A Guide To Poetry At Any Age

A Guide To Poetry At Any Age

A Guide To Poetry At Any Age

The gods blessed him with freedom,

And an adventurous spirit,

full of confidence and hope

About what awaits you.

Plan your trip to the sun,

Apollo will not allow it, the gods

They will help you.

Hestia will guide you.

With the fire of passion she will give it to you.

He won't refuse the gift

That he had just won, nothing will come to an end,

Just get started.

The moon goddess will pity

From the daughter of Venus who dares to desire it.

So a beautiful story must be

Open in the golden book of Mythology.

where all the gods will bless

This union, made by the heart.

And all lovers will be inspired

For a new song to sing.

The name of Icarus will not scream.

The name of the daughter of Venus will have to cry out.

Everyone will want to experience this emotion

Written in the sky of a sweet illusion.

Talking about my life and judging myself without knowing me is very easy, the difficult thing is to bear it with a smile on your face and silent all the pains and sufferings I've been through.

⁠Value what you ''still'' have and love who you ''still'' you haven't lost, because nothing is eternal and no one lives forever

Yesterday night fell and I couldn't fill the stars

Today it was dawn and I couldn't see the sun

All this because you can't realize how much I love you...

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