9、The Chinese people issue a statement on the coronavirus

9、The Chinese people issue a statement on the coronavirus

Xu Xue Chun, the author of the book Century Sentence

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Hello, this is Xu Xuechun. I am a Chinese citizen, and my last job was as a food delivery clerk. At the same time, I am also the author of the book Century Sentence.

I now need to make a statement on the coronavirus incident on behalf of the Chinese people. Express Chinese people's position on the coronavirus.

1. Viruses are the common enemy of mankind. The Chinese people are determined to fight to the end anyone who creates, releases, and spreads the virus .

2. If any organization or individual that creates, releases, or spreads the virus is Chinese, then all Chinese people will make a clean break with these organizations or individuals that create, release, and spread the virus.

The Chinese people will never stand together with these anti-human beings. These people are the common enemy of the Chinese people and the people of the world.

3. The Chinese people firmly demand that the Chinese government cooperate with the World Health Organization and people from all over the world to thoroughly investigate the organizations or individuals that produced, release, and spread the virus, and subject them to trial and punishment.

4. If any Chinese are involved in the production, release, and spread of the coronavirus, the Chinese people and the Chinese government should immediately arrest them and send them to the International Court of Justice for trial.

Any Chinese who participated in the manufacture, release and spread of the coronavirus is the national scum of the Chinese nation and the public enemy of mankind, and the Chinese people will never stand together with them.

5. On behalf of the Chinese people, I declare: the Chinese people do not agree to any Chinese people or organization to participate in the creation, release, and spread of any virus against humanity.

The Chinese people do not want to be involved in anything related to the coronavirus. Even if there are individual Chinese people involved in the virus incident, the participants have nothing to do with the Chinese people. That is their personal or organizational behavior.

6. The Chinese people will never create a virus as a weapon, the Chinese people will never spread the virus to the world, and the Chinese people will never lie about the virus incident. The Chinese people will never use viruses, antidotes, and treatment methods as weapons to blackmail other countries or attempt to conquer other countries.

7. Viruses are the common enemy of mankind. If China has an antidote, China will share the antidote with other countries and work with other countries to study ways to eliminate the virus. Make all mankind get rid of the disaster of virus

8. The Chinese people are a peace-loving nation. The Chinese people hope to co-exist on the earth freely, equally, and prosperously with people all over the world.

The above is my statement on the coronavirus on behalf of the Chinese people, expressing the Chinese people’s attitude towards the coronavirus.

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