8 Facebook Retargeting Strategies in 2024

8 Facebook Retargeting Strategies in 2024

0WNR Wallet

Visitors rarely make purchases when they first visit your website. And the last thing you want is for them to leave and never return. Facebook retargeting advertising allows you to re-engage people who have already visited your site or interacted with your ads in the past.

These users know who you are and likely have an idea of the value you can offer, as they have already visited your site. This awareness makes them easier to convert compared to new, uninformed customers.

There is often confusion between remarketing and retargeting, with these terms being used interchangeably. However, understanding the differences is crucial:

Retargeting involves using paid advertising to re-engage a target audience that has already visited your site.

On the other hand, remarketing targets an audience differently, using email to re-engage people who have already made a purchase.

If you're wondering how to conduct retargeting on Facebook, here are some best practices you can use this year to achieve optimal results.

How does Facebook retargeting pixel work?

Facebook retargeting relies on a small piece of code called Pixel. Essentially, the pixel is a tracking tool that collects data about website visitors. After installing the pixel on your site, it continually tracks visitor activity in the background. The pixel also gathers detailed data about actions, such as pages viewed, products added to the cart, and other interactions.

The pixel can also identify visitors by their Facebook identifier, but this only happens if users are logged into Facebook in the same browser.

How to use this data? Firstly, you can create custom audiences. For example, create an audience of users who visited a specific product page, added items to the cart, and abandoned it. Then, you can create targeted advertising campaigns specifically for these audiences. These ads will be shown to the selected audience when they use Facebook or Instagram.

Ultimately, the pixel helps track conversions from your ads and optimize future advertising campaigns based on this data.

#1 Capture Abandoned Carts

The average cart abandonment rate is high and increasing. Less than 25% of people who add your products to the cart end up completing the purchase. Retargeting is excellent for attracting customers with items in their carts. You can show them the products they were interested in and entice them to come back.

Appearing in the feed with a product that customers placed in their cart yesterday is a great reminder for forgetful or distracted shoppers and the best retargeting strategy for bringing back potential buyers. You can go further by adding a discount or a limited-time offer for those who return and make a purchase.

#2 Lookalike Audiences

Facebook Pixel is excellent for collecting data about your website visitors and creating custom audiences. Pixel can track who visited which page and when, enabling personalized advertising based on browser behavior. However, if you don't have a significant traffic volume, gathering the necessary data for relevant retargeting ads can be challenging.

Lookalike Audience features show retargeting ads to customers similar to those who have already visited your site. They are more likely to be interested in what you offer because they share similar characteristics, jobs, locations, or interests with your actual customers. Sync your customer list, and Facebook will use this information to find other similar people for ad targeting.

#3 Test High-Value Audiences

High-value audiences are people who have made purchases from you in the past or engaged actively with your brand, such as contacting you, adding products to their cart, sharing posts, or leaving reviews.

These individuals are the easiest to re-engage with retargeting because they have already established significant contact with your brand. Therefore, they are receptive to various ads and retargeting methods, so it's worth testing different types, such as:

  • Awareness-focused advertising.
  • Product reminder ads.
  • Social proof ads.
  • Facebook video retargeting.

#4 Engagement-Based Retargeting

Instead of a broad approach, you can use engagement-based retargeting to narrow down targeting to specific interactions. This method allows you to focus on users who have engaged with certain types of content.

These interactions can include likes, comments, and shares. The idea is to find users interested in specific topics or types of content. For instance, if someone commented on a post about a particular product, you can retarget them with ads providing more detailed information or exclusive offers related to that product.

The advantage of this strategy is that you are reaching out to an audience that has already demonstrated a certain level of engagement. Consequently, they are more likely to convert. The goal is to make retargeting more precise and consider individual interests.

#5 Share Unique Offers

Everyone likes to feel special. Strengthen relationships with existing customers and website visitors by sharing special offers, such as discounts, rewards for referring friends, or gifts for those who return through retargeting. Do this only for those who have already visited your site; otherwise, the underlying intent of the advertising loses its meaning.

#6 Retargeting Video Ads on Facebook

Facebook is one of the leading platforms for video consumption. By the end of 2024, it is expected that video will constitute 91% of all internet traffic. Video will become the most dominant form of content. Additionally, the likelihood of clicking on retargeting is 76% compared to traditional ads.

However, the best reason to launch retargeting video ads on Facebook lies in the platform's characteristics. Facebook aims to protect its users from ad overload. Therefore, developers strive for a pleasant user experience and limit the amount of advertising. At the same time, algorithms show users only relevant ads—you can guarantee the relevance of your ads through retargeting video ads.

#7 Maintain Ad Message Sequences

It's crucial to provide customers with a consistent experience, meaning retargeting ads and their content should be sequential. When a user clicks on your ad, where do they land? Does the landing page make sense and reflect the ad's message? The landing pages you direct customers to should be highly relevant to the ad and branded with your colors and logos to build trust.

#8 Behavior-Based Targeting

Retargeting allows you to target customers who have taken action on your site, whether it's visiting a specific page, subscribing to a newsletter, or making a purchase. You can take it a step further and target visitors based on a detailed analysis of their behavior, including:

  • Visitors who viewed the pricing page.
  • Visitors who subscribed to the free newsletter.
  • Visitors who used a specific device.
  • Visitors who interacted with email campaigns through the Facebook retargeting list.
  • Visitors who engaged with retargeting video ads.

The more detailed your target behavior is, the easier it is to create personalized retargeting ads aimed at conversion.

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