A Guy Eating A Girl Out

A Guy Eating A Girl Out


A Guy Eating A Girl Out

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Do men actually like "eating out" women?



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I'd pack a lunch and stay there all day!

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I hate it when people try to speak for the whole population just b/c they have certain feelings toward something. Of course some guys like it. Some guys hate it. Just like some girls like giving blow jobs and some don't. It's all preference.

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I was just showing enthusiasm for something that I like. I didn't say everyone had to do it. Just said that I think guys should want to do it. Sorry if I offended you.

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Hmm if a guy I'm dating said he found it gross I'd replace him. I'd feel really insulted to be honest!!!

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I find that to be pretty insensitive and stupid.

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Oh well.I gotta have my needs met too!!!!

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Oh well.I gotta have my needs met too!!!!

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You realize there is more to a relationship than your guy going down on you, right? If you're going to drop a great guy for that reason alone, then your standards are way incredibly too high.

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Learn how to make a woman want you sexually! In today's video we're talking about sexual attraction and how you make a woman want you! We're going to be discussing some useful tips you can put to work to get a woman interested in you and building that sexual desire. Often men think they know exactly what women want, men in sports cars with big houses a big wallet and a bad boy attitude. This might be what the ladies want in movies but not in real life it's very different. To know what a lady wants you need to understand what you need to do to make her want you sexually. Imagine if you knew the secret formula to do this, the one that tells you exactly what women want sexually. The formula would let you know exactly what you need to do to get a woman to fall into your arms, sounds too good to be true right? Well it's not! It's as easy as being mindful of your own behaviour and adopting steel-proof boundaries. Want to know some more? Well don't move an inch.

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waytoodown ,
July 13, 2009 in Sex and Romance

My ex used to hate doing it and told me that most guys were like that. And if he actually did eat me out, I would have had to shave down there in the last few days.

So this guy I am dating apparently not only likes to eat out women but will also do it even if the woman hasn't shaved in the past few days ( within reason obviously)!

Now, I am wondering, is this possible, or is this guy just trying to impress me or wtv?
Yes! I love it and so should all the guys. Seriously!
I hate it when people try to speak for the whole population just b/c they have certain feelings toward something. Of course some guys like it. Some guys hate it. Just like some girls like giving blow jobs and some don't. It's all preference.
I'd pack a lunch and stay there all day!
Personally, not for me. Makes me wanna puke. Just sayin...

What are you talking about? That IS lunch!
i could do it for a very long time but like the other person said its about preference. I love it tho

I was just showing enthusiasm for something that I like. I didn't say everyone had to do it. Just said that I think guys should want to do it. Sorry if I offended you.
Your ex was wrong. I think most guys enjoy it. I've never dated a guy that didn't love it.
Some guys like it, some guys don't.
My boyfriend asks me to let him do it. He loves doing it. I guess it's just a guy-to-guy thing.
Some like it, some hate it. I've never met a guy that hated it though. I liked doing it.
Yes.. my ex bf was almost obsessed with it. He wanted to do it so much it actually started to annoy me after a while.

I honestly would not date a guy that was did not like doing it.
Hmm if a guy I'm dating said he found it gross I'd replace him. I'd feel really insulted to be honest!!!
Some guys like it, some guys don't like it, but some guys are never even willing to try it to see if they like it or not.

My ex was one of these people. He was so hooked on the idea that "it's disgusting" & "guys shouldn't go down on girls". I can't really say he didn't like it, he just didn't like the IDEA of it.

My mistake. I got all sensitive and stuff. :splat:

I find that to be pretty insensitive and stupid.
No offense some women smell so some guys get turn off on the idea.
hersmudders... A FRIENDS fan? lol. Funnyyy.

Back on topic... ya, my ex-husband wanted to do nothing but that. Annoyed me just like another person said above... It really depends on the guy like most people say.

Oh well.I gotta have my needs met too!!!!

You realize there is more to a relationship than your guy going down on you, right? If you're going to drop a great guy for that reason alone, then your standards are way incredibly too high.

I don't do it, but I make up for it in bed when I actually have sex...

As well you should. Again, it's all about preference and just like the guy might prefer not to do it, you can prefer to not keep said guy around.

Not necessarily.. There are certain deal breakers in any relationship. If it's important to an individual, it's their decision as to how important to the relationship it is. In this case, I agree. If you aren't that open to sexual experiences and exploration, that's a deal breaker for me as well.

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If she's relatively clean. Not like some girl who doesn't shower or something disgusting
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I have never had...nor have I EVER heard of a female that tasted bad...smell is the issue but I like some female scent...some of these women smell better than others...and tho I have heard some horror stories, I have never encountered a female that smelled such that I would not give her oral...interestingly...from what I have heard...hygiene doesn't usually have much to do with it...yeah more ripeness if they haven't bathed for a couplle of days...but...from word of mouth...some unfortunate females just don't smell good...small percentage tho..I will guarantee
It tastes good if she's just showered. It is an acquired taste however like coffee and alcohol. After the first time it will taste better and better. Make sure she hasn't peed since showering or there may be a hint of urine taste
I've never gone down on a girl that tasted bad. The taste varies from a girl to girl, and things like diet and habits (i.e. smoking, alcohol use, etc.) can affect her taste. The taste is sort of hard to describe, but it's sort of a mix between sweet, sour, bitter, and metallic-y, and some girls have a stronger taste than others. I also find that the more turned on I am by a person, the more pleasant and arousing I find their taste.
It depends on her diet and chemical make up. When I'm dating a girl, I enjoy trying it out. Sometimes they taste sweet, other girls can taste bitter. I actually know a lot of guys who love doing it. If you are uncomfortable with it though, you should probably talk to her first. Oh, best time to try for the first time is right out of the shower. Virtually no taste at all.
Yeah I can get behind your "first time"...I am anything but a beginner and I much prefer her to be out of the shower by several hours...(:
Some people might say that it does not indeed taste bad.
It's actually pretty yummy, made me understand raw oysters SO much more.
maybe as bad as giving head. depends on the person and how clean they are I suppose. but just as everyone has a different scent, they taste differently. sometimes its gross and other times its not bad at all.
ummm same for guys! Sticking their slutty d***s in slutty vaginas! either way, sometimes it's gross and sometimes it's whatever. Some dudes like going down town just as some girls do. All thee others prefer not to.
actually vaginas are self cleaning so to speak and not full of germs or dirty, if you a dirty person then sure but if you shower regularly as anyone should then its in no way 'dirty'
I've eaten out 4 or 5 girls and it has been just fine... no odor or bad taste
I have never had a problem with the taste, but I have had the unfortunate opportunity of meeting up with some bad smelling ones
it tastes really good, there's nothing in the world bettter than eating a girl out

I don't understand... I mean, it must taste gross and all. He tells me he "craves it" and just loves going down there. But it doesn't do much for me... its nothing special... I like the idea of it, but the feeling isn't all that great. Should I tell him I don't like it? Or try finding a way to teach him to do it better?
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You haven't tasted yourself? So it is a power trip knowing your partner trusts you with the most sensitive part of their body. A flick of the tongue can make her squirm with delight. And it is great to see her squirm when it becomes super ticklish after her cookie. I personally like how my S.O. smells since most men are affected by the smell of copulance. It's not that you don't like it... it's that you can take it or leave it. Perhaps it just does nothing for you. My S.O. tells me the latter but she can still get an intense cookie from it. Generally when she is sick or really tired. She's more relaxed and less self-conscious about it. Women that masturbate lead better sex lives because they are comfortable with their bodies, know what they like, and can communicate that to their partner. Find out what you like then steer him in the right direction.
Hi Anonymous, Your guy loves going down on you, you have nothing to worry about on the taste department! I love going down on women too, the smell, the taste, just being so close to her p**** turns me on just thinking about it. But understand that not all women are as into receiving as I am into giving. It's nothing special to you, but it can be a huge turn on for him. Make it fun! Tell your guy you have never been into getting head but offer him a challenge to try something new every time the two of you hook up.This way he remains encouraged and perhaps you may find something he tries that might work for you. Finding ways to teach him is a big plus, he will appreciate that. -Jon
if you are married ... I would say teach him, men are not good at everything. sometimes they just need some guidance , if you tell him how you want it he can't go wrong . and it just mean he hasn't done it many times which is a good thing , so in your sexiest voice tell him how you would like it ... IF YOU ARE MARRIED
Why should you only tell your guy what you want sexually if you are married?
because I don't believe in fornication but that's MYopinion
well I'm not married, but we still have a great sex life.
Gross? More like heaven, he loves you, you cum and making you cum You might think it''s gross personally because you're very much heterosexual?
Not being allowed to give oral would be a deal breaker for me...it is one of two strong fixations I have...there is nothing gross about female organs and the smell and taste is totally awesome...(:(:(:
Tell him. Be honest always honey. If he's offended tell him to sip on tomato soup.
It's just what gets him going. Be glad, other would like a guy like that.
Teach him how to do it better. You'll be glad you did.
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