9 Lessons From the Book “Write It Down, Make It Happen”

9 Lessons From the Book “Write It Down, Make It Happen”

Deep Note ( @1DeepNote )

1️⃣ If you’re specific when you write down your goals, You’ll activate a part of your brain that helps you focus on them.

👉🏻 Visualization is a way to guide your brain to your dreamed-of destination.

2️⃣ Your brain isn’t really good at distinguishing imagination from reality.

👉🏻 That’s why you always wake up before you fall down in your dreams.

🤓 If you trick him into thinking that a dream of yours is reality, it will work towards achieving it.

3️⃣ Which is the best way to trick him?

✍ By writing down specific goals for your brain and letting it process them slowly and carefully. Not to mention: repeatedly.

4️⃣ Use Your Reticular Activating System to Your Benefit

🧠 Your brain has a feature which scientists call “reticular activating system” or RAS, for short.

🟢 It’s a sort of a brain filter which helps your mind focus on important things and ignore irrelevant data.

5️⃣ If you write down your goals and intents – both in the short and long runs – you can train your brain to filter things which may not lead to the fulfillment of these hopes and dreams.

✅ So, your unconsciousness will work for you even when you’re not aware.

6️⃣ To motivate yourself for your biggest goals, achieve small ones first and add charitable outcomes.

7⃣ Writing down your dreams and aspirations is like hanging up a sign that says, ‘Open for Business.

8⃣ Writing down your fears takes away their hold on you;writing out the reverse of your fears… empowers and energizes you to start thinking differently.

9⃣ You need not write volumes to express a goal;a short and simple list of items, as specific as possible, will clarify your intentions as surely as an.

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