8 Best iPhone 13 Tips and Tricks You Should Know

8 Best iPhone 13 Tips and Tricks You Should Know

Apple has refreshed its iPhone series, and the new iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro come with improved hardware, a new camera design, and an updated operating system underneath. And just like its predecessors, this new iPhone doesn't come cheap either. Naturally, if you've purchased this phone, it makes sense to explore all the features and settings to get the most out of it.

Contents1. Schedule notifications2. Adjust focus mode3. Capture screenshots like a boss4. Scan text via camera5. Drag and drop images like a pro6. Easily check EXIF ​​data of photos7. Turn off notifications on AirPods8. Share content with SiriGet the most out of your iPhone 13

So if you want to up your iPhone 13 or iPhone 13 Pro game, read on for the coolest tips and tricks.

1. Schedule notifications

Notifications can be annoying, especially when you have tons of apps on your phone. The good news is that with your iPhone 13, you can now schedule notifications to distract you at a time that suits you. Named Scheduled Digest, this feature helps you remove annoying notifications from unimportant apps.

To turn it on, go to Settings> Notifications> Scheduled notifications and toggle the switch. Next, choose apps whose notifications you can ignore for half the day.

Once that's done, choose the time you want, and that's about it.

2. Adjust focus mode

What if we told you that you can change DND mode on your iPhone. With Focus Mode, you can now select which apps or contacts can send you notifications or contact you. At the same time, you can also create dedicated focus profiles for your different profiles.

To create different profiles, go to Settings> Focus.

8 Best iPhone 13 Tips and Tricks You Should Know

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