“966 Time Traveller” owner’s Interview

“966 Time Traveller” owner’s Interview

Billy, owner of “966 Time Traveller,” shares with us his inspirations of his business, his views on Yellow Economic Circle and the Movement, as well as the situation of Wuhan Pneumonia in Hong Kong.

Q1. Can you tell us more about your inspiration of opening the store “966?”

Billy: I am Billy, 23 years old. In 2007, I went to Europe for the National Parade Music Show as an independent artist. During that time, I visited many open markets and antique shops. That reminded me, when I was small, I used to love collecting second-hand goods with unique, ethnic culture. Therefore, when I came back to Hong Kong, I decided to set up the brand “966,” selling vintage clothes, accessories and handmade goods. 

Q2. How does the name “966” come about?

Billy: The Chinese name of “966” is literally “Vintage Strolls,” pronounced “Gau Lau Lau” in the spirit of old-fashioned Cantonese. However, the name cannot sound too vulgar so I changed it to “966,” where “9” means vintage or old and “6” means moving or strolling. 

Q3. The Movement of Hong Kong has been continuing for 7 or 8 months. Has there been any impact to “966?”

Billy: “966” commenced in mid-May 2019 as a physical store. Then, in 9 through 12 June 2019, the Movement began. It was already difficult to find a place with affordable rent and ideal space in Hong Kong. In June, July and August 2019, it still wasn’t too bad until September, October and November 2019 when the impact became obvious. Especially in November 2019, it was the time when PolyU and CUHK were besieged by the Hong Kong Police, and the cross harbour tunnel was closed off by the Government. I was even unable to come back to the store as I lived in Hong Kong Island instead of Kowloon.

Q4. Who are your target customers?

Billy: Mainly ladies and patrons who support Yellow Economic Circle.

Q5. “966” is chosen to be leungsumshop (shop with a conscience). How do you feel about this?

Billy: I think the label gives us a boost. It helps attract more customers who would like to discover and shop at yellow stores. Even I myself may also search online and find a yellow store from the guide.

However, as there were quite a few news of yellow stores being attacked or burglarised by the opposite side (pro-government camp), I was worried about if the same thing would happen to me. So I padded an extra lock on my door for security. So far, I haven’t received any disturbing calls, and my store has not been attacked.

Q6. There are many different voices in the society regarding the Movement. Is there any impact to “966?”

Billy: No impact to my business, actually, because my target customers are not from China or from the blue economic circle. My customers are youngsters with similar thoughts as myself (towards the Movement).

Q7. What do you think about Yellow Economic Circle?

Billy: The concept of Yellow Economic Circle is that people who walk the same path help each other out. When my store faces difficulties, other yellow shops nearby could help by promoting my store on their social platforms.

Q8. What role do you think Yellow Economic Circle play for in the Movement or even in the society?

Billy: At the moment, it is a heavy blow to the Government and those stores unsupportive of the Yellow Economic Circle. For example, in the food and beverage industry, if Hong Kongers have to choose to consume at “Hung Hum Cafe” or “Lung Mun Cafe,” they would choose “Lung Mun Cafe.” Besides, you may also notice that most of the “Hung Hum Cafe” have closed down already. Therefore, to those who do not have a stance or to the blue stores, Yellow Economic Circle may make them worried.

Q9. What is the next step of development for “966” to help expand the Yellow Economic Circle?

Billy: I hope to expand “966,” for example, by accepting more consignments for the Movement, and creating more products related to the Movement, or increasing promotion on social media. Help each other out. Connect together to expand the Circle.

Q10. Could you tell us more about your online store?

Billy: Around 2017 or 2018, my online store was already open. As the Wuhan Pneumonia is getting serious right now, Hong Kongers without access to masks may not go shopping and will just stay at home. Therefore, I think it would be safer and more prudent if I put more effort on the online store.

Q11. Apart from the vintage products, you also consign for sale products of the Movement. Can you tell us more about those products?

Billy: The first one was “LI-pig Lightbox of 18 Districts” which came to us two weeks ago. It was done from head to toe by my friends’ uncle, who got a patent on convex moulding of plastic plates in Taiwan to make the LI-pig. He then bought components to make the light and sound effects for the lightbox. Profits go to the supporters of the Movement.

The second one was Statue of Democracy. One night I saw on Facebook that a shop was trying to recruit yellow shops to consign for sale the statue. This happened in November. I left my contact information to them and forgot about it. One day they suddenly came to my store and gave some 4.5-cm-tall Statue of Democracy to me for consignment. No fixed price was set, and Hong Kongers could pay according to their financial ability. Profits go to freedom fighters. 

Q12. Do you think the business of “966” is affected by the Movement of Hong Kong?

Billy: At this moment, my goods are related to the Movement, but I will not depend on this kinds of products to earn a living or sell them in high price by leveraging on Hong Kongers’ support of the Movement. A question is that, if my store only sells products that are related to the Movement, will my store be able to continue or will the selection of my store being limited once the Movement is over? This is the thing that I have to take into considerations.

Q13. Let’s talk about Wuhan Pneumonia. What do you think about the major reason why Hong Kongers panic over the disease?

Billy: After Hong Kongers went through SARS, they cannot bare to go through the turmoil and part with loved ones again. Death and separation are very sad things to human being.

Moreover, as pharmacies are usually blue shops (pro-government or not Hong-Konger-oriented in any sense), the prices of masks and disinfection gel may have been increased drastically. And whether the masks are good enough to prevent infections is an unknown. I have 6 boxes of masks at home, but have not used them until now. The reason is that there are no label of origin on the box. i searched online and realised that they were in low quality and the English translation of writings on the box was wrong. I am very worried.

Q14. Some Hong Kongers were cheated when they bought masks from pharmacies. For example, fake masks were put into a box which came from Japan. What do you think about this?

Billy: First, the Government had insufficient masks supply to Hong Kongers to begin with, and then reserved some of the CSI masks made by Hong Kong Correctional Services Department (HKCSD) for senior government officers, etc. Rumour has it that the CSI masks are sold in mainland and distributed to the mainland ladies in Tuen Mun. I have also seen people in Yau Ma Tei using their bare hands to split a box of masks into smaller bags, which is not hygienic at all.

Q15. The price of masks varies a lot in pharmacies. Do you think the Government is able to control the spread of Wuhan Pneumonia?

Billy: I think at this stage the Government has neither the ability nor the will to take control of the situation. A few days ago, a patient of my girlfriend’s brother-in-law hid his country of residence to Hong Kong authorities. Luckily, after all the checking, her brother-in-law was fine.

The Government does not have sufficient support to medics in Hong Kong at all. Why doesn’t it just do something practical and close all immigration checkpoints? This is the thing that should be done right away.

Q16. Apart from closing the borders, what else can the Government do?

Billy: Apart from this, the Government should choose better locations for quarantine camps. For example, they should not be close to residential areas. The Government should ask for neighbourhood residents’ approval before enforcing those plans.

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