8 Nurses

8 Nurses


8 Nurses

Katherine Fung

On 8/31/21 at 5:06 PM EDT

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As the nation continues its efforts to ramp up vaccination rates, figures seem to lag not only among the public but also in hospitals, where one in eight nurses say they have not been vaccinated and aren't planning on doing so.
A survey conducted between July 8 and 29 by the American Nurses Association (ANA) and American Nurses Foundation (ANF) found that among nearly 5,000 nurses, a quarter said they didn't trust the vaccines or were unsure about the safety and effectiveness of the shots.
Of those who don't intend on getting vaccinated, the main concerns included lack of information about long-term effects and vaccine safety, as well as mistrust in the information surrounding the vaccines' development and approval.
Although the majority of nurses, 88 percent, are vaccinated, the proportion of vaccine-hesitant staff could present a problem for hospitals if vaccine mandates are issued for all healthcare workers.
Hospitals across the country are facing severe nursing shortages—an issue that existed before the pandemic but has been exacerbated by many leaving the field over the last 16 months due to burnout from caring for COVID patients.
The Biden administration has already required that nursing home staff be vaccinated in order for long-term care facilities to receive federal Medicare and Medicaid funding—a mandate that some in the industry have warned will pose "disastrous workforce challenges."
Those in the nursing home industry have suggested that in order to prevent staff from leaving for other healthcare positions, the federal government should mandate vaccines for all healthcare workers.
But figures from the survey hint that a broader mandate could also drive out ICU staff at a time when hospitals in the nation's hotspots are reaching pandemic highs.
Still, some experts said the highly transmissible Delta variant makes it a clear decision that nurses should be inoculated, even if a mandate could alienate members of the dwindling workforce.
Last month, the ANA said it supported mandating vaccinations for nurses, stressing that hospital staff have "ethical obligations to model the same prevention measures as their patients."
Notably, almost 60 percent of the nurses surveyed, said they would support a vaccine mandate.
"As the largest group of health care professionals, nurses are critical to all facets of COVID-19 response efforts and must strive to remain physically and psychologically safe to function optimally to care for themselves, their patients and their communities," ANA President Dr. Ernest Grant said on July 26. "Nurses must get vaccinated."
Michael Sinensky, CEO of WeShield, a leading PPE supplier, told Newsweek that hospitals could potentially combat further staff shortages by offering higher wages.
"In a hospital setting, it makes sense to have all staffers vaccinated as they are taking care of the sick. While COVID can penetrate some with vaccines, it's still a lot less of a chance than if one is not vaccinated," Sinensky said.
He added, "If a hospital chooses to have mandates and they are seeing a labor shortage, they will have to increase compensation to lure additional workers which is their choice as well or be understaffed."
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EIGHT Filipino nurses bound for New Zealand were allegedly offloaded by Immigration (BI) officers at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) even after they have presented all the needed documents for their travel.
A concerned netizen on Saturday sought the help of The Manila Times on the plight of the nurses, saying that the incident happened on Jan. 29, 2021.

Home » NurseLife » 8 Inspiring Prayers for Nurses

Matt Vera is a registered nurse with a bachelor of science in nursing since 2009 and is currently working as a full-time writer and editor for Nurseslabs. During his time as a student, he knows how frustrating it is to cram on difficult nursing topics. Finding help online is nearly impossible. His situation drove his passion for helping student nurses by creating content and lectures that are easy to digest. Knowing how valuable nurses are in delivering quality healthcare but limited in number, he wants to educate and inspire nursing students. As a nurse educator since 2010, his goal in Nurseslabs is to simplify the learning process, break down complicated topics, help motivate learners, and look for unique ways of assisting students in mastering core nursing concepts effectively.

© 2022 Nurseslabs | Ut in Omnibus Glorificetur Deus!

We nurses have our spiritual needs too! What else is a better way to start and end your shift than to be inspired, motivated and directed through praying? In this post, we have collected the best and most beautiful prayers for nurses.
Give me strength and wisdom,
When others need my touch;
A soothing word to speak to them,
Their hearts yearn for so much.
Give me joy and laughter,
To lift a weary soul;
Pour in me compassion,
To make the broken whole.
Give me gentle, healing hands,
For those left in my care;
A blessing to those who need me,
This is a Nurse ‘s prayer.
Dear God,
Today I will take my examination
which is so important to me
Though I am nervous. I’m not afraid
Because I know that as I write my answers
It is your hands that work
And now, as I take this examination
Please enlighten my mind
to able to answer correctly
and to recall everything that I have studied.
I will do my best in this exam and to you God
I will entrust my fate
I know that whatever will be the result,
it is according to your will.
You have watched me
As I worked hard to study for this exam
Although I dont feel very confident
And that I dont know if I am prepared
I truly believe that you would give me what I deserve
I deserve to pass this exam,God.
I am happy that today you are with me
For with you I will win this battle
And as I close my eyes and feel your presence
In this examination room
You put confidence to my heart
Dear Lord, please give me strength,
To face the day ahead.
Dear Lord, please give me courage,
As I approach each hurting bed.
Dear Lord, please give me wisdom
With every word I speak.
Dear Lord, please give me patience,
As I comfort the sick and weak.
Dear Lord, Please give me assurance,
As the day slips into night.
That I have done the best I can,
That I have done what’s right.
As I care for my patients today
Be there with me, Oh Lord, I pray.
Make my words kind – it means so much.
And in my hands place your healing touch.
Let your love shine through all that I do,
So those in need may hear and feel You.
I pray I do my part
to lift each downcast spirit
and to soothe each heavy heart.
May my touch being reassurance.
May my voice be soothing too,
May my gentle care remind them
Of the love they have in You.
Long before you entered nursing
The Lord had played His part,
Planting seeds of love and kindness
In the portals of your heart.
For it’s clear that you’ve been gifted
With a sympathetic ear,
And blessed from the beginning
With a willingness to cheer.
And the people who you care for
Are better off by far,
When they’re touched by your compassion,
By the person that you are.
For in times of woe and worry
When they’re frightened or they’re blue,
No one could be more consoling than the friend they’ll find in you
Let me dedicate my life today,
in the care of those who come my way.
Let me touch each one with healing hand,
and the gentle art for which I stand.
And then tonight when day is done,
Let me rest in peace,
If I’ve helped just one.
Dear Lord, thou Great Healer.
May they great strength and power flow through me,
and lend skill to my hands and vision .
Judgment to my mind and Compassion to my heart.
Grant me the strength to minister to my Patients in their hour of suffering and travail.
Make me worthy, Oh Lord, of this saintly task.
And may I faithfully discharge my duties in Deep humility,
worthy of the trust and faith placed in me. Amen
Being a NURSE means……
You will never be bored.
You will always be frustrated.
You will be surrounded by challenges.
So much to do and so little time.
You will carry immense responsibility and very little authority.
You will step into people’s lives and you will make a difference.
Some will bless you. Some will curse you.
You will see people at their worst-and at their best
You will never cease to be amazed at people’s capacity for love, courage, and endurance.
You will see life begin-and end.
You will experience resounding triumphs and devastating failures.
You will cry a lot. You will laugh a lot.
You will laugh a lot.
You will know what it is to be human and to be humane.
Yes Sir I A/m Your Nurse
By Tina J Palone RN
While you are upset about me not
Getting you a snack;
Your neighbor just died of a heart attack.
While you are upset there is no sandwiches to be had;
I was busy with a family who had to say bye to dad.
I know I know you want a warm blanket;
I had to hug a wife whose husband didn’t make it.
Next time I will be quicker with care;
This time I will leave you with prayer.
I have fun with, result in I found just what I used to be taking a look for. You have ended my four day long hunt! God Bless you man. Have a great day. Bye
Can i used these prayers to be posted in my YouTube Channel?
Hi Matt,
I only wish I found your site a few years ago. This is a blessing to so many who are struggling to become a nurse and those who are nurses. Thanks for your dedication to the field and not forgetting what it was like to be a student nurse.
I could really use your assistance and motivation as I prepare for my next step which is coming up next week.
My husband in hospital for Myasthenia Gravis over a week now I want to do something special for all the nurses that have taken care of him I thought a thankful prayer card for each were at about 42 maybe Head Nurse Asst. Nurse and Nurse Leader any suggestions?
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