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▶ Jenffer A. Jay's YouTube Under Attack Anonymous 06/01/17 (Thu) 03:39:04 7ede90 (2) No. 271531 >>271648 [Watch Thread] [Show All Posts]
A foxdick faggot is butthurt from Jenffer's videos roasting him, so he has been reporting them for harassment. The foxdick is another retard that they shit talk over there named Thomas Jay Wasserberg.
https://foxdickfarms.netPLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORDs/tommy-tooter-thomas-jay-wasserberg-thomasa-wasserberg-tommi-jayne-wasserberg-whistleblower.18925/page-386
In the top post a video from Jen was posted, but it was later reported and removed from YouTube.
Here is Wasserberg (he goes by Tommy Tooter) shit talking Jen
https://foxdickfarms.netPLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORDs/tommy-tooter-thomas-jay-wasserberg-thomasa-wasserberg-tommi-jayne-wasserberg-whistleblower.18925/page-386#post-2307127
https://foxdickfarms.netPLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORDs/tommy-tooter-thomas-jay-wasserberg-thomasa-wasserberg-tommi-jayne-wasserberg-whistleblower.18925/page-386#post-2307750
Here is Jen copypasting a threat from Tommy to have a second video taken down.
https://foxdickfarms.netPLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORDs/tommy-tooter-thomas-jay-wasserberg-thomasa-wasserberg-tommi-jayne-wasserberg-whistleblower.18925/page-386#post-2309053
https://foxdickfarms.netPLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORDs/tommy-tooter-thomas-jay-wasserberg-thomasa-wasserberg-tommi-jayne-wasserberg-whistleblower.18925/page-386#post-2309109
https://foxdickfarms.netPLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORDs/tommy-tooter-thomas-jay-wasserberg-thomasa-wasserberg-tommi-jayne-wasserberg-whistleblower.18925/page-387#post-2309244
Below that post she says she cannot upload YouTube videos anymore.
▶ Anonymous 06/01/17 (Thu) 04:24:57 92a729 (1) No. 271535
Here is his channel. He has like hundreds of hidden videos.
Here is his only active facebook (he has some shells and deactivated ones but this is what he uses.
He's also been arrested in Texas, California and Arizona for a number of different small crimes. He is currently a mental health outpatient for the City of Tucson in Arizona.
▶ Anonymous 06/01/17 (Thu) 09:47:41 8d0010 (3) No. 271563
Thomas Wasserberg has also admitted to molesting underage girls and his own dog before.
▶ do you believe everything you read on troll sites? tommie tooter 06/01/17 (Thu) 09:52:54 7f169e (11) No. 271564
your "intel on me is a joke. i am not a "mental health outpatient" in tucson, nor do i admit to molesting minors or dogs. loads of speculative nonsense by mentally unwell haters and paid provocateurs.
▶ Anonymous 06/01/17 (Thu) 10:01:14 4a9810 (4) No. 271565
Tommy, didn't your handler tell you to stay off these sites? You should probably listen to him sir.
▶ tommie tooter 06/01/17 (Thu) 10:56:40 7f169e (11) No. 271567
uh, maybe i've fired the handler, frat boy? here's a gift, youngster.
I wanted to give you a quick update as to the status of your cases at the Tucson Police Department. Currently we do not have any active or pending cases involving you; the historical cases you filed have been closed.
As we've spoken about before, it may be a good idea for you to avoid websites where you are feeling harassed. We simply do not have the ability at the Police Department to control the online behavior you have been forwarding to us.
You can call me at 837-7988 if you have any questions.
watch what happens when the LOLsuit gets filed in the next few months and the court see the screen caps of the AMBeasts bragging about paying off the TPD to protect their dope trafficking through tucson and interdicting me for some mysterious stranger paying them to do it. you know who tom medara is, chuckles?
▶ neither sir nor madam are appropriate things to call me tommie tooter 06/01/17 (Thu) 11:00:34 7f169e (11) No. 271568 >>274379
for the benerift of erverybody herre: regardless of what my anti-fan club may claim about my sex and gender, i am intersexed and really not completely male or female, but a blend of both. tom is no fun for anybody and only mean, stupid people trying to piss me off address me as tom, sir, mister or bro. if you want to interact with me and get any response, please call me tommie and leave my gender out of it completely or use female identifierrs.
▶ Anonymous 06/01/17 (Thu) 11:26:41 8d0010 (3) No. 271570
Oh damn, he's going after these AMB cucks for drug operations? I hope he doesn't figure out this site is funded entirely on Jim's prostitution ring/pig farm.
▶ Anonymous 06/01/17 (Thu) 11:31:58 38a29c (3) No. 271571
At a minute 10 and 3 minutes and 20 seconds you admit to messing with dogs and kids ou pervert. What is wrong with you?
▶ tommie tooter 06/01/17 (Thu) 11:32:05 7f169e (11) No. 271572 >>271574 >>271576
lol. another idiot. those ass clowns are part of the e-scammer crowd, cash baiting and credit card phishing. addy's got some program tracking the activity on a couple dozen sites. just a bunch of bottom feeding wannabe 1% ers and pathological liars.
i'm going after the TPD and FBI for refusing to prosecute and filing a 1983 with a RICO motion attached to it to investigate the sites addy is tracking. i'm not suing any of these idiots and never intended to. i'm going after the law for not doing their job and the social networking sites that harbor these degenderate dirtbags.
▶ tommie tooter 06/01/17 (Thu) 11:36:06 7f169e (11) No. 271573
nothing nearly as serious as what's wrong with you for interpreting it the way you are and making a big deal of it. come to the here and now or be ignored as you wish.
▶ Anonymous 06/01/17 (Thu) 11:37:36 38a29c (3) No. 271574
You should sue the president when that doesn't work. Don't you shit yourself uncontrollably?
you were a total failure as my mother, refusing to listen to any of my issues. i have very bad hormonal problems because of my intersexed condition and have always had poor bladder and sphincter control because of it, but you mashed my soiled underwear in my face to "toilet train" me instead of listening to me. forget about it if i tried to tell either one of you that i was a girl. oh no, girls don't have penises and boys only cry when they bleed and if you need to cry, i'll be glad to beat the crap out of you. you refused to listen to me last night, which is why i terminated the call. you should all be ashamed of yourselves. i pity your immortal soul if you can't learn to love me in a way that feels like love to me.
▶ Anonymous 06/01/17 (Thu) 11:38:26 8d0010 (3) No. 271575
Daily reminder that Tommy Tooter plays the victim card despite willingly signing up and posting literally thousands of posts over the past few years to both AMB and foxdick.
▶ Anonymous 06/01/17 (Thu) 11:39:41 1e19a3 (2) No. 271576
>You should sue the president when that doesn't work. Don't you shit yourself uncontrollably?
>you were a total failure as my mother, refusing to listen to any of my issues. i have very bad hormonal problems because of my intersexed condition and have always had poor bladder and sphincter control because of it, but you mashed my soiled underwear in my face to "toilet train" me instead of listening to me. forget about it if i tried to tell either one of you that i was a girl. oh no, girls don't have penises and boys only cry when they bleed and if you need to cry, i'll be glad to beat the crap out of you. you refused to listen to me last night, which is why i terminated the call. you should all be ashamed of yourselves. i pity your immortal soul if you can't learn to love me in a way that feels like love to me.
▶ tommie tooter 06/01/17 (Thu) 11:41:21 7f169e (11) No. 271577
when any of you have anything intelligent and relevant to say, i'll be happy to respond.
▶ Anonymous 06/01/17 (Thu) 11:44:37 4a9810 (4) No. 271578
▶ Anonymous 06/01/17 (Thu) 11:45:11 1e19a3 (2) No. 271579
Here is Tommy calling the FBI and losing his shit. He also talks to them about Josh. Fast forward to 6:00 for massive chimpout on an FBI agent.
▶ tommie tooter 06/01/17 (Thu) 11:49:57 7f169e (11) No. 271580 >>271588
like i said, you children are rude, redundant and utterly ridiculous retards, unworthy of engaging.
▶ Anonymous 06/01/17 (Thu) 11:50:31 4a9810 (4) No. 271581
Oh and Tommy, leave jennfer alone. She's a stand up lady, unlike yourself.
▶ Anonymous 06/01/17 (Thu) 11:50:45 b6638d (2) No. 271582
This is the real reason behind Thomas' identification as intersex:
thomas is wore out. tommy needs to be on the surface in these troubled times. i feel safer and like less of a target for my words as a transgendered woman than a surviving 60's radical rabble rouser. my old friends are understanding me much better as an excitable chick than an angry dude. especially folks who only know me online. i'm feeling like a really sly bitch knowing i'm going to get my way a lot easier with boobs than anything else i've ever tried. money doesn't rule the world. tits, ass, pussy, fuck me hairstyles and paint jobs rule the world.
▶ tommie tooter 06/01/17 (Thu) 12:18:23 7f169e (11) No. 271584
b6638d No.271582 is obviously sneasel. totally delusional young man and disgustingly sexist tranny chasing pervert.
▶ tommie tooter 06/01/17 (Thu) 12:20:35 7f169e (11) No. 271585
jennfer is attacking me for no reason and repeating a whole lot of things about me that simply aren't true. all she needs to do is stop talking smack about me and i'll stop reporting her videos. simples or is that too difficult for you autists?
▶ Anonymous 06/01/17 (Thu) 12:47:24 b6638d (2) No. 271588
▶ tommie tooter 06/01/17 (Thu) 12:53:40 7f169e (11) No. 271590
keep telling yourself that, you infantile imbecile. i've been harvesting pure gold from you fools here, at KF and AMB tonight. pile it on, stupid sycophantic sociopaths on psych meds. show me what you've got on me.
▶ Anonymous 06/01/17 (Thu) 22:06:30 4a9810 (4) No. 271614
▶ Anonymous 06/01/17 (Thu) 22:52:46 c899f2 (1) No. 271618
Daily reminder that tommy tooter was so autistic that he got dishonorably discharged from Vordrak's Autistic Army.
▶ Anonymous 06/02/17 (Fri) 05:04:28 b68309 (1) No. 271648
And nothing of value would be lost.
▶ Anonymous 06/03/17 (Sat) 04:15:05 38a29c (3) No. 271733
He's now so assmad at Jenffer that he is threatening to call the police on her and sue her
▶ Anonymous 06/04/17 (Sun) 02:09:48 128860 (1) No. 271798
>Jenffer A. Jay's YouTube Under Attack
▶ Anonymous 06/04/17 (Sun) 02:27:19 b355a4 (1) No. 271799
tommie used to belong to a forum that i can't name here because it is a very small, tight knit community and it's too risky to get into without revealing identities.
long story short, tommie has admitted to hiring underage boys for sex on craigslist and told one disgusting story about a runaway immigrant boy who had run away from home because he was being beaten. he begged him to let him stay with him even for a night but told the boy it was contingent upon the young boy finding a pitbull to blow while he watched.
▶ Anonymous 06/05/17 (Mon) 21:54:09 7ede90 (2) No. 271965 >>272473
I have been following Thomas for a while and from what I can tell he is an out of control old Jew who is in the early stages of Alzheimer's. Thomas has a long history of harassing people in different communities. He has harassed the Rainbow Family to the point where no one wants to deal with him. Fucking hippies don't want to deal with this dirtbag. Then there is the trannies. Tom decided he would have an easier life if he snowflaked up and became a tranny. The problem is that he again annoyed everyone in a community and got his ass bounced. Greta Martella, the tranny who went to Josh's house even hates this guy. He also tried to get some other tranny to give him her bank account number for access to one of his facebook groups.
Its weird that he would attack Jenffer, because usually Tom only attacks people that he can get something from. Overall, Thomas is a fucking idiot who thinks he is smarter than he really is. VERY EASY to troll into mad fits. The foxdick Farms have been trolling him for a year, a group of old men have been trolling him for about 10 years and he has been trolled on the internet for about 20. The earliest recording of him being online goes back to 1990.
▶ Anonymous 06/11/17 (Sun) 13:13:43 7f169e (11) No. 272467
nice alternative facts, script kiddies. your grasp of reality is non-existent. none of this shit is true.
▶ Anonymous 06/11/17 (Sun) 16:25:20 c4f1a2 (1) No. 272473
>The foxdick Farms have been trolling him for a year, a group of old men have been trolling him for about 10 years and he has been trolled on the internet for about 20. The earliest recording of him being online goes back to 1990.
>The earliest recording of him being online goes back to 1990.
A pop star could've already joined the 27 Club in the timeframe that Tommy Tooter has been online.
We really have to study people like this so we know what to expect when large parts of society have also spent 2-3 decades engrossed in Internet culture.
▶ tommy call the cops on me jenffer jay 06/23/17 (Fri) 09:15:55 f9c852 (1) No. 273819
▶ Anonymous 06/29/17 (Thu) 09:44:01 8231a1 (1) No. 274379
▶ Anonymous 07/23/17 (Sun) 08:37:03 7a7896 (1) No. 277185 >>281506
File ( hide ) : 11e10819a02d5e5⋯.png (320.54 KB, 636x816, 53:68, 2AYHSjD.png ) (h) (u)
Here's Tom trying to defend having sex with a "very mature minor" and supporting legalization of CP
▶ tommie tooter 08/19/17 (Sat) 17:41:54 8f35da (1) No. 281506
prove any of that actually happened, you insipid mongoloid
▶ Anonymous 08/31/17 (Thu) 23:53:59 594a0c (1) No. 282864 >>284603 >>284805
I hope the Tuscon Mental Health professionals act on this foxdick holy shit.
▶ tommie tooter 09/08/17 (Fri) 15:10:53 168fe4 (1) No. 284603 >>284697 >>284722 >>284798
i am not a 'foxdick' you retarded child. you will be hearing from the tucson police soon, fool, as i have ordered them to arrest you.
▶ Anonymous 09/08/17 (Fri) 21:54:05 c41b4e (2) No. 284697
And what address dis you give them, Tommy? I hear there's a lot of activity coming from 14 Branchland Court in Ruckersville VA. Probably gonna take a lot of paperwork to get an extradition for your little internet slapfight.
Besides, you must be pretty scared bumping your own thread after a week of no activity. Those mean old trolls starting to rattle you there, Tommy?
▶ Anonymous 09/08/17 (Fri) 22:37:29 c41b4e (2) No. 284722
For someone who's been online as long as you have, you sure haven't learned much. We know your name and where you live. We also know how the Streissand Effect works. But what do you know about us, Tommy?
▶ Anonymous 09/09/17 (Sat) 10:10:42 5c5bbd (2) No. 284798
>you will be hearing from the tucson police soon, fool, as i have ordered them to arrest you.
That's not how cops work you fucking retard.
▶ Anonymous 09/09/17 (Sat) 10:46:11 c47fce (1) No. 284800
The Italians believed that illness was influenced by the stars. That is why they gave it the name Influenza.
▶ Anonymous 09/09/17 (Sat) 11:41:26 5c5bbd (2) No. 284805
Thomas you fucking retard, do you realize that your id gives you away in this post?
▶ Anonymous 09/16/17 (Sat) 14:07:51 7f8b97 (1) No. 285484
This retarded fat fuck is chimping out because some foxdickfag made a bunch of videos about tom diddling dogs and kids lol
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