9 basic tools to search, collect and analyze information in the TELEGRAM messenger (500 million users in 2021)

9 basic tools to search, collect and analyze information in the TELEGRAM messenger (500 million users in 2021)

Cyber Detective • @cyb_detective

9 basic tools to search, collect and analyze information in the telegram messenger (500 million users in 2021)

extremely popular in the countries of the former soviet union and iran.

#osint #socmint #telegram

🧵🧵🧵 thread [#1]


Tool based by Google Custom Search Engine.

Search in Telegram, Telegraph, Stickers, Voice Chats, Contacts, Messages, Bots, Videos.


telegram #osint 🧵🧵 1/11 [#2]


Tool based by Yandex Custom Search.

Search by 17 telegram content aggregator sites.


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Another telegram search engine.

Search by channels, groups, bots, telegraph and comments.


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Tool based by Google Custom Search.

Search comments in Telegram threads.


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telegram message analyzer

export #Telegram chat (with windows version of telegram app) and get detailed analyze of it (message count, average message count per day, word frequency etc)


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Simple bot to show which telegram groups a person is member of


Only a few requests are free.

analog (also limited free) - t.me/telesint_bot

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telegram nearby map

discover the location of nearby telegram users on openstreetmap

(i have not tested this tool yet, all questions to the developer)

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Search users in groups (and in which groups is the user) by id, username or phone number (if it's in your contacts)


(i have not tested this tool yet, all questions to the developer)

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One of the largest directories of Telegram channels, which has detailed information about the growth of the audience, its engagement and mentions of a particular channel in various sources.


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Awesome Telegram OSINT

Curated List of Telegram OSINT Tools, Sites & Resources from github.com/ItIsMeCall911


(here you will find some resources from this thread, as well as their analogs)

telegram #osint 🧵🧵 10/11 [#11]

this thread is end. more threads about #socmint, #geoint and #osint you may find with twitter advanced search operators:

thread from:cyb_detective

or on my threadreaderapp page threadreaderapp.com/user/cyb_detect…

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