Motorola Bootlogo Maker: Changelog

Motorola Bootlogo Maker: Changelog

Nemesis Team


NOTE: Some translations are missing, i will be working on this, for now still in english.

• Updated Missing translations in Tool.

• Fixed System.Net.WebException: ERROR (429) Too Many Requests (Tool will take 1s to start and this only works for Windows 10).

• Fixed Some internal issues.

• Fixed When a logo project was opened and user wants to exit Tool this will warn, but if user wants to stay, tool will crash.

• Fixed PictureBox when maximize or minimize image was not centered.

• Fixed OTA-Engine An issue where setting UpdateMode to Forced or ForcedDownload can prevent app from closing.

• Added halloween logo, this will be enabled in halloween.

NOTE: Some translations are missing, i will be working on this, for now still in english.

• Updated Missing translations in Tool and Installer.

• Fixed Missing zh-CN culture.

• Fixed Custom build path was not saved.

• Fixed System.Net.WebException: ERROR (429) Too Many Requests.

• Added in serach device info a button to go to logo path.

• Updated Tool source.

• Fixed Download statistics.

NOTE: Some translations are missing, i will be working on this, for now still in english.

• Updated HtmlAgilityPack.

• Now Portable is inside of installer, so don´t need two version of Tool, now they are fusioned.

• Fixed Internal errors in code.

NOTE: Some translations are missing, i will be working on this, for now still in english.

• Fixed Denials in internal code with some insecure strings, due to avoid an suspicious enter from other user...

NOTE: Some translations are missing, i will be working on this, for now still in english.

• Improved Main Tool UI.

• Improved Light Theme.

• Changed AboutBox UI.

• Updated Settings UI.

• Updated Tool manifest.

• Fixed When Tool crash and License is not enabled, now won't crash in next launch.

• Fixed Download files were missing, Tool can't start download.

• Added again Drag and Drop logo files!.

• Improved Logo open and logo build.

NOTE: Some translations are missing, i will be working on this, for now still in english.

• Fixed Error 255 TWRP (zip).

NOTE: Some translations are missing, i will be working on this, for now still in english.

• Fixed Important bug whit license engine.

NOTE: Some translations are missing, i will be working on this, for now still in english.

• Fixed Double "::" in logo build status.

• Fixed When check updates, message box start a loop.

• Fixed When tool start without internet connection crash.

• Removed "product activated" from tool title.

• Improved Tool settings box.

• Improved Internal code.

• Updated Updater-Script (flashable logo).

• Updated Search device.

• Added new devices (Moto G 5G, Moto G9 Power, Moto E7 Plus).

NOTE: Some translations are missing, i will be working on this, for now still in english.

• Added search device box, this will show you a picture of your device with a small info about it.

• Improved Logo save text and open text.

NOTE: Some translations are missing, i will be working on this, for now still in english.

• Improved Tool UI.

• Improved Internal code.

• Improved Light theme.

• Improved Profiles, added new settings to save.

• Changed Embedded a lib inside Tool.

• Added Download box: added button to go into mirror server.

• Fixed Updater error from resources.

• Improved Main UI Tool.

• Improved Send error logs.

• Now when you exit Tool, will save if was maximized or minimized.

NOTE: Some translations are missing, i will be working on this, for now still in english

• Fixed ERROR (zip) 6 TWRP.

• Fixed Send request License.

• Added files tracker, this will track file inside "Files" folder.

• Added dll files tracker, this will track .dll files.

• Download Statictis Box.

• Zip lib.

• Mail system.

• License Install.

• Improved Request license.

NOTE: Some translations are missing, i will be working on this, for now still in english

• Way to contact to request License.

• Improved UI Tool.

• Improved Internal code.

• Improved UI.

• Tool UI.

• Added new box to see your license status.

• Added status info.

• Added reload form button.

• When open new form, now background will be darker.

• Updated About Box.

• Updated fonts.

• Fixed Internal errors in code.

• Fixed String "Sign your logo" position.

• Fixed Dialog when logo wasn't saved.

• Fixed Profile engine is not saving user data.

• Settings UI.

• Improved UI.

• Improved License file.

• Improved Generated logs.

• Fixed Updater download dialog show error when try to show translated strings.

• Fixed Update links was wrong, this causes OTAS won't be able to download.

• Changed Updater icons and some cursor animations.

• Changed Setup uninstall icon and main icon.

• Removed Custom MessageBox UI.

• Improved License dialog, when any update arrives, dialog cannot be closed, this was annoying.

• MessageBox UI, so this will adapt with your UI Theme (dark/light) - TESTING.

• Fixed Installer, will remove everything when install and uninstall.

• Updated Default image in PictureBox was null, now is Welcome image.

• Improved License.

• Now Tool will be Trial for 30 minutes, this means that now you should get a license, for that, ask license to developer.

• Fixed Icons cursor, and other misc.

• Updated Missing translations.

• Updated Updater lib.

NOTE: Some translations are missing, i will be working on this, for now still in english.

• Improved internal code.

• Improved Forms UI.

• Updated About box UI.

• Updated Welcome image.

• Updated Updater lib, now theme dark and light works.

• Updated Icons and added new ones.

• Changed files path, now are in the same path as Tool.

• Now PORTABLE users can see in About Tool if there is an update.

• Welcome sound :D

• Fixed dialog when logo wasn't saved and open again, Tool dialog still setting as true.

• Updated main logo images (logo_boot, etc...).

• Updated updater-script, now detects your device and improved style (flashable logo).

• Now when something goes wrong, tool will let you know and allow you to send the logs.

• Improved when logo was saved in "memory" will now ask you if you want to open it or skip it.

• Improved internal code.

• Improved ordered internal files.

• Improved logo build, and logo cancel process.

• Fixed visual UI bugs.

• Fixed open Logo Directory (when directory doesn't exist, tool crash).

• Fixed updater-script TWRP ERROR 6 (yes again...).

• Updated folders attributes (ADB & LogoBuildFolder).

• Added new Telegram channels: Moto G⁶ Play / Moto G⁶ / Moto G⁷ Plus.

• Added Telegram icon to MenuItem.

• Fixed buttons flow layout panel size (Append, Extract, Delete).

• Fixed missing Chinese (Traditional) translation.

• Fixed updater script TWRP ERROR 6

• Fixed About form updater link was old.

• Removed click option in build, stop and open file path labels.

• Re-order lib path.

• Added new translations: Chinese (Simplified) & Chinese (Traditional).

• Updated AutoUpdater.NET to latest commit.

• Fixed stop btn and label now disable when build and doesn´t have any process.

• Updated autoUpdater.NET to v1.6.3 (auto update lib).

• Updated Translations.

• Changed unfied both architectures, so tool will detect by their own your architecture.

• Removed CPU and RAM chart.

• Fixed text color in some dialogs was dark.

• Added new way to compile logo.

• New UI to build logo.

• Installer, now, when you uninstall Tool, will ask you if you want to remove all stored settings.

• Added read message, so sometimes random message will appear on textbox.

• Added Japanese translation.

• Fixed folder path when check if exist or something is missing.

• Fixed light theme show dark in some parts.

• Fixed translation Engine, if your lang is not supported, this will crash, now fixed.

• Updated translations in shorcut launcher, and new way of load translations. Changed all folders and Tool path.

• Fixed when change theme or in Settings you want to restore tool settings, this won't be possible due to .xml file is locked.

• Fixed withe screen when load Tool

• Fixed updates links was wrong

• Internal code (optimized and fixed misc)

• Check assembly dll installed version to avoid problems

• Added welcome image on first Tool launch.

• Fixed RGB label color, can't copy text when click or sometimes when was null crash it.

• Fixed CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls ( Cross-thread operation not valid) when i debug it caused by PictureBox

• Now when Logo Tree is empty, will help you with a message how to add again all logos

• Added new RAM and CPU monitor when save file or load file.

• Added new translation Turkish.

• Added new translation German (Thanks to @nift4).

• Now in C:\MotoBootLogoMaker\DebugLogs\ you will see this file WinInfo.txt. If you get any error or bug, send me logs with this file.

• Removed drag and drop function, due to elevated privileges, this is not working, not my fault, is because this "User Interface Privilege Isolation" block that function.

• Removed unnecessary code.

• Updated .zip script.

• Fixeded TWRP ERROR 6

• Fixed string when extract an image from logo tree view.

• Fixed save file dialog image extensions.

• FixedPictureBox in portable edition sometimes background turned white.

• Now checks your windows version, if is not compatible this will not be launched.

• Fixed in some languages Tool crashes.

• Changed tool main font.

• Changed tool size.

• Added when change theme warning message.

• Added image status if its locked or unlocked.

• Added GA language (Irish).

• Added support to save .ico extension.

• Added more logs track.

• Fixed separators on menu bar.

• Fixed missing translations.

• Fixed Moto G7 Play/G7 Optimo bootlogo.

• Now check if Tool is running in background, so will kill it.

• Now check if Tool is on maintenance or not.

• Changed tool compile Debug to Release, fully main shortcut to platform target x86

• Updated tool main icon.

• Updated all devices logo.bin

• Added new device Moto G9 Plus (odessa).

• Added Moto G7 Play bootlogo channel.

• Fixed reset profiles and tool settings.

• Fixed links in about box.

• Fixed sometimes can't save data in the .xml file and show error.

• Fixed ReadChangelog box theme.

• Fixed Internal code.

• Updated about box.

• Updated when tool check updates, check if server is online.

• Added info about new image engine how to lock and unlock it.

• Added missing strings.

• Updated Internal code.

• Updated logos.

• Changed In light theme, picture boxes background colours.

• Fixed Check updates was enabled in portable edition.


• Changelog here its the same from v3.3 to v3.9, just removed Material UI.

• Maybe some translations will be missing for: italian, french, russian & polish.

• If you click on RGB info text, this will be copied to your clipboard!

• Now if you click the image will stop, this will allow you to go to copy the RGB colour, then to move again just double click!

• Added track windows form state on main tool title.

• Now you can zoom your image, and check RGB colours.

• Updated missing translations.

• Reverted when Tool was minimized, then won't let you back in normal state.


• Now this wont show you the option to minimize or maximize, just exit tool or you must minimize tool with Windows key on the keyboard.

• Added reset profiles and reset settings, this will clear all tool settings to default (Next build, will be translated).

• Changed test your logo initial speed, on first time this will take a time but then should be faster.

• Now tool its on full screen.

• Updated .zip script. 

• Updated ADB & FASTBOOT updated to --> r30.0.4

• Fixed ADB libs, extract in old folder.

• Fixed external forms icons was showing default icon.

• Fixed when Tool was minimized, then won't let you back in normal state.

• Now if you change Tool drawer settings, this will be saved.

• Fixed open file dialog initial folder path.

• Fixed disabled forms, when new option was selected and any logo was loaded, this was enabled.

• Added IT, RU, FR, PL languages (italian, french, russian, polish).

• Fixed missing translations.

• Fixed change theme visual bugs, now will restart Tool and apply the new Theme.

• Removed unnecessary internal code.

• Removed Language item on status bar.

• Moved Test your logo in Others item on status bar.

• Know buttons will be enabled when you load any logo.bin, if not, this will be null.

• Changed C: folder MotoLogoMaker to --> MotoBootLogoMaker

• Sign your logo text box.

• Now tool will know your OS language, and select the correct Language for you (Only in EN, ES, PT).

• Changed all UI to Material UI (Thanks to MaterialSkin by @leocb).

• Others misc.

• Fixed "check for updates was null".

• Fixed missing .exe.config file on installer.

• Updated lib, now will adapt to Tool theme.

• Toolbar (top) changed theme.

• Fixed .zip flashable (Updater process ended with ERROR: 6).

• Now you can enable or disable auto updater checks in settings.

• Improve tool stability.

• Fixed about dialog box, in PORTABLE edition, was showing updates.

• How To Use It dialog box from size, now it's more bigger.

• Now you can see changelog.

• Improve project work safety, now will let you know if you already had loaded some bin file (if you had enable it on settings), and if you want to reload or exit and you didnt save it, tool will let you know!

• Added tool profiles in new settings panel (this will save any button that you press, and loaded in the next tool launch!)

• Added PORTABLE option, this won't have OTA updates.

• Added more devices.

• Finally fixed updates loop.

• PT translations.

• Now default theme is dark! better for your eyes :D.

• The way to search the logos path (because of new PORTABLE option) when you press open button.

• Updated source link.

• Updated Moto devices list.

• Fixed PT strings.

• Fixed Check for updates loop.

• Fixed Tool still opened when was exit.

• Fixed When tool is uninstalled, folders still on the path.

• Added Test Logo panel, here you will be able to flash your logos to test it!.

• Re-order bar buttons.

• Optimized all internal code.

• Fixed Strings.

• Added on status bar to join Telegram boot logo channels.

• Installer cant remove all folders when uninstall.

• Translations.

• UI bugs.

• Internal code.

• Added missing translations.

• Updated translations.

• Added new language - portuguese \ Thanks to @LuisFernando.

• Added again 540x540 Bundle and raw.

• Now you can maximize Tool again.

• Now you cant save and save as if you not load any logo.

• Added all supported moto logos into Tool folder, so you must select it from there.

• Re-Order Tool boxes.

• Added jpg warning if this is bigger than 2.5 MB

• Updated translations.

• Now Tool must run as administrator to load logos.

The Moto Bootlogo Maker has been reborn.

• Disable maximize Tool.

• Now you must select a logo memory size before you open a new logo, so this will be the default size.

• Logo compress but in wrong way, because of logo memory size option.

• Visual "bugs".

• Tool updates, now you can check updates by "Others/Check for updates!".

• Added language engine! \ NOTE: By default its in english, but you can select spanish too!

• Added theme engine! now you can choose dark mode!.

• Added Help panel, you can check all Tool info.

• Changed some form settings.

• Added logo max size option to choose.

• Above all, thanks to CaitSith2, the creator of this tool.

Thanks to LuisFernando, Electimon, Mateo_Ramirez, mrwhiskerscat, ShadowManzo, & Naxo79, Kytøaq for contributing with the project :)

Credits to:

Maintainers: Francom28 & Deivid_21

Contributors & Designers: Fraaxius & GarfieldArbuckle


Comunity: @NemesisTeamCommunity

News: @NemesisTeamNews

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