9 Tips to Nail Your Social Media Profile Picture

9 Tips to Nail Your Social Media Profile Picture

You've seen hundreds of profiles on social media photos. Every day, you see dozens. Every time you look at the profile photo of someone you get a girl pic of the person. In just a few seconds you can determine whether they're trustworthy and trustworthy, or smart ...or not. You evaluate the person.

Everyone evaluates your profile photo similarly.

In Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and all other platforms the users are scrolling right or left and either connecting or disabling or engaging with your content or turning off your request for connection.

The profile picture you choose for your profile is crucial to your online profile and personal networking. It affects your career prospects and, ultimately, your professional career.

Note! I'm avoiding the impact of dating online However, this post might aid in that as well...

Fixing your image is an easy task that will provide you with lasting benefits. Make sure you invest time into the most crucial aspect that you can make your presence online. Here are nine strategies to improve your whatsapp dp on social media.

1. Make sure you show your face         

It's not difficult but if they are unable to be able to see your face, they've had a problem.

Faces are a powerful form of image. Studies on the psychology of images reveal that faces trigger a particular cognitive bias that is innate to our brains.

You are passionate about something. You're a fan of helicopters or dogs or skiing. However, your profile photo isn't the best place to express this claim.

Are you a serious mountain climber? Great! Include your face in the profile photo and show off your passion on the background photo.

The world's most popular website is called FACEbook, not SILHOUETTE-ON-A-MOUNTAIN-book.

I also suggest against cartoons as well as dogs and children. Show. Your. Face.

2. Frame yourself

Some headshots are not close enough towards the camera. Others are distant. Make sure you're properly placed in the frame so that the viewer can clearly see you and some background. Your face should be the largest part of the photo.

Don't go too long, but not too close. Let them see you, but don't crowd the camera.

When your facial features are too tiny, people will not be capable of seeing your smile when the image is shown with smaller dimensions. Be aware that in the social media stream the image could be smaller than 50x50 pixels. This is the size of your fingertip.

3. Make sure you turn up the smile.

Body language can be transparent or closed. Legs, hands, and arms may either convey the desire to connect, or to convey a closed business message. Faces can be the same.

There are a variety of levels to the smile that is visible on the face that range from the scowling photo ("don't you dare glance at me") to the high-beam grin ("I am in love with the world and everyone else in the world").

Here's Jimmy Klatt, Orbiteer and Ambassador of Love, showing five examples of the openness of smiles.

Note the openness in the four and five. If you'd like to demonstrate an open face Try opening your mouth!

It's possible to imagine which one of these will trigger more participation on social media. Which one would you like to follow? Follow? Share?

Smiles that are big in profile photos are a sign of good social connections

Based on 2 studies conducted by college students those who are smiling in their photos on social media tend to be happier later in life.

"Smile intensity coded from a single Facebook profile photograph from male and female participants' first semester at college was a robust predictor of self-reported life satisfaction 3.5 years later."

The same research discovered that smiles with bigger sizes correlate with more social connections.

"Participants who exhibited a more intense smile in their Facebook photo had better social relationships during their first semester at college."

What's the setting for your smile of your profile photo? I suggest a three or four , at a minimum. The second option could be good for lawyers. Social media marketing professionals often make it five.

4. Utilize colors that are different

Social media channels are moving fast. Color is a fantastic method to be noticed. When colors clash with surrounding colors and stand out, they are noticeable. This is a simple concept when you consider it.

  • What color are the majority of social media sites? Blue (a cool color)
  • The color that is opposite to blue? The color orange (a warmer color)

Because LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter make use of a lot blue, wearing an orange top (or any shirt with warm hues) will instantly make you more noticeable. They are also not the most commonly used colors to wear for clothes.

Look at this collection of profile photos. Which of them stand out?

5. Make sure to use an easy background

The main focus of your image is your face. Backgrounds that are busy can distract attention of your face, which isn't the best choice. The best practice is to choose an uncluttered or flat-colored background.

The background also gives you an opportunity to play with contrast colours without changing your the clothes. Simply choose a background that is different. Cyrus Shepard once tested the impact that background colors have on click rates. He found that warmer colors produced the highest results.

Winner was the photo on the upper left.

6. Take a look at your profile image using the help of a focus group

You can get some information from an interest group by uploading your choices on the PhotoFeeler. At less than $20, you'll have 100 people give their opinion on your image based according to three different criteria. Additionally, you can earn credit for taking part in voting for other people's photos.

Take a look at a variety of photos and check how they compare to one another. The results will be available within a couple of hours. Here are my results from my test...

Evidently, the picture of speaking to the left doesn't look very appealing. The jacket and sweater combo looks professional.

Thank you for the big thank you to Vanessa Van Edwards for finding this! Vanessa offers a comprehensive collection of LinkedIn profile tricks on her blog.

7. Include a little of your company's brand in your picture

Here are some examples of how elements from the brand can be integrated into a profile image:

Warning! Beware of the profile picture with the logo.

As we mentioned in tip 1 face images are powerful. The use of a logo as an image for your profile is an opportunity missed to show a human face and be personable.

If you're a major brand obviously you'll be using your logo on your social media accounts. For most businesses it's best to avoid posting behind logos if it's possible. It's not as engaging. Utilize the person's face in the group of people who are social.

8. Use the same headshot on all your professional profiles

This is crucial for those with names that are common. If you are seen by someone on one platform and would like to connect with you in the next, then make it easier for them to connect by posting the same photo across all the professional profiles on your social media accounts.

For instance I was e-mailing someone known as Brian at the time and then decided to contact him via LinkedIn. However, there are over 430 Brians with his name as their last. His profile photo didn't help.

I'm not giving up. I'll see you again, Brian!

ProTip! It's much easier to make your profile recognizable when you don't alter it frequently. Make sure you keep the same profile image for one or two years at the very least. The pictures can be identified because they were in use for many years.

9. Use a pro photographer

If you're interested in social media marketing, then seriously take a look at this. The quality difference between professional and amateur efforts is massive.

Social media Vs. marketing through social media

As you are reading this, someone who you'd love to get acquainted with is browsing through a Facebook stream full of faces. It's you. Are they slowing down? Stop? These ideas and tips can give you an advantage in the highly competitive world of social media.

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