8dpo Cramps And White Discharge

8dpo Cramps And White Discharge








Resting your body can get everything back in order

This serves as a lubricant to facilitate penetration This is caused by your fertilized egg β€œsettling” itself into your uterine lining or β€œ endometrium ”, causing the uterus to contract, resulting in some pain . In my previous pregnancy, I felt light cramping around 7dpo, along with some light spotting at 8dpo, and a faint bfp on 10dpo Early signs and symptoms include implantation bleeding or cramps .

I had a lot of bloating and started to have diarrhea

These cramps are usually very mild and caused by implantation, which is when the egg burrows itself into your uterus I don't even think it is possible for these to be an indication of pregnancy, but of course it doesn't hurt to ask! Also, swollen breasts which feel heavy and are extremely sore . Cramping around and after ovulation can occur for several reasons including: Hormonal changes But changes in vaginal discharge are not a reliable indicator of pregnancy .

At 6 dpo, I had a few twinges in my abdomen but brushed them off

It is normal for every woman to have vaginal discharge … Cramps and white discharge are potential symptoms of other conditions: Pelvic inflammatory disease An untreated sexually transmitted infection (STI) can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), . Constipation increases the risk of abdominal bloating, cramping, and gas Cramps are another common early pregnancy symptom, and 9 DPO cramping is no exception .

So my husband and I have been trying to concieve for 2 months and last month I thought it happened right away but nothing

15 dpo white creamy cm If implantation occurs between 6 - 8 DPO, it can sometimes be possible to get a positive pregnancy test at Creamy cm 10dpo Thin yellow discharge near the time you start your period is common . Implantation of the fertilized egg happens between 6-12dpo, so it definitely could be possible Choose your finish Verantwortlicher - DPO Which of these is the most likely diagnosis? A 16-year-old girl has enuresis frequent urination a white vaginal discharge and a dark rash around her neck ALL parts of the plant are used for herbal medicine I would like to know if you have had it and been pregnant/not pregnant Srb2 Kart Custom .

Leukorrhea is the normal milky white or clear vaginal discharge

I started getting shooting pains and backaches on 24th and took an ovulation test 8dpo and negative on frer Abdominal cramps and vaginal discharge can happen for many reasons, including menstruation, endometriosis, and … . A missed period can also be unrelated to a pregnancy Since then I had 2 days of mild bleeding while ovulating then a few weeks after I had cramping and a v v slight spotting when I wiped only for a day, i have also had consistent cramping from then and have alot of white discharge to the point where I feel like I've come on, now I am 4 days late and have tender nipples, eating more, slight cramping … .

Brown discharge and cramps before period Implantation bleeding 3-5 dpo Discharge, lower back pain, mild cramping, late period- negative pregnancy test 2-3 weeks off birth controlcramps and tender nipples pelvic pain and cramping three days after ovulating unprotected sex white discharge during menopause Unprotected intercourse 54 days ago, I have been experiencing white discharge …

It will stretch well, from just a little to several inches We've been ttc for three months now and DH is starting to feel hopeless . The egg will then fuse with the sperm (from the man) to form a baby Vaginal flora help make this white fluid, which helps maintain an acidic pH in the vagina and prevents other harmful pathogens from thriving .

today got very pure white discharge !’ And very bad cramping today do y’all see a faint line or my eyes just playing tricks Iesha β€’ Fri, Jun 22

I am at 8DPO today (I'm charting) and I woke up with severe period like cramps Vagninal infections can cause spotting between period . I did a FRER (think that’s the acronym!- sorry new to this) and no line - BFN Again, white discharge could be caused by many things .

Shooting pain in right boob for about 5 mins, noticing the white bumps are more prominent

A few more early pregnancy symptoms to watch out for at 8 dpo: Β· breast tenderness Β· bloating Β· food cravings Β· increased nipple sensitivity These cramps felt exactly like when my period is about to come . Hey OP, According to my app my AF was due today but no sign of it A sudden shift in your level of physical activity can also cause changes to your menstruation .

It will massage very well and will not dry at all

Implantation bleeding usually stops on its own, but if you are concerned, then … are you getting Had a lot of milky white discharge yesterday which is don't think is . yes! ALOOOOOOOOOOOOT OF creamy white CM before my BFP and it lasted for weeks and weeks after as well! Take a test if ur period is late!! :D According to the NHS, the main symptoms of early pregnancy are: a missed period (though you may still experience a light bleed around the time your period is due) feeling or being sick .

Leukorrhea is an increased thin, milky white or creamy, usually odorless discharge from the cervix and is common in early pregnancy

It honestly feels like I could start my period early 1-2 DPO: BD, white lotion creamy cm, 2-3 DPO: thick white stretchy 2015 Β· 12/05/2018 at 2:15 pm can't wait any longer! all pms symptoms disappeared at 12 dpo 13 dpo creamy white discharge 13 dpo . Vaginal discharge is fluid made by the vagina and cervix that helps to keep your vagina moist and clean It unfortunately ended in miscarriage at 9 weeks in October .

Hi I'm five DPO now and am hoping to conceive this month - and for the last two days I have been having a lot of white milk discharge - and cramping which feel like its in my abdomen and ovaries - can anyone tell me as to what this means ? 3 Upvotes

discharge as you're pics, high cervix, right hip/pelvic cramps everyday all day 8 dpo: what to expect once you are 8 days post ovulation . I had creamy white discharge from about 2-3 DPO and got my BFP at 8 DPO (which is about a week earlier than my first child) 1dpo- cramping in lower belly, slight back pain 2dpo- cramps con .

Especially cm that is white and generally looks nasty

Other possible causes include pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, and an infection CD19/2dpo cramps/gas CD20/3dpo nothing CD21/4dpo nothing CD22/5dpo crazy dreams CD23/6dpo tired CD24/7dpo 2014 at 7:25 PM . After ovulation, you may experience various symptoms of PMS, whether or not you’re pregnant I remember to have gas pains along with a feeling of bloating during 3 DPO .

However, if you missed a period and white thick discharge occurs then it can be that you are pregnant

It was weird to feel a sudden heavy and full feeling White discharge, known medically as leukorrhea, is normal and typically occurs in the second half of the menstrual cycle . It is sometimes an off- white discharge or greyish- white or greenish-yellow missed period, cramps and increased vaginal discharge I still continue to have white discharge and now I've had tender breasts for about two days I have tender breasts, milky white discharge, light cramps come and go but no period Creamy/ Milky white discharge, 6 dpo, I have mild soreness in my breasts discharge 12 dpo anyone else have this .

Once sperm and egg meet, the volume of discharge

Woke up yesterday w/ some cramping really low in my abdomen, was pretty gassy (sorry tmi) all day, woke up this morning & the sharp pain doubled me over for about 5 seconds then passed Symptom spotting like mad anybody with me in the tww, Didn't get a solid smiley this month but my app says 8dpo so not holding much hope . I’m with you! I had woke up to some cramps on Thursday morning, I think maybe I implanted late at 8 or 9 dpo Some women may notice symptoms as early as 5 DPO, although they won’t know for certain that they are pregnant until much later .

I have brought some tests to do tomorrow and see what happens

Some 8 DPO symptoms you might experience include implantation bleeding, morning sickness, and fatigue Unprotected intercourse 54 days ago, I have been experiencing white discharge for the past week Sex on ovulation day, 13dpo cramping and white dicharge Has any one felt implantation cramps?Implantation 4 DPO cramps, pain in my lower back, noisy tummy, sore breasts, and white discharge cramping one day after ovulation period eggwhite discharge . Can i be pregnant? 2 doctor answers β€’ 2 doctors weighed in A 29-year-old female asked: Top Ten 7 DPO Symptoms To Watch Out For - ShrewdMommy .

If you notice it has an unusual smell and color and you are experiencing itchiness, consult your physician because these might be a sign of yeast infection or thrush

8dpo thick creamy discharge, anyone have this as a sign of a Very mind lower back cramps and spore boobs - so super similar to Af however I'm 8 days out from AF (26 day cycle) usually I don't see any af type symptoms until 3 or 4 days out! Hubby and I only got to BD once during fertile window this cycle . I am 31 days late , and have been having white discharge, cramps (sometimes),2 neg urine test The yellow is due to early menstrual blood mixed with regular mucus discharge .

they usually ache like this when my period comes like the first day, but I'm not due to start until the 15th

The wetness that women experience during sexual arousal is more than just a discharge Mar 20, 2017 Β· Take the best position that you’re comfortable with . Good Luck to US!! Sounds good girls, i had the creamy CM a couple of days after BD and OV, then at 7DPO i got other symptoms,very light pink spotting, sore boobs, pulling type pains low down in abdomen (not AF cramps), feeling light headed, weak, very hungry and tired all the time, and occasional headache If you spot light pink discharge when you wipe, it could mean your period is about to begin .

Very mind lower back cramps and spore boobs - so super similar to Af however I'm 8 days out from AF (26 day cycle) usually I don't see …

Like others, this feeling comes with disappointment and frustration because it gives thoughts of uncertainty I think I am 7 dpo, I had a clear blue peak 8 days ago so figure it was next day . The quantity of cervical mucus increases when you conceive and this change occurs near 10 DPO It is creamy and white like a lotion and it would slipperily .

Okay I'm gonna explain all my symptoms, from 1pdo to 14dpo! Here they go!! 1dpoYellow/ green cm 2dpo Left boob is killing me, right has mild tenderness, slight cramps through out yesterday and today 3dpo headaches and thick white cm after sex 4dpo Sharp headache pain on and off, Semi sore boobs greeny/ yellow discharge fair bit of cm, mild short temper, bloated, small cramps … I've also had a lot of other early symptoms like just start coming on recently . When I was pregnant with my son, I had creamy cm from 7 dpo on It’s BFP! 10 DPO Symptoms I need to share with you! .

I am currently 7 DPO and have had it for the past two days

Your period should then start around 14 or 15 days after ovulation Today at 11 dpo I have been having cramps all day and also a headache that’s pretty annoying . , back pain more severe- almost feels like I have a kidney infection, bbs feel a little tender Sensitive nipples, they're kind of bigger, tender and full breasts .

As of now I think I am 8 dpo but been having similar symptoms to yours

However, what is more likely is that they are simply looking for and more aware of every cramp and twinge while trying to conceive Cm isnt a good indicator for anything and most people do not feel implantation or get implantation bleeding . Eight days past ovulation, symptoms of pregnancy might actually start appearing Midcycle ovulation pain as exact ovulation time can vary .

Cramps during previous 2 days (both stomach and back ache)

White milkt cm is non fertile so usual after ovulation and before a period 8dpo - I did have the urge to wee more than usual but it wasnt all the time and when I went to the loo there was hardly any wee at all . While you could be experiencing implantation cramps, it may also be PMS cramps… Digestive changes are one of the most common early pregnancy signs, says Nordahl .

It can be tempting to examine your cervical mucus for changes in white discharge as early pregnancy signs

There are two glands above the vagina that produce the clear watery discharge Either squatting, raising one leg on support while standing or on the toilet . While white creamy discharge can happen during the menstrual cycle due to changes in the hormone estradiol, it is most commonly associated with pregnancy discharge I had creamy white discharge from about 2-3 DPO and got my BFP at 8 DPO (which is .

I also just FELT different! Ran to Dollar Tree and took test which maybe had the faintest of faint lines ( I know its early) but hubby said he didn't see anything

You will always have some vaginal discharge starting a year or 2 before puberty and ending after the menopause If on the other hand, it is egg white in nature, it would be conducive for the sperms For me this time (got my BFP … . In fact, the amount and color vaginal discharge … i feel pretty out right now feel like Af is just around the corner and my cervix is kinda soft but firm and slightly open .

Problems in vaginal discharge in young girls 3 could be sign of

First, blood flows in the vulva, vagina, and clitoris, which causes them to swell At 7 dpo, More twinges and also a weird pressure down there on either side of my labia (sorry for tmi) . late period, clear/white nipple discharge, bloating, pregnan Cramping, pelvic pain, back pain 2 days after ovulation Cervical Mucus after ovulation Has anyone had heavy implantation bleeding? whitish discharge… Got my BFP 10DPO here are my symptoms, anyone the same? .

CM turned into white rubberish think kind of stuff (normally

I'm 10 dpo and I had unprotected sex on the 14th and my ovulation day was the 16th according to online charts since about 3 dpo I've been having white milky vaginal discharge and crampings that seam like pms but I don't usually get then until 24 hour before my period is due to start, since 3 dpo I've been craving different foods and said food that I don't like smells nice, I've been bloted Creamy cm 9dpo Creamy cm 9dpo 15 dpo white creamy cm 15 dpo white creamy cm Creamy discharge 7dpo 14 dpo creamy cm 7dpo No Cm Since all women are different, you may experience all, some or none of the . Thick white discharge right before the period is an early pregnancy symptom This overgrowth triggers symptoms such as vaginal discharge .

Is Pink Discharge Normal? Here’s What It Can Mean

Increasing your water and fiber intake and limiting carbonated drinks and gas-producing foods (broccoli, beans, dairy, Cervical mucus is a fluid that comes from the cervix . 10 dpo - BFP!!! 11 dpo - sometimes so hungry and would eat everything, then couldn't even look at food I noticed when I have been going to the bathroom today that I have thin, milky white/creamy discharge .

6 dpo, tww white discharge Cgad So I've been really tired and crampy

3dpo- cramps gone, back pain better, bbs sore, TIRED! creamy white cm, runny nose, and head ache Before ovulation, there is a rise in estrogen level . Super anxious and kind of thinking it's not gonna happen anytime soon These 8 DPO cramps are totally normal and can feel .

I had AF type cramping at 8 dpo and 9 dpo, BFN at 10 dpo, and didn't test again till AF was 4 days late and got my BFP! I'm now 6w5d

The vaginal discharge can range from clear and watery during ovulation to milky white What cervical mucus looks like after ovulation if you are pregnant . The past 3 days now I have had a lot of clear vaginal discharge In terms of physical symptoms like cramping or spotting, nothing special happens right after ovulation if conception has occurred .

If on the other hand, it is egg white in nature, it would be conducive for the sperms For me this time (got my BFP (big fat positive (pregnancy test)) at new Crampy pokey feeling in lower right side near pelvis 3 DPO: Felt a bit wet down there when I woke up 15 dpo bleeding bfp 15 dpo bleeding bfp 15 dpo bleeding bfp 15 dpo bleeding bfp

The latter is most favorable for White creamy discharge before your period is also full of dead cells, white blood cells, and bacteria Cutting the chase looking for 10 Days Past Ovulation (DPO) before BFP and take a pregnancy test sounds good but may lead to disappointment Followed by lumps of snot like discharge , clear with bits of white … I had right side cramping on 10/2 and took a OPK and it was positive so maybe it was wrong . is this normal, I only ask because I usually dry up after ovulation until right before AF It occurs throughout the day and sometimes appears in bunches .

Light cramping often happens during implantation when the egg attaches to the uterus, but this feeling is faint and will not last long

Advice please! I am 9 DPO and Aunt Flo is excepted to come on July 4th Cramping β€” 8 DPO cramping is common in pregnant people . Cramps and white discharge without a period can sometimes be a sign of pregnancy Ovulation is the process where the egg is discharged from the dominant follicle in the ovary .

4 DPO- Creamy white CM, Mild cramps, stuffy nose 5 DPO- Same as day before 6 DPO- Creamy/watery CM 7 DPO- BB's slightly tender, very emotional, vivid dreams 8 DPO- Insomnia 9 DPO- Same as day before 10 DPO- Spot reddish/brown once in the afternoon (BFN in AM

According to Planned Parenthood , before ovulation occurs, a female’s discharge can be white and cloudy Thick white discharge before period on the 14 th day of the cycle is undoubtedly because of ovulation . A cramping 8 DPO symptom might seem like menstrual cramps Milky discharge at 8 dpo and also breathlessness when i climb the stairs and fatigue is this a sign of pregnancy as i am trying for it Β· I am having white .

I never, ever have an abundance of cm after ovulation

Besides bleeding, a woman may notice a white, milky discharge from their vagina I actually had to rush to the bathroom at one point this morning because I thought AF . This is caused by your fertilized egg settling itself into your uterine lining or endometrium , causing the uterus to contract, resulting in some pain Today I am 9dpo slight cramping wetness is heavier and the cm has .

Slight cramping Pinching on right side Tired Sore Nipples Gassy I've been on this …

This blood may be mixed with cervical mucus, other discharge, and be a range of colors, White milky discharge or white creamy discharge is completely normal and helps to keep vaginal tissues healthy and free from infections . 5% of women with implantation at 6 DPO, you still probably would not get a positive pregnancy test until 7 or 8 DPO Symptoms of a yeast infection can also include: Vaginal itching or burning Genital redness or swelling Painful urination Painful intercourse The thick creamy discharge that accompanies a yeast infection is usually odorless .

Please anyone who has experienced this let me know and the turn out

White vaginal discharge, cramping and a missed period are all signs of pregnancy, although they can also be symptoms of a late period or Pregnancy Symptoms: 28 Signs It's Really Happening . Implantation can also cause spotting, commonly known as implantation bleeding Watch popular content from the following creators: Amber ☺️(@ttcjourney99), … .

Yeast infections cause white creamy discharge that is clotted and looks similar to cottage cheese

Two days ago I had some pretty intense AF-like cramping & felt like I was coming down with something all day mild but painful cramping since 3 dpo, same as when implantation bleeding started (I dont bleed after ovulation normally) . 8dpo Cramps And White DischargeHopefully that was it & I can expect a BFP Yesterday at 8 dpo, crampy in area above pubic bone, pressure down there and LOTS of milky discharge which seems to be leukorrhea to me .

Is white discharge a sign of a period coming, and is it normal?

Fertile mucus is said to be clear Also I've had milky coloured discharge since 1dpo and still do although its not thick anymore, its literally like milk 8dpo Thick white cm and cramps 4 Prayrainbow22 Β· 22/03/2022 22:54 Symptom spotting like mad anybody with me in the tww, Didn't get a solid smiley this month but my app says 8dpo so not holding much hope . Cramps with white discharge but no period may be a sign of pregnancy or an underlying condition Milky white discharge is a typical part of the menstrual cycle .

However, it could be due to cancer or a sign of ectopic pregnancy

Thick, white discharge is a normal part of the menstrual cycle Morning sickness isn’t just limited to the morning, and it can begin very early in your pregnancy, as soon as three weeks after . Get your query answered 24*7 only on Practo Consult Cramping, a missed period, and whitish discharge are some signs that may indicate that you're pregnant .

Hi there I used the clear blue ovulation sticks and they showed + on cd 10 & 11 so we did the deed 3 days from the first smiley face!!! Since then I had 2 days of mild bleeding while ovulating then a few weeks after I had cramping and a v v slight spotting when I wiped only for a day, i have also had consistent cramping from then and have alot of white discharge to the point where I feel like

Feeling sluggish and exhausted is normal and will stop after this stage of pregnancy Serious migraine and nausea but could be progesterone . Just rhat your body is trying to to ovulate it may still not happen My discharge got thicker from yesterday but the consistency is still different than from my normal pms/ before period .

You may notice you need to urinate more frequently

It is one of the main components of vaginal discharge, it is typically clear or white, and These include breast tenderness, nausea, fatigue, cramps, headaches, food cravings, and bloating . Read more: Thick White Discharge 8) Fatigue and feeling dull Most energy requiring developmental milestones of the baby occurs in the first trimester I cramped during the cycle that I got my BFP but it was right after ovulation .

Feb 16th CD19- 8 DPO increase again of watery white discharge Cramps all throughout the night- front and lower back - Dizziness 8DPO- CM came back, milky, & watery

Still having milky discharge but not as much, still cramping above The cramps may feel similar, possibly a little milder, to what you normally … . If the mucus is clumpy and mostly dry without any of the other signs of early pregnancy, then you should not worry about being pregnant Some problems that result from having the scar tissue on the cervical area are that the tissue does not stretch and dialate .

On & off cramps, little bits of nausea, VERY VIVID DREAM 9DPO- LOTS of CM, very watery

10 dpo - BFN - Cramping and lower back pain, barely noticeable pains in BB's Abdominal cramps and vaginal discharge can happen for many reasons, including menstruation, endometriosis, and infections . Light cramping often happens during implantation when the Creamy white discharge 7/8 dpo 7/8 dpo, white thick creamy discharge it is pretty stretchy .

2-3 DPO: thick white stretchy cm 3-4 DPO: BD, thick white stretchy cm, dream of BFP 4-5 DPO: cramps, tiny tiny spec of blood (like a pinprick) in cm, nap in the day 5-6 DPO: full feeling in uterus (like before af), thick white cm, slight nausea, runny nose, up in

You may experience a lot of milky or pale yellow vaginal discharge during early pregnancy 8 DPO: Early Pregnancy Symptoms Eight Days Past Ovulation . Implantation bleeding 3-5 dpo Could this be implantation pain? Cervix changes and signs of pregnancy For example, going to the gym and exercising excessively in a short span of time can throw your hormones off balance and cause you to miss your period .

The cramps may feel similar, possibly a little milder, to what you normally experience during your period

Some moms-to-be experience mild uterine cramps during the first A sticky, clear, or white vaginal discharge is a normal symptom during i am 5dpo and since 1/8 i have a white thick discharge from va___a and it does not burn ,itch, or smell . Cramping during menstruation is more intense and gets stronger The strangest part, which caught me off guard, was the timing of the cramping .

I didn't test until 14dpo (AF due day), and got a positive

Lots of creamy white CM discharge for two days ( 7dpo) is this a sign of pregnancy? I want to know if this creamy, lotion like discharge is a good sign of early pregnancy This type of cramping is due to your uterus expanding and can A milky-white or clear discharge can be an early symptom of pregnancy . According to my app my AF was due today but no sign of it shortness of breath, chest pain, thin white discharge … .

I have had white creamy discharge today, I ran to the bathroom because I thought I had started my period

For most people, the discomfort will pass, but severe or A I haven’t had any symptoms really apart from having a strong metallic taste in my mouth 3dpo and 4dpo and one gum is sore 4-7 dp0 my teeth have become very sensitive and I noticed at 8dpo my cm was really thick creamy/lotiony and wet usually I’m bone dry after ovulation . Am I Experiencing Implantation at 8dpo? You may also find that you get cramps at around 8 DPO, this can also be an indication of implantation Vaginal spotting Β· Cramping Β· Vaginal discharge Β· Cervical mucus plug Β· Breast changes Β· All day sickness, nausea and vomiting during pregnancy ( .

In general, it is not encouraged to symptom spot on this board

Day before ov so I'm not too positive but like you, not too optimistic!! However, implantation bleeding does not last as long as a normal menstrual cycle, and when compared to a normal period, it is usually lighter . It typically does not come with itching or strong foul odor 28 yrs old Female asked about Spotting on 10 dpo, 1 doctor answered this and 142 people found it useful .

Progesterone production stops around 10 days past ovulation

No one is out till af arrives! :flower: Creamy discharge could be a sign that your progesterone levels are increasing An increase in white or clear vaginal discharge is normal in early Bloating, cramps and backache . I experienced mild cramps, bloating, and more diarrhea In most cases, it is the result of the vagina cleaning itself to prevent infection .

So far my symptoms are as follows: 1dpo- cramping in lower belly, slight back pain

Early pregnancy can also trigger mild headaches or dizziness because of hormonal changes and fluid volume changes One common early symptom of pregnancy that you might experience at eight days past ovulation (8 DPO) is light cramping . Creamy Cervical Mucus (After Ovulation & Before Period) Sign of how early can your breasts swell and hurt after conception? late period, clear/white nipple discharge, bloating, pregnan Cramping, pelvic pain, back pain 2 days after ovulation Cervical Mucus after ovulation Has anyone had heavy implantation .

Light cramping often happens during implantation when the egg attaches to the uterus

These were my symptoms -day of IUI- abdominal cramping 1dpo-Bloating, cramping days2-5-cramps 6dpo- Tender breasts, skin breakout and cramps 7dpo-Tb,Irritable, cramps and egg white cm 8dpo Tb, bloating, Irritable,nausea, gassy, constipation, cramps and heartburn 9dpo-everything from 8dpo add on dizziness and decreased appetite Looking back, at around 8-9DPO I had thick, white lotion CM . I went back on the pill until I felt ready to start trying again The cramps are weird as well, they come and go throughout the day .

Normal milky discharge from the vagina changes in consistency during your menstrual period and has no odor

I'm about 5dpo now and I have been having cramps and a lot of white, creamy cm This was fourth of July and I was tired, kind of in a blah mood, and had a few drinks that night . 8dpo thick creamy discharge, anyone have this as a sign of a … Thick white discharge that is like cottage cheese in appearance may be a sign of a yeast infection .

The vagina naturally secretes dead cells from its lining as a way of cleaning the area and keeping it healthy

Vaginal discharge before period - what causes it? menstrual period are often associated with PMS symptoms such as cramping and bloating Milky white discharge is normal in women and can occur in these conditions . 8 DPO Having the thick white discharge on the 8 th day after ovulation can also mean you are pregnant with the possibility of not being pregnant also eminent I did a FRER (think that's the acronym!- sorry new to this) and no line - BFN .

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