8056377243 who owns it?/ How to Block 805-637-7243

8056377243 who owns it?/ How to Block 805-637-7243

 Derick Lenard

805-637-7243: Scam or Legit?

People get all types of fake calls. These numbers can be spam and trying to sell a person something. They may also be looking for personal information to be used for malicious purposes.

If a person has received a call from 805-637-7243 they should be aware of this. There is more information about this number and what can be done with calls from this number.


1-805-637-7243 Who is calling?

If a phone receives a call from 805-637-7243 it can be a span call. In most cases, it will be a debt collector or a creditor that is looking for money.

In other cases, it can be a financial institution that is also looking to collect some money. If a person looks at a hard copy of their credit report they will see this number as a collectible account.

This can happen if a person has forgotten to pay a bill. It will be reported to the credit agencies and it will bring down the credit score unless the situation can be rectified.


Is +18056377243 a real company or it is a scam?

When a person sees 805-637-7234 they should be aware that in some cases it can be a real company. The company may be calling for a legitimate purpose. In most cases, this will not be a real company calling. The majority of the time it will be a scam.

It is a good idea to block this number to keep it from calling. A person can also report this number. There are sites where spam and other calls can be reported.

This will help identify potential risks and it will help keep them from tricking people. A person should also look at their credit report. If they see this number or other information that is not accurate they should contact the agency and see what is happening. They should start the process to fix their credit.


Where 805 637 7243 is this company located?

When a person is looking up the information for 805-637-7243 they will see that this number is located on or around Santa Barbara, California with the zip code is 93103. The carrier of this number is not known and the company that it is registered to is not listed.

This should make a person cautious when they see this number on their phone or their credit report. There have been over 33,000 searches conducted on this number so a lot of people have been receiving contact from it in some form.

The number 8056377243 has been reported as spam a total of 625 times. The spam score associated with this phone number is around 100 percent.


Do I have to worry about being sued by 805-637-7243?

A consumer does not have to worry about this number using them. Most of the calls will not cause trouble. They may be annoying but they are often harmless. It can be a collection company and other credits that are looking to get people to pay off their existing debt.

If a person has a bill that is not paid this company is looking to get the money that is owed. If a person does not have outstanding debts and they feel these calls are in error it can be scary getting these messages. In most cases, the calls can be blocked or ignored and they will not cause any serious damage.

Once again, a person should check their credit report. They will be able to see if they have any accounts that are not paid or if there are efforts.

This will also allow a person to see if new accounts have been opened in their name. if a person is getting harassing calls from +18056377243 they should contact the creditors and have things straightened out. If a person is able to fix the errors on their credit report they will not have to worry about being sued or being involved in a lawsuit.


How to Remove 18056377243 definitely!

If a person has noticed there is 8056377243 on their credit report they should contact a credit report specialist to help remove this. While they are working to remove this number they can simply delete it or block it from their call log and they will not have to worry about it bothering them.


User Experience

Users that have received calls from this number have left their reviews online so that others can determine if they should take these calls seriously or not. Several people have commented that when they went to answer this phone call, the caller hung up on them.

Others have stated that when they went to answer this number no one spoke. Some people that have answered this call said that they have heard a few beeps and then they did not hear anything.

Users are not certain about what this number is but based on the person not answering and the lack of information it is likely that this number is from a debt collector. It is not uncommon for the number to call several times.

Others have said that when they missed the call there was no message that was left in their voicemail. If there is no message being left people that have gotten the call have written it off as unimportant.


If a person receives a number from this call they can perform a reverse phone number lookup. That will allow them to find out more information. In addition to the 805 area code, a person may also see an area code with 805.

Area code 805 is located in California and covers Oxnard, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, San Buenaventura (Ventura), and Santa Maria in the United States.

This number should also be reported as spam in most cases. The reverse phone number search will allow a person to type in the phone number that has called them and see if there is any information about the organization that this number is registered to. A most legitimate company will have their information listed.

If no information is listed for this number a person should be careful answering the calls or they can block them altogether.


Similar #'s you might find from 805-637-7243

  • 8056377243
  • 805-637-7243
  • 18056377243
  • 805 637 7243
  • +18056377243
  • 1-805-637-7243
  • (805) 637-7243




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