8 Reasons to See the Neurologist

8 Reasons to See the Neurologist

A neurologist is a doctor that diagnoses, treats, and manages conditions and disorders of the nervous system. This includes your brain, spinal cord, nerves, as well as other components. Disorders and neurological conditions may affect the ability of you to think, move and speak.

The damaged brain area can result in neurological symptoms. Each of your five senses could be affected by changes in pain or. A brain surgeon in chennai has the knowledge necessary to diagnose and treat a range of conditions.

Your primary physician may refer you to the neurologist. In some cases the primary provider could be your neurologist. Here are eight good reasons to visit a neurologist.

If you are suffering from neuropathic pain, it is likely that you have

The pain of neuropathic is a condition that occurs when nerves are damaged from injury or disease. This kind of nerve damage is often result of diabetes. The pain could be severe, shooting, or burning. You may also have neuropathy due to damage to the spinal cord or brain. The pain can occur after an accident or stroke. The most common pain medications do not help the neuropathic pain. A neurologist can help you determine the best treatment.

You get migraines

The frequent and intense headaches are the most common reason for people to see a neurologist chennai. These headaches are typically migraine headaches. They can be extremely intense and be a long-lasting condition that lasts for hours or even days. You'll have throbbing pain. It is also possible to feel nauseated and sensitive to loud sounds or strong, light smells or loud noises.

A lot of people suffering from migraines don't receive the proper diagnosis or treatment. Seeing the neurologist could assist you in determining what's causing your migraines and determine how to avoid them.

There are seizures

Seizures can cause brain-related disturbances. Seizures can lead to uncontrolled movements or strange sensations. Neurologists can do brain imaging and testing to determine the reason. Sometimes, treating the root of seizures can prevent seizures from occurring. However, some conditions that cause seizures, like epilepsy may last for a long time. Numerous medications are available to prevent or reduce seizures.

A spinal or brain injury has occurred

Falls, car accidents, and sports injuries can harm your brain or the spinal cord. Symptoms depend on what was damaged and the extent of damage that caused. Brain injuries can trigger seizures, headaches, dizziness and even loss of consciousness. They can result in changes in your behavior, thinking and memory. Spinal cord injuries can cause an increase in weakness and numbness.

If you suffer from multiple sclerosis, you're in trouble.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a long-lasting disorder of the brain and spinal cord. MS symptoms can include vision problems as well as weakness, numbness and the sensation of tingling. Although symptoms may fluctuate in severity, they can get more severe as time passes. To identify you an neurologist must conduct an examination and take imaging studies of your brain. Many medications can help control or reduce MS attacks. A neurologist chennai will assist you to determine the most effective treatment.

Parkinson's Disease is a serious disease.

Parkinson's disease causes loss of brain cells which produce dopamine, the chemical that is found in brains. Dopamine is necessary for normal bodily movements. People with Parkinson's disease typically are over 60 years old. The symptoms include trembling, stiff or slow movement, and clumsiness.

Although there are no tests to determine if you have Parkinson's disease A neurologist may be able to help through a thorough exam. A neurologist will also help you find the best treatment for you and could recommend a treatment called deep brain stimulation.

Have you had a stroke?

A stroke is the loss of blood supply to part of your brain. The cause could be brain bleeding or a blood vessel that has become blocked. Brain cells start to cease to function without blood supply. Neurologists can diagnose and treat a stroke as it occurs if someone around you is quick to call 911. A diagnosis involves taking images of the brain. Treatment options include medications to break up blood clots, if an obstruction in the blood vessel is responsible for the stroke.

If you're experiencing memory problems, it's likely that you're suffering from

It is normal to experience some forgetfulness as we age. The more serious issues with memory and thought aren't. That's especially applicable if you're experiencing issues with memory and thinking that are affecting your day-to-day life. These issues could be due to changes in your brain. These changes generally begin slow and then get worse with time. These changes could cause dementia.

Alzheimer's disease, which is the most frequent type of dementia is the most widespread. A neurologist is a way to determine if you have the beginnings of dementia or the cause of the symptoms. The doctor will conduct an exhaustive neurological examination.

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