8muse Reddit

8muse Reddit


8muse Reddit
Unofficial community for the English rock band Muse. The band consists of Matt Bellamy (lead vocals, guitar, piano, keyboards), Chris Wolstenholme (bass guitar, backing vocals, keyboards) and Dominic Howard (drums, percussion).
Recently, I have been relistening to Muse's whole discography en masse, and I think that now is the perfect time to put out a solid enough ranking of every Muse album. Keep in mind a few things: This is just my personal opinion, and i'm not saying you have to full on agree with me, just please keep it civil. Also, keep in mind that I like every Muse album, they are one of my favourite bands, probably top 3 at this point, so even if your favourite ranks low, it doesn't mean I dislike it, I just like it the least. Disclaimers aside, let's get into the ranking!
If something had to come in last for me, it would be Drones. Sure it has incredible songs, but as a whole, I feel that there's just enough small gaps inbetween that when listened to in full, all those gaps come together to form a larger gap that is quite noticable. A lot of the songs have great things going for them, but there's this one thing about it that gets on my nerves. I'm not hear saying it's bad, i'm just saying that I like it the least.
Favourite Songs: Aftermath, Reapers, The Globalist, The Handler Least Favourite Songs: Psycho, Revolt
Amongst the general fan consensus, I feel that most albums tend to become more loved over time (Eg; BHaR was hated when it came out, now it's considered one of their best, people are starting to appreciate albums like the T2L, I imagine people will grow to like ST a lot in a few years), but Showbiz hasn't really received this treatment. Some of my absolute least favourite songs are from this era, but at the same time, i'll often come back to it and find myself immersed in it. It showed off what the band was capable of at a young age, and was a strong stepping stone leading into what they would become.
Favourite Songs: Unintended, Showbiz, Muscle Museum, Escape, Falling Down, Fillip Least Favourite Songs: Overdue, Cave
I can get why people might not like this album, but I have enjoyed it, and I hope that in the future others will come to appreciate it a bit more as well. If I were to take my least favourite song off each album and rank them against each other, Simulation Theory would rank pretty high. However, I do feel that there are less really high points on the album, and some have not grown on me well over time. But i'm not saying highs don't exist on this album, in fact, I would consider The Void to be my favourite closing track by the band so far, even beating Knights of Cydonia.
Favourite Songs: The Void, Pressure, Algorithm, Blockades, Propaganda Least Favourite Songs: Right now, I'd probably have to go with The Dark Side, hasn't aged well for me.
An album that I originally was not fond of at all has grown to become an album that I now really enjoy. On paper, i'd say that this should be higher than what I put in 4th place, but when i'm actually listening, I feel that 5th is a decent spot for it. There are a few songs that I consider to be big failures, but there's also so many songs that I do love on this album, and I feel that it's a very connected album, and even the more out of place songs at least feel somewhat at home here.
Favourite Songs: Unnatural Selection, United States of Eurasia, Exogenesis Symphony, Resistance, MK Ultra Least Favourite Songs: Undisclosed Desires, I Belong to You
I know that others would probably put this closer to the bottom, but i've always felt a personal connection to this album. I can understand what people mean when they say that it's a disjointed and uncohesive album, but I think that despite the diversity, it somehow just kinda manages to flow well. The track order for this album at least kinda flows enough, and I feel that any issues with being too scattered is more than made up for with the sheer quality of some of these songs.
Favourite Songs: Explorers, Survival, Panic Station, Animals, Big Freeze, Follow Me Least Favourite Songs: Save Me
Ok, this and 2nd place are almost interchangable, so don't worry if you think this is too low. Also, there is a pretty big gap between 4th and 3rd. Origin of Symmetry was the first album I listened from these guys, which looking back, probably wasn't the best starting place. I don't know what to really say about this album other than the fact that it's awesome. I'd say the only reason that this isn't higher is because of Feeling Good, which I think shouldn't have made it onto the album over songs like Shrinking Universe, Nature_1, Fututism or Shine. I don't often care much about covers, and although I don't hate it, it's a little off-putting. Aside from that, damn great album.
Favourite Songs: Citizen Erased, Micro Cuts, New Born, Space Dementia, Megalomania, Bliss, Plug in Baby, Screenager Least Favourite Songs: Feeling Good
At one point, this was my favourite Muse album. Although it's moved down a spot, I still love this album a lot. I like every song on here (to an extent at least), and even the ones I don't like as much, I still do like. This is the album that I would recommend starting off with for any newcomers. It has a combination of sounds from earlier albums along with a new sound that would become the foundation for later albums to come. Also, let's not forget the amazing bonus track Glorious, which is one of Muses best songs period, and should have been on this album somewhere.
Favourite Songs: Knights of Cydonia, Invincible, City of Delusion, Assassin, Starlight, Take a Bow, Exo-Politics Least Favourite Songs: Supermassive Black Hole (If I absolutely has to choose at least one)
This album somehow went from being my least favourite of the holy trinity of Muse (OOS, A + BHaR), to landing at the top of my list. I have absolutely no idea how I slept on this album for so long, or how I may have struggled to enjoy it at times. It may have taken a bit of time, but i'm finally here. This album is one of the best things you will hear, and for any newer fans who have not heard this album yet, LISTEN TO IT RIGHT NOW. You will not regret it. Listening to this feels like auditory bliss, and although I don't listen to it too often, it's mainly to preserve its brilliance, as I don't want it to go stale on me.
Favourite Songs: Butterflies and Hurricanes, Thoughts of a Dying Atheist, Falling Away With You, Apocalypse Please, The Small Print, Stockholm Syndrome, Endlessly, Ruled by Secrecy, Hysteria, Blackout, Sing For Absolution, Time is Running Out (I think that's all of them?) Least Favourite Songs: ...Are you kidding me?
That was my personal ranking of every album by Muse. Please be sure to let me know how you would rank every album by them in the comments, and if you have any questions, be sure to ask.
It is probably gonna be hard,but I will try
To say that this album is bad as a whole would be a blatant lie.Reapers is a definitive top 5 favourite song for me,Handler has seriously grown on me and The Globalist is a great epic. But for me this album is just disappointing.Most of the songs on the album sound like band trying to relive their past glories and this just leaves sour taste in my mouth.
Favourite songs:Reapers,Handler,The Globalist Least Favourite songs: Aftermath,Phycho.
This album has a lot of great songs on it,don't get me wrong,but some of the songs confuse me.I understand the desire to stay relevant in the changing times,but when the band tried to pull influence from DUBSTEP,this feels desperate and unnecessary.Because of this,album doesn't feel as cohesive as I want it to be.
Favourite songs:Panic Station,Animals,Supremacy,Explorers,Big Freeze Least Favourite songs:Madness, Unsustainable
It is still not the proper comeback in terms of quality for me,but for now it will do.While Drones sounded as a reliving past glories,The Simulation Theory sounds more adventurous in its sound and I really like that.Sure, the 80s nostalgia is a beaten into the ground trend,but the band sounds genuinely invested in this sound and I can't fault them for this.While some songs are not as good as the other ones,they still add to the theme of the album,so it makes them better in context (Something Human for me falls into these category).Overall,a pretty good album with few missteps
Favourite songs: Pressure, Blockades,The Dark Side, Thought Contagion Least Favourite:Break It To Me,Get Up And Fight
This album is pretty great.It still is undercooked, in my opinion,in terms of songwriting and establishing their own sound,but for a beginning of the journey it is quite strong.The problem for me is the lack of variety,all of the songs just blend together.
Favourite songs:Showbiz, Unintended, Muscle Museum,Sunburn Least Favourite:Overdue,Escape
It is different kind of album for Muse,I know,but that's why I love it.It has enough pop tendencies to keep average listener happy,while pushing piano-driven side of the band to its logical end in orchestral music.Sure,the sound can lose its weight,when you go deeper into the album,but I can't fault the band for that.This was the best blend between radio-friendly sound people expected from them with the orchestral sound they wanted to do,and it turned out great
Favourite songs: Unnatural Selection, Uprising, Resistance, Undisclosed Desires
Now we come into the classic trilogy of Muse,so every album here is the definitive gold for me.Absolution is excellent,but it never grabbed me as the other two albums.Most of the songs here are amazing,while other just don't do much for me.Still,this album is the perfect album to start your journey with Muse.
Favourite songs: Thoughts Of The Dying Atheist, Hysteria, Butterflies and Hurricanes,The Small Print Least Favourite songs:Falling Away From You, Endlessly
The first Muse album I listened to and the perfection of the sound of Showbiz.This album is grand,varied and stands out even today.It has this spacey melancholic feel to it and I love it.
Favourite songs:Plug In Baby,New Born,Bliss,Citizen Erased,Darkshines Least favourite: Megalomania
This album is perfect in my eyes.Every song is unique and shows the range of the band's influence, while staying true to their sound.This album is extremely cohesive and manages to stay consistently great through all its length.I can not praise this album enough.
Favourite songs:Map Of The Problematique,Knights Of Cydonia,Take A Bow,Starlight, Assassin, Glorious Least Favourite songs: Don't make me laugh
8. Drones 7. The resistance Most of the songs on them are quite “forgettable” I guess, don’t really care for them. 6.BHaR 5.OoS 4. Showbiz 3. Absolution 2. Sim Theory
A fellow 2nd Lawer. Not only my favourite muse album but my favourite album of all time.
8. Drones It’s got a few bangers on it musically, but the lyrics are cheesy and a bit hit and miss with the songs Favourite songs: The globalist, the handler, reapers, dead inside Least favourite songs: drones, mercy
7. The 2nd Law A patchy album, with some great highs but some low lows. The dubstep has not aged well at all, but despite being 7th I still love this album, others are higher. Favourite songs: animals, panic station, explorers
6. Simulation Theory An enjoyable and fun album, pretty solid although a couple of the songs are lacking, also love the alternate versions of many of the songs. Favourites: propaganda, break it to me, pressure, the void Least favourites: something human, dig down
5. The Resistance: Overall a good album, a couple of the songs kill it, but got some bangers going on. The lyrics can be a little cring and a bit too obviously 1984, but they mostly handle it well. Favourite songs: Unnatural selection, MK ultra, United States if Eurasia Least favourite songs: guiding light, I belong to you
4. Showbiz Although hit and miss, I love the emotion and rawness of this album, generally fun to listen to and has lots of energy. Favourite songs: Uno, showbiz, muscle museum, filip, sunburn Least favourite: sober, overdue, hate this and I’ll love you
3. BHaR Experimental, varied, and great front to back. Not much to complain about really. Favourite songs: KoC, Hoodoo, assassin, supermassive black hole Least favourite songs: starlight, soldiers poem 2. Origin of Symmetry Heavy, energetic, and an excellent album, full of both fan and my favourites. Favourite songs: new born, darkshines, citizen erased, micro cuts, plug in baby Least favourite songs: megalomania, screenager
Absolution Solid, cohesive, love the lyrics and the themes dealt with, absolutely great songs, only getting better with each passing year. Favourite songs: endlessly, ruled by secrecy, apocalypse please, sing for absolution, hysteria, the small print Least favourite songs: falling away with you, time is running out
For me Origin of symmetry has to be #1, maybe not their most successful album but by far the biggest display of their raw talent in composing and musicianship. New born is probably their best ever song, citizen erased is unbelievable and plug in baby is a muse staple. I have to say absolution is a great and maybe more complete album, black holes and revelations is again, amazing.
8. Showbiz 7. The 2nd Law 6. Drones 5. Simulation Theory 4. The Resistance 3. Black Holes And Revelations 2. Absolution
This is almost exactly how I believe. I rotate Showbiz, Drones, and ST as my least favorites. Absolution and BH&R swap for my top spot. 3,4, and 5 are the exact same. I completely agree with your list.
8. Simulation Theory: Easily the album with the most skippable songs for me. Has a nice concept, but I feel that it will age poorly. That being said, I do like a few tracks on here quite a bit, but the rest of them ruin the 80’s vibe and consistency of the album in general. Experimenting usually works great for Muse, but it really doesn’t sound like they were putting too much effort into this record.
Favorites: Pressure, Propaganda, The Void (acoustic)
Least Favorites: Something Human, Get Up And Fight, Dig Down
7. Drones: A solid rock effort that had a lot of hype behind it. Compared to their previous works it won’t blow you away, but it’s not a horrible record either. The Handler is honestly one of Muses best songs and despite the straightforward and somewhat cringeworthy lyricism in some of these tracks, the band could pull it off half the time and it would still sound good. I feel like the only exception is probably Psycho which is way too blatant, repetitive, and silly. Oh and the Drill Sergeant, just why?
Favorites: The Handler, Reapers, Defector
6. The 2nd Law: Probably their most experimental album as they incorporated more elements of electronica, symphony, and dubstep, with 80’s pop added to the mix in tracks like Panic Station. The diversity of this record is something I can appreciate. If it wasn’t for Muse always wanting to change up their sound, they wouldn’t be my favorite band. Sometimes it can disappoint, but the other half of the time they create something amazing. The 2nd Law was very much a hit or miss record with high highs and low lows, but always remained fresh. Not a masterpiece, but it shows the more creative side of the band.
Favorites: Survival, Animals, Explorers, Supremacy, Big Freeze
Least Favorites: Follow Me, Unsustainable
5. Showbiz: Ok, for a debut album this is phenomenal. It has its problems, but it is definitely a record that displayed their talent flawlessly. Tracks like Showbiz and Muscle Museum are still some of the best they ever wrote. It earns my respect for not being too sloppy, but actually being quite good. I can say they definitely evolved and branched out from here, but this record is a strange, dark, and captivating listen that is very unique to this band.
Favorites: Showbiz, Muscle Museum, Cave, Falling Down, and quite oddly Spiral Static
4. The Resistance: This record is great because it proved that they could infuse their space rock tendencies with a more poppy sound and still make it all come together. I love the contrast between the very synth-like and radio friendly Undisclosed Desires and the grand, booming, and symphonic United States Of Eurasia. This record seems to have the greatest number underrated songs on it besides Showbiz. Tracks such as the bouncy and catchy I Belong To You or even the deep and sinister MK Ultra remain overlooked by fans in general. Oh, and before I forget, EXOGENESIS IS ON HERE, so that elevates this record quite a bit.
Favorites: Unnatural Selection, MK Ultra, Exogenesis 1-3, Uprising, United States Of Eurasia
3. Black Holes & Revelations: We reach the trifecta, the holy trinity of Muse albums. These honestly could be ranked in any order, so this is mostly just personal bias. I did not like this record that much my first listen, but this album developed into a masterpiece. There is so much this record has to offer just like the 2nd Law, but I feel they are much more consistent here. I kept coming back because the songs were getting stuck in my head for no apparent reason. That’s Really because there is no song on this album that gets boring; they all work perfectly together. They also perfected their space rock sounds even further with tracks like Take A Bow and Map of the Problematique. Just another mind blowing record.
Favorites: City Of Delusion, Invincible, Knights Of Cydonia, Map of the Problematique, Exo-Politics, Assassin, Glorious
2. Absolution: This has to be my favorite record from them because this was my introduction into their music. However, it’s not their objective-track by track best. It has a slightly worse bottom half, but it definitely grew on me over time. In fact Hysteria went from being one of my all time favorites to one that I rarely come back to anymore. The details and concept of this album almost supersedes the music itself. The atmosphere is so unique and it’s what got me hooked. This is also the album with the most piano and as a pianist, that definitely resonated with me. Stockholm Syndrome and Ruled By Secrecy are two of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard for two completely different reasons. This album is has some filler, but it’s great filler that still destroys anything off of Simulation Theory. This is pretty much a masterpiece.
Favorites: Stockholm Syndrome, Ruled By Secrecy, Butterflies & Hurricanes, Fury, Sing For Absolution, Hysteria, Blackout
Origin Of Symmetry: Truly their creative peak and where Muse became Muse. From the opening moments of New Born this album was already innovative. They experimented so much in this album with guitar distortion and heavy riffs to incorporating classical piano into a rock song. Not for a second did it not work. There are no filler or weak tracks on here. Even Screenager and Megalomania are some of their best slow songs and Feeling Good is an excellent cover that just diversifies this album even more. It defined their sound and proved the critics wrong about Radiohead comparisons. It ranks number one for me.
Favorites: New Born, Space Dementia, Micro Cuts, Citizen Erased, Futurism, Plug In Baby, Darkshines
Yeah I know. Unpopular opinion as far as I know. It's not bad and I do like it quite a bit but this album definitely has the least amount of songs I really like.
I used to like this album much more, but then I listened to more songs from other albums and realized I didn't like this one as much. It has some great songs for sure but a lot of them aren't great either.
I absolutely love a few of the songs from this album. I also find quite a few pretty boring. However I do listen to most of them regularly. My only real issue is that a lot of the songs here sound really similar which is overall a little boring.
It's a weird album but I think the massive variation in the songs and type of music here is really really great. I love a few of the songs, and it's great to hear Chris sing for once.
A great album for sure, has some phenomenal songs and def
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