microsoft Office packages. The Windows 10 platform for cellular consists of programs for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote, as well as OneDrive and Skype for Business—all of which can be downloaded at no cost from the Windows Store. 

In addition, the Windows Store gives the Mail and Calendar app which syncs with Exchange bills and the Office 365 Admin app to manipulate the deployment of Office 365 subscription services.

Because the global marketplace share for smartphones running Windows 10 (or Windows eight.1 Mobile) may be very small, not many builders have centered in this platform. However, owners of Windows Phone devices can still use their cell browser to access different office-productivity apps via a browser interface.

Microsoft Office Apps

A true vicinity to begin when searching out Windows Phone productivity options is the software program maker's very own solution: ?Microsoft Office. The Windows Store offers Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote.

Visit office.com/setup for further details.

Depending on wherein you get your Windows Phone, these apps can be already loaded to your tool.

Office 365 Subscription with Office Mobile Apps

If you subscribe to Office 365, you may additionally use your cell browser to access Office programs via the Web instead of thru a cellular app—a useful characteristic in case your device is already at potential and you need to delete the (large) Office local apps.

This cell setup for Office 365 is likewise to be had for other cellular running structures: ?Microsoft Office Mobile App for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and iPad Mini and Microsoft Office Mobile App for Android.

Google Docs and Google Apps

The internet-primarily based Google Docs and mobile Google Apps are to be had thru the Google Drive cloud surroundings, reachable via a Web interface.

Different versions provide different feature availability. The unfastened version is superb and compatibility issues hold reducing, however you may also choose to buy a subscription for a business version similar to Office 365

ThinkFree Office (Online)

This unfastened on line suite requires a login and consists of a word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation interface.

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