A Hot Day At Blonde College

A Hot Day At Blonde College


By Gareth May For Metro.co.uk 08:49 BST 10 Oct 2016 , updated 16:31 BST 10 Oct 2016
Gareth May for Metro.co.uk found out what really goes on behind the scenes at a porn shoot... 
‘We’re going to need the p***y light. Can someone go and grab the p***y light?’
Justin Santos, the owner of Joybear Pictures turns to me. ‘I don’t like calling it that really but… it’s an industry term. We use it for close ups. It’s very bright.’
A shorthaired, bespectacled runner – the spit of Milhouse from The Simpsons, without the blue hair – dashes out of the room.
‘P***y light anyone! We’re looking for the p***y light?’
I nod and smile. This is a wind up, surely? There’s no such a thing as a p***y light; they’re just pulling my leg. It’s like stripy paint or a glass hammer.
The ‘on-set visitor’ is getting the mickey taken out of him.
The lighting guy’s walkie-talkie crackles into life. ‘P***y light is en route. Repeat. P***y light is en route. Over.’
‘Received. Over.’ He re-attaches the walkie-talkie to his belt. ‘P***y light is go.’
Moments later the runner returns with a huge industrial-looking torch. They rig it up and a blinding light engulfs the room. We’re talking nuclear explosion bright. 
‘Ah, there we go,’ Justin says, folding his arms, relieved. ‘P***y light.’ And that’s when it sinks in: I really am on a porn shoot.
I’ve been a fan of porn ever since I can remember.
At first, it was a purely ‘recreational’ pursuit. But since I started writing more and more about sex I’ve become fascinated about what goes on behind the scenes rather than in between the sheets (and on the stairs, by the pool, in the kitchen, against a tree… you get the idea).
And there’s not a better time to peel back the curtain. 
Recently porn has undergone a bit of a public image face-lift. No longer the scrubby little industry on the edge of acceptability, the adult biz has inched closer to the mainstream.
Heavyweight stars like Sasha Grey and James Deen have appeared in Hollywood movies; Stoya is knocking out standout pieces of journalism for the likes of The New Statesman and The New York Times; and even former queen of smut Jenna Jameson – who relinquished her crown many moons a go – still grabs the headlines in California. 
Closer to home, production companies like Joybear Pictures are turning heads and winning praise both sides of the pond; and the plight of niche feminist and fetish pornographers, who find themselves at the mercy of new government laws, are hitting mainstream media outlets at a near monthly rate.
As a result, the UK adult industry is shrugging off the seedy-little-cousin-to-the-US tag its held for way too long and is finally coming into its own. 
Joybear Pictures is a London-based production company established in 2003 by Justin Santos.
Regarded the world over as one of the finest producers of ethical, female-friendly erotic content that caters for both him and for her I asked Santos if he’d let me join him on the other side of the lens.
There was a week-long shoot coming up and he’d let me shadow him for a day as long as I adhered to some (strict) rules:
One, no wanking (okay, that was a rule I imposed on myself… I am not going through *that* Sunday School nightmare again).
Three, no souvenirs (Disney 1. Joybear nil).
Four, I had to take a packed lunch.
Five, I wouldn’t be told where I was going. All I was allowed to do was get in the car with Santos, head into the countryside and hope that I wasn’t going to be dragged into the bushes and murdered (‘This is what happens to perverts when they enquire about visiting porn sets, Gareth! Undo your fly!’).
Needless to say I’m a bit on edge as I join Santos in Wimbledon and we make our way out of the city and into the wilds of Kent.
Two hours on the road (including a fascinating conversation on the merits of ‘soft’ cheeses) and we finally arrive at our secret destination and I’m allowed to remove the blindfold (joke).
As I enter the house everything is quiet. Too quiet. A house cat sleeps on a sofa, vases of flowers sit idyllically on a coffee table and the books on the shelves say ‘Sunday morning mass’ not ‘sex den’.
The only thing that vaguely says ‘porno’ is the white drapes slowly dancing in the draft coming in from the courtyard – and that’s only because it reminds me of the soft core aesthetic: playful, airy and light.
Soon enough, I’m shown into the kitchen and introduced to the ten-strong crew (who will remain nameless – another one of the prerequisites of my visit).
I spot a piping bag and a mixing bowl. ‘Cool,’ I think. ‘They’re going to do some kind of bakery-based sex scene right here on the worktop!’ I think of Fanny Cradock and snigger.
I start to eavesdrop on the conversation and it’s all a bit Sunday at Grandma’s…
‘Is there enough cereal for the week?’ ‘Do we need more bread?’ ‘What about milk?’.
I’m waiting for someone to ask if the telly needs fixing and the bom chicka wah wah guitar music to kick in but no, the conversation goes on and on and on and I start to think that I’m in Bore-ville.
Eventually, a shorthaired pixie-like girl skips from the room.
Maybe she’s a performer and she’s going to return completely naked and covered in chocolate sauce?, I think, optimistically.
Nope. She’s buggered off to get on with some admin.
Admin! Frosties! Semi-skimmed milk!
‘Excuse me,’ I feel like saying, ‘I hate to be impolite but… WHERE IS ALL THE F******!? I was expecting c**k and balls and tits and arse! Not Ready, Steady, Cook!’
I don’t of course, I rather meekly ask for a cup of tea instead.
Tetley’s downed it’s time to meet the performers.
First up, Max Deeds, a dashing young fellow with a mischievous glint in his eye and – as I would find out later – an extremely impressive ‘skillset’ tucked away in his underpants; and Sienna Day, an incredibly friendly Northern lass with a gentle Geordie accent and a kind and welcoming smile (and, yeah, all right, if I’m honest, a similar smoking ‘skillset’ too).
Introductions done, it was off for the first scene: filming outside in a country lane. Uh, what? This is porn, right? 
Unlike a lot of adult production companies, Joybear prides itself on storylines and the film I’m here to watch being shot is The Invitation – the story of a couple’s first forays into swinging, after a broken down car leaves them stranded and at the mercy of some very naughty neighbours.
As Santos tells me, ‘Joybear is posh erotica’ with an incentive to watch the scenes between the sex.
It’s certainly meticulously planned. It’s pretty biting outside (in between shots Santos frequently relinquishes his coat and gloves to Sienna who’s only dressed in a cotton jumper and trousers) and the work is slow.
It takes three shots and 30 minutes just to capture the 4×4 coming up the lane and then about another 40 to get exterior shots of the car and the couple as they have a bit of a bicker (he didn’t check the oil before they left the house, the silly Billy) and realise they’re going to have to walk to get help.
My first impressions of the real world of porn making are, well, a little bit surprising. 
To be honest, I can’t believe how much of a palaver the whole thing is.
The director yells ‘Cut!’ and the slate is snapped shut every time there’s even a slight disturbance, be it an unscheduled car coming up the lane, a plane going overhead, or a football kicked against a fence in the adjacent park.
Fair enough, I wasn’t expecting a hatchet job but I certainly wasn’t expecting Orson Welles either.
I’ve been on set for over two hours and I haven’t seen a single boob or bollock or anything that differentiates this film set from an episode of Midsomer Murders – and I love Midsomer Murders but do I want to see John Nettles naked? No. No I do not.
That’s not to say that sex isn’t in the air. There’s a lot of flirting and teasing between the performers and – yes – you can cut the sexual tension with a pair of nail clippers but, just like in a relationship, sex is only one small part of the whole.
Eventually – thank god! – I’m asked if I’d like to sit in for the glamour shots and I find myself perched on the sofa, peeling open my notepad.
But the minute Sienna walks into the room dressed in a tight red dress with her hair in curls looking like the prettiest girl at the prom I instantly become bashful and want to leave. 
And then she starts stripping, slowly, inch by inch, second by second becoming the ultimate pin-up porn star – all legs and eyes and bare-naked skin as smooth as sand – and I don’t know where to look.
The ‘action’ has finally arrived and I’m getting weirded out. And so is the house cat I’m holding hostage on my lap.
Then it’s time to break for dinner…but after a quick meal, it’s 10pm and time for the shoot.
We all stand around in the ‘hotel’ room waiting for both actors to get their two forms of ID to verify their ages as Santos and the director consider what positions to do:
‘No. Doggy should be last. Something more vanilla?’
Five minutes later they’re both throwing out combos like sex-crazed chipmunks: ‘Mish, spoons, doggy?’ ‘Mish, doggy, cowgirl?’ ‘Cowgirl, mish, spoons?’ I feel like I’m witnessing an adult version of stone, paper, scissors and then Sienna walks in and it’s show time.
We start slow. They take their time to get naked, undressing each other as romantically as possible.
Minutes later they’re starkers, Sienna working her magic to get Max hard, adding in between the squelching sounds, ‘No one likes a dry blowjob’.
As the action ups so too does my awkwardness. I’m stood in a room with a handful of other people watching two complete strangers bone…
Yeah. This isn’t your average Tuesday evening.  
As Max enters Sienna for the first time I can’t help but reminisce how earlier in the day he’d told me how much he ‘loves dinosaurs’ – but I don’t think this is the right time to ask what he thinks of Jurassic Park 4.
Instead, I just watch what’s happening, this mass of skin wriggling about on the bed, waiting for the breaks of direction – ‘open her up to camera please’ and ‘okay, let’s try a different position now’ – and finally the pop shot.
And I’m left, well, relieved. The other side of porn is pretty weird.
For most people viewing porn is an entirely private act but being in the same room when it’s being recorded feels increasingly personal. I felt like I was intruding.
But in many ways it was also humbling. By the end of the day I rather liked Max and Sienna and, if I’m honest, I wasn’t really that fussed about watching them have sex. But if I had watched their scene at home on my laptop it probably would’ve turned me on – being in the room, the fantasy is broken. 
As I leave them to ‘tidy up’ I realise I’ve seen a side of porn most fans rarely get to see, the non-sex part of it: the script, the location hunting, the acting, the lighting, the tech, the casting… I doubt I’ll ever see porn the same way again – as just sex.
Or maybe I’m just a prude? Perhaps others would’ve been incredibly aroused. We all have different thresholds after all, a point I realise when the director walks into the living room at the end of the day and spots Embarrassing Bodies on the telly. ‘God,’ he says, cracking open a can of Coke. ‘How can people watch this stuff?’ 
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