8 Inch Dicks

8 Inch Dicks


8 Inch Dicks
Statistically, average is 5-6 inches and 8 inches is a lot bigger than the average and supposed to be rare. How come every girl already had been with one or know someone that has one? Maybe it's just my circle of friends, but every single time that I talk to a girl about sex and we and up talking about penis size, 90% of the time either she had a boyfriend that was really big or she has a friend that she knows it's really big. And big really big I mean 8+. Is it more common that we think?
How common is an eight inches penis?
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statistically, 8 inches places you in the high 99th percentile. That means most women who claim to have had 8 inch dicks have not, and they are: 1. guessing from sight, which is wildly inaccurate 2. measuring incorrectly, which can add 1 to 2 inches 3. lying or 4. naively accepting the word of a man who is doing 1, 2 or 3 The simple optics of a 6 inch penis on a thin 5'8" man versus the same penis on a bulky 6'2" man alone can make a woman perceive a non existent size difference (a fact used frequently in porn casting)
Well it could be argued that due to increased confidence guys with bigger dicks might sleep around more. Plus if word spreads that they are well endowed girls might be more likely to want to "try him out". So even tho they are statistically less common most girls have probably hooked up with a guy who had a 7inch dick or larger.
True, I think a lot of girls that said they have had one.. are talking about the same player. I think a lot of big guys have the confidence and get around (man-whores)... not me though;-)
My last boyfriend thought he was 8 inches and he was definitely 6 1/2. I think it's common, but a lot of guys think they have them when they're actually smaller.
LOL, he knew his size and was just trying to talk BS... thinking you'd believe him... so sad;-)
@NJ_Casanova You'd be completely shocked how many men do this on a regular basis. 'I'm 9 inches'. No, heifer, that's exactly 5.25 inches long... get it right.
If they lie... have you ever shut them down and turned them away? Or do they just don't get a second time?
@NJ_Casanova I only have been intimate with boyfriends, so I don't turn them away because size doesn't matter to me all that much. I have corrected some, but they kept saying, 'No, I measured it' so I leave it alone. If they want to pretend they are blessed down there, why not let them? It's not like saying anymore about it will help. It'll just annoy them or hurt their feelings.
2 guys I've been with, including the current.. is 7" or maybe a little more
I mean, I totally have an eight inch dick, so it's possible.
Sorry, this bad boy isn't for just everyone's eyes. @smahala1991 Workin' with a monster.
@zorro8888 Hop on, big boy. Guaranteed thrill ride.
Yikes hope you don't rip me in half! XD
@zorro8888 Oh, right. Please sign this consent form, stating I am not liable for any damage you may receive during this rollercoaster.
I bet you wish I'd come on your ride *blindly signs all papers*
@zorro8888 Don't worry, doll. You will be coming.
This chart will explain. Basically if you are in the top 8% of promiscuous men you have an average of 68 partners. If you are in the bottom 50% you have an average of 2.5. The top 8% of men have more different partners than all other men combined. What do you want to bet those guys are bigger than average. At least 1/4 of all women have been with a guy with more than 50 partners.
Also I doubt the distribution of size is a perfect bell curve, it probably has a tail. The normal distribution is a way of understanding nature but nature does not precisely conform to it as though it were some kind of force.
Women are bad at estimating size and they do talk to their friends. If you get a reputation for being good in bed and having a big dick you will get more interest than you can deal with. Not all women by any means but enough so it feels like it.
Most studies I've seen say 8+ is 3% or less of the male population. Girls are very bad at estimating the Size... I've had girls think I was 9"... which I'm not. I think most girls would say a thick 6.5" penis is BIG huge... especially if she' not that warmed up. You also have to think... there are probably only 4-5 male porn stars that are 8" or bigger... but none are more than 10".
I can check in as someone with approximately that penis length. I have looked up various studies on the matter. The most comprehensive one states that the mean is 5.1 inches with a standard deviation of ~0.6". This would put 8 inch penises around the 1/300,000 mark, and all but negate the existence of larger ones. While this is possible, I feel its likely that the distribution of penises at the extreme ends is not exactly normal. Genetic factors would be playing in heavily, and its hard to predict the effect this might have. That said, the likely answer is "anywhere between 0.1% and 0.003%"
Girls are known to be shitty at estimating and usually exaggerate. If the guy was 6 inch and the sex was decent to good, she will most likely assume he was 7-8 inches. Add to that, that guys also pretend to be bigger than they are and the girl sees him after he said he is 7/8 inches she assumes this is how long that visually is.
Girls are known to be horrible at judging and estimating size. So when a girl tells you that her boyfriend was 8", take that with a grain of salt... More like an entire bucket of salt. An 8" penis is extremely rare. Based on stats, I'd say approximately 2-3% of the male population has one that big.
No, an 8 inch penis is very, very rare. It's way over on the right end of the Bell curve. When girls talk about huge penises like this as if they're common it just shows they don't have a good sense of how big 8 inches really is.
no, many "big" guys are passed around by women. I used to call it "reference sex" as women have a tendency to over share their sexual encounters so a guy who is big or good in bed or both often is approached by many different women because they heard from so-and-so that ________ and just have to try it for themselves. And if the guy is not attached then, well why not?
Every girl I've know is a size queen. My co-worker liked me and her odd way of flirting asked me how big my penis was and she stuck bother her palms facing each other, this big? Her palms were like 9 inches apart... I ignored her instead of awkwardly correcting her
Guys brag about how many women they've slept with and most exaggerate their sexual exploits. Girls exaggerate, too. There are too many studies that report average is 5- 5 1/2".
it´s like everybody claims to have an 8 inch one plus girls are horrible at guessing the length as it doesn´t really matter to them and then when they tell anybody, they just want to brag. 8inches is like 5% maximum, if you don´t life in somalia.
No its not and men lie about certain things, so do chicks. Most girls can't handle 8 inches anyways...
Nah they are A) full of shit B) terrible judge of measurment C) lying because she wants to expeirence one so she is pretending she has D) actually has but nah big dicks arnt common Maybe dicks that are up to 7" but after that i think they are pretty rare
Cmon every guy on the Internet has an 8" dick at least. That's like bare minimum. We are all hung stallions.
all i know is if the guy am dating is that insecure about his manhood our dating will be short lived
Despite there being the same number of guys who are big and small, a guy with an eight inch penis is far more likely to be sexually active than a guy with 4 inches for obvious reasons. Women respond much more favorably to 8" than they do to 4". The big guy gets positive reinforcement, while the small guy gets negative reinforcement. Now you tell me which one is going to keep putting himself out there for more women to see. THAT is why women think that the average size is so large.
don't know probably not that common. im wondering how common is a nine inch penis lol
because guys add 2-3" and girls dont cary around a tape measure to check how truthful he was..
I'm not sure however the boyfriends I've had were around there.
Well its not like women just whip out a measuring tape on their boyfriend and see what size they are they are probably just estimating lol.

MLA Style Citation:

Wayne, Rio "How Many Men Have 8 Inch Penises?."
How Many Men Have 8 Inch Penises? .
1 Sep. 2008 EzineArticles.com.
11 Jul. 2022 < http://ezinearticles.com/?How-­Many-­Men-­Have-­8-­Inch-­Penises?&id=1460099 >.

APA Style Citation:

Wayne, R. (2008, September 1). How Many Men Have 8 Inch Penises? .
Retrieved July 11, 2022, from http://ezinearticles.com/?How-­Many-­Men-­Have-­8-­Inch-­Penises?&id=1460099

Chicago Style Citation:

Wayne, Rio "How Many Men Have 8 Inch Penises?." How Many Men Have 8 Inch Penises?
EzineArticles.com . http://ezinearticles.com/?How-­Many-­Men-­Have-­8-­Inch-­Penises?&id=1460099

Rio Wayne  |  

Submitted On September 01, 2008

A large number of men would like to find out "how many men have 8 inch penises?". The simple answer to this question is that there are large number of men around the world that do possess a penis as big as this.
Some men have been very lucky and have been naturally blessed to have such a big penis. However, there are also many men that were not naturally gifted with a big penis, but have been determined enough to take action by researching what methods are available to increase their penis size.
Most research indicates that the average penis size is between 5.5 to 6.2 inches when erect and 4.5 to 5 inches in girth. The truth is most men want to be bigger than average and would prefer to have an extra inch or two. It is a well known fact that most women find sex more pleasurable with men with a bigger penis as they are able to penetrate the more sensitive parts during intercourse this helps to increase sexual pleasure.
There are 3 penis enlargement methods that have been proven to work:
1. Penile surgery this option will cost you thousands of dollars and does have an element of risk involved.
2. Penis exercises have been medically proven to work. This method requires daily exercises and is very time consuming as you need to perform so many different exercises. It is an option for men with a lot of spare time. Most men are busy with work and other day to day activities, finding the time to stick to a rigid routine can be hard. If you do not perform the exercises as instructed you will not see any results.
3. In the real world men do not have a great deal of spare time. Due to ease of use, it is not surprising that the fast acting option of using male enlargement pills has become the preferred option for majority of men. The very best pills contain only 100% natural ingredients, so there are no side effects. The pills are also doctor approved so you can use them with complete peace of mind.
The more superior pills only need to be taken once a day compared to some others that need to be taken 2-3 times daily. It should be quite clear by now, that having a 7 or 8 inch penis is easily achievable. It will greatly increase your confidence and you will never be kicked out of bed.
Rio Wayne is an expert in natural penis enlargement. To stop wondering "how many men Have 8 Inch Penises [http://natural-penis-enlargement-pills.com]. Go to [http://natural-penis-enlargement-pills.com] and discover the No.1 pill that thousands of happy men have successfully used to increase their penis size easily or your money back guaranteed.
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What percentage of men have penises 8" long or larger?
Manager ( 2000 – present ) · Author has 1.1K answers and 2.8M answer views · 1 y ·
If a girl’s vagina is less than 5 inches deep, where does the remaining penis go if it is longer than 5 inches?
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I have a 8 inch penis is that considered a big dick?
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What happens when an 8-inch dick is inside a vagina?
Studied at The Ohio State University · · 3 y ·
If a girl’s vagina is less than 5 inches deep, where does the remaining penis go if it is longer than 5 inches?
What does an 8+ inch penis feel like inside you?
I have a 8 inch penis is that considered a big dick?
I am 18 and my dick is 4 inches. What should I do? Should I worry?
What happens when an 8-inch dick is inside a vagina?
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If a girl’s vagina is less than 5 inches deep, where does the remaining penis go if it is longer than 5 inches?
What does an 8+ inch penis feel like inside you?
I have a 8 inch penis is that considered a big dick?
I am 18 and my dick is 4 inches. What should I do? Should I worry?
What happens when an 8-inch dick is inside a vagina?
Is having an eight inch penis a good thing?
How long must an erect penis be before it touches the cervix?
Do large penises give women more sexual pleasure?
What are the percent of penises by size?
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Very few men have penises larger then 5.5″. It's average male penis size.
Yeah mine is longer than that. It has its drawbacks and advantages. Drawbacks…none.

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In Germany we have locker rooms where everybody can literally see your dick and look at it. In my case take pictures of it.
That's very large for any age, and when you use it with a partner you'll have to be careful about how you use it.
You should do nothing, if people ask or make fun, just smile with thumbs up.
Considering you plaster your dick pics all over Reddit, are you surprised that people in school found out?
Yes I checked, it's the first thing I do when someone claims things like this and doesn't elaborate further
Yea you’re right, but nobody in my school knows this. And I started posting on Reddit after my pics got sent around in school.
Hell no u are blessed and never feel shamed for it. I know plenty of men that would die to have a schlong like that

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