A Fake ESA Letter can Ruin your Vacation.......Spot the Warning Signs

A Fake ESA Letter can Ruin your Vacation.......Spot the Warning Signs


Planning a vacation with Coco? Do you have a valid and genuine ESA letter to accompany you? A fake ESA letter can ruin your entire vacation, quite literally. We know that you have been planning this holiday for months and don't want anything to ruin it.

The only best way of doing it is to make sure that your ESA letter is genuine and written by a licensed mental health professional. To know if your letter is real, look for an emotional support animal letter sample and examine your letter properly.

If you see any of the following warning signs, run away as far as possible.

1. Ask for a sample ESA letter to see what will they add into the letter. Is it written on the medical health professional’s letterhead? Does it have the therapist’s signature? Are all the details clear and easy to scan? If any of these details are missing then the letter is fake.

2. Is the therapist licensed to work in your state? This is something that many ESA owners do not know. A genuine ESA letter provider will know about it. If the therapist’s state is different than yours then you should quit working with it.

3. The rates are ridiculously cheap. Nothing of quality comes in low and cheap prices so if a company claims to give the letter in overly cheap rates then it is probably writing it themselves and not any professional therapist.

4. They tell you to register your ESA. there is nothing like legal ESA registry and if a company is telling you that you need to ‘register’ your ESA then it is fake. You just need a genuine ESA letter to keep your emotional support animal and that's it.

5. There is no screening process. Now this is the BIGGEST red flag. How could someone issue the letter without knowing your condition? And someone is doing it them it is fake, stay away from it.

A legitimate ESA letter offers a lot of benefits for you and your emotional support animal. Do proper research before getting the esa letter for housing and enjoy your vacation with Coco.

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