A Hypothesis of Gravitational Relativity: A Substitute for Dark Matter

A Hypothesis of Gravitational Relativity: A Substitute for Dark Matter

Researcher and Writer: Khayyam Shemirani

The original of this article is written in Persian and then translated into English.

To read the original of this article in PDF format (English or Persian), refer to the following address.



A new hypothesis about time exists. This hypothesis is geometric-analytic and is consistent with many of the concepts and laws of physics. This hypothesis easily answers many of the ambiguities of physics in the present era. The geometric-analytic hypothesis of time:

  1. It confirms the function and effects of dark energy and determines its origin based on the fundamental forces.
  2. It confirms the function and effects of dark matter, but replaces the hypothesis of dark matter with a new one (compatible with the standard model).
  3. It confirms the expansion of the universe and explains its cause based on the fundamental forces and provides a mathematical equation for calculating it.
  4. It confirms the time dilation due to the relative speed between observers (special relativity) and explains it easily.
  5. It considers the gravitational time dilation due to the difference in gravitational potential (general relativity) exactly in line with the time dilation (special relativity) and explains its function based on the expansion of the universe.
  6. It is fully compatible with general relativity, which is a geometric theory, and explains the reason for its inconsistency with quantum gravity.
  7. It considers gravity to be variable relative to time (the age of celestial mass).
  8. It considers the gravitational constant G to be variable relative to the age of celestial mass, just like gravity.


The topic of this article is the “Gravitational Relativity” hypothesis; that is, how the gravity of a large and old celestial body (with a long lifespan) increases exponentially over time. The relativistic gravity hypothesis is a substitute for the dark matter hypothesis. Dark matter, like luminiferous aether, is an inferred matter. The Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887 rejected the luminous ether hypothesis and paved the way for Albert Einstein and new sciences, such as quantum mechanics and modern physics.

Nature Physics is a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published an article on July 11, 2022 titled:

Dynamic measurement of gravitational coupling between resonating beams in the hertz regime

It describes an experiment (in Switzerland) that was conducted to measure the gravitational constant G. This experiment (like the Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887) delivered the final blow to inferred matter and this time to the dark matter hypothesis.

Henry Cavendish measured G for the first time in 1797-1798 by the Cavendish experiment with 1% error (G = 6.74×10−11 m3 kg–1 s−2). In the recent measurement in 2022 in Switzerland, G was equal to (G = 6.820×10−11 m3 kg–1 s−2), which is about 2.2 percent higher than the official value recommended by the Committee on Data of the International Science Council (CODATA) (G = 6.67430×10−11 m3 kg–1 s−2).

The American digital magazine Popular Science writes about this difference in numbers: “It holds a relatively large window of uncertainty.”

In Einstein’s field equations (EFE; also known as Einstein’s equations), we have:

The expression on the left represents the curvature of spacetime as determined by the metric; the expression on the right represents the stress–energy–momentum content of spacetime. The EFE can then be interpreted as a set of equations dictating how stress–energy–momentum determines the curvature of spacetime.

Increasing G causes K to increase and increasing K causes more curvature of space-time. More curvature of space-time in general relativity means more mass.


Next, using the concepts, data and mathematical equations presented in physics, we will reach conclusions that are derived from the new time hypothesis (a geometric-analytic theory).

Part I

Gravitational Relativity:

Comparison of time dilation due to motion (special relativity) with Gravitational time dilation (general relativity):

1.     Time dilation: Time dilation is the difference in elapsed time (due to relative Velocity) between two observers measured by two clocks and is calculated based on the Lorentz transformations with the following equation.

2.     Gravitational time dilation: The common equation used to determine the gravitational time dilation is derived from the Schwarzschild metric.

By comparing these two equations (time dilation and gravitational time dilation), we reach a very important point:

In gravitational time dilation, it seems that observer A0 (on the celestial body) is moving away from observer Af(at a desired distance and far from the large celestial body) with velocity V. But this moving away is not observable from the perspective of both observers.

This phenomenon is completely consistent with the expansion of the universe. The celestial body is moving away from the whole environment that surrounds it with velocity V. This motion is not observable for us who have a three-dimensional view, because it happens along the fourth dimension, which is the dimension of time. This is one of the achievements of the geometric-analytic theory of time.

In physics, velocity Ve is known as escape velocity. The escape velocity from the surface of the Earth is equal to 11.186 kilometers per second and as we move away from the surface of the Earth, this velocity decreases. Just as it decreases from gravitational time dilation. This topic answers many ambiguities of physics, which we will address in the future.

Very important point:

Understanding the Schwarzschild metric has always been difficult. The geometric-analytic hypothesis of time easily explains this phenomenon, which we will discuss in later articles. In this article, using the geometric-analytic hypothesis of time, we will discuss an important point about the Schwarzschild metric, to make it easier to understand. The space of the Schwarzschild metric has a velocity relative to a frame of reference, and the celestial mass M  has a velocity Vsh-Ve. This is why Ve is called the escape or escape velocity, meaning that an observer on the celestial body must increase its velocity to equalize it with the coordinate velocity of the Schwarzschild metric.

·        A simple example: Suppose the solar system is inside a balloon (the space of the Schwarzschild metric) and this balloon is moving at the speed of the solar system in the Milky Way galaxy, which is 230 kilometers per second. After a while, heavier objects stick to the body of the balloon and sink into it, this sinking means a decrease in the velocity of that celestial body relative to the coordinates of the Schwarzschild metric. The decrease in the velocity of the celestial body causes the expansion of the balloon or the space of the Schwarzschild metric.

But the point that we will address in this article is that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. The accelerating expansion of the universe means that the escape velocity is increasing:

And this indicates that G and M  are increasing, gravity is relativistic and there is no dark matter.

The confirmation of this theory requires its compatibility with the concepts and laws of physics.

Part II

Gravitational Relativity and the standard model:

All elementary particles that make up the universe have mass. (Except for gluons and photons)

And they interact with the Fundamental interactions. There is a proportionality between the fundamental forces.

The relative strength of the gravitational force is less than all others. With the increase of gravity, the (initial) proportionality between the fundamental forces will be disturbed. Therefore, in giant celestial bodies with very old age, special developments will take shape, such as the formation of black holes.

Very important points:

·        Using the relativistic gravity hypothesis, explaining and interpreting these special developments will be much easier.

·        All calculations in the standard model, such as calculating the mass of elementary particles, have been performed on Earth and in the solar system and with an age close to 4.54 billion years (more precisely 4.54 ± 0.05 billion years).

·        According to the geometric-analytic theory of time, probably (under investigation) the gravitational force is not considered as one of the fundamental forces and did not exist at the time of the Big Bang. Gravity is the product of the emergence of natural systems such as celestial bodies.

Part III

In this section, we will present empirical-historical evidence to confirm this theory.

For example:

Dinosaurs were a group of reptiles with vertebrae that emerged about 235 million years ago in the late Triassic period of the geologic time scale and ruled the earth for 160 million years.

They became the dominant land animals during the  Triassic–Jurassic (Tr-J) extinction event (TJME) and their dominance over the land continued until the end of the Cretaceous period. With the occurrence of the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) extinction event, most of them became extinct except for two lineages of birds and crocodiles.

Quetzalcoatlus is a genus of azdarchid pterosaur known from the Late Cretaceous Maastrichtian age of North America. Its two confirmed species, along with other azdarchids, were the largest known flying animals of all time. Azhdarchidae is a family of advanced toothless pterosaurs with unusually long, stiffened necks and giant wingspans.

Size comparison of a human to Q. northropi (green) and Q. lawsoni (blue)
A life size restoration of Q. northropi at The Field Museum in Chicago.

Even the flight of these gigantic monsters is not possible with the current gravity of the Earth.

Important point:

·        We have refrained from using numbers and figures for weight, length, etc. due to their estimation, disagreement among scientists and exaggeration.

These evidences are beyond the scope of physics, therefore if you are interested in receiving the rest of this article or following up for further research, please contact us at the following email address.

Email: khayyamshemirani@gmail.com

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