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Компания по производству продуктов и напитков

Number 9 Taxi is also an app with a social mission: to improve the welfare and livelihoods of the Cambodia people. How? By empowering people!

By downloading the app and using Number 9 Taxi services, not only will you help our partners make running errands easier for you, you'll also help make their and their family's dreams come true. You play a part in the mission to improve the lives of the people in Cambodia, every time you make a booking/order and use our services!

Number 9 Taxi app has a lot of features and services. Here's everything you can do with it!

Going somewhere? You can choose Riding Service.

Buying groceries is done easier with Number 9 Taxi, takes care of your health without going to the pharmacy.

Say goodbye to traffic jam in Phnom Penh, because motorbike can move faster than any other vehicles in the jamming situation.

For logistical needs, Number 9 Taxi is ready to help you.
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Требуется Android: Android 4.4+ (Kitkat, API 19)
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