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8 14 Yo Sister Incest

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Mason Greenwood charged with attempted rape, assault and controlling behaviour
Voters in Tory marginal seat give their reaction to Jeremy Hunt’s new job
Interest rates may face higher-than-expected rise next month, Bank of England chief suggests
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Miriam Margolyes says ‘f*** you, bastard’ live on Radio 4’s Today over Jeremy Hunt
Just Stop Oil protesters clash with public after blocking road in London as 26 arrested
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A brave 13-year-old girl argued with a rapist who grabbed her as she cycled on her bike and told him "you make me sick" after he asked her age, a court has heard.
In a police video interview, the teenager - the alleged seventh victim of a man accused of raping eight women and girls across south east England - said she "rejected" orders from her violent attacker, who thumped her when she refused to comply.
Antoni Imiela, 49, of Appledore, near Ashford in Kent, denies raping the girl and has also pleaded not guilty to eight further counts of rape against five women and two girls under 16. One of the women was allegedly raped twice.
He also denies the kidnap, indecent assault and attempted rape of a 10-year-old girl in Birmingham in November 2002.
Maidstone Crown Court was shown the video - filmed two days after the alleged attack near Woking, Surrey, on September 6, 2002 - on Friday as Imiela watched from the dock.
In it, the girl held hands tightly with her mother as she told a police officer she was snatched from her bike in daylight as she rode through a wooded area in the early evening.
The victim said she had seen the man shortly before he pounced and described him as having a body like the character Phil Mitchell from EastEnders and a face like his brother Grant.
"I gave a smile to say 'Hi' and he just ignored me and kept on walking. I just totally regret that now," the girl told the police officer, who assured her: "I would say never give up smiling."
Speaking calmly and fluently, the schoolgirl told the officer how she was suddenly grabbed off the bike, dragged into woods, pushed over and ordered to take some of her clothes off.
She said: "He was saying 'What age are you?' and I went '13' and he said 'That is a lovely age, a lovely age'. I said 'Why?' and he said 'You're growing'."
The girl then recalled telling the man: "You make me sick."
"I said 'What are you going to do with me afterwards - am I going to be able to see my family? You are not going to kill me and stuff', and he said 'No, I am not going to kill you'," she added.
'Continued to talk back to attacker'
She said she continued to say things to her attacker despite being stripped of her clothes and told to put her jumper over her head so she could not see him.
"I was just rejecting everything. I said 'Excuse me, I don't even know you and you're doing this to me'. He was a sick man," she said.
At one point, the plucky teenager told the officer how she turned her cheek to avoid his attempts to kiss her. "I was just like 'Get away from me'," she said.
She continued: "I was just wishing for it all to be over and he was saying this c**p like 'You're not a virgin' and I said 'Excuse me, I think I would know if I was a virgin. It is none of your business'.
"I think he was actually quite nervous as well because his voice was shaking," the girl added.
She explained that she also pretended to have a "bladder problem" and had closed her legs during the attack but was punched in the stomach by the man - who she said reeked of cigarette smoke.
"I was just crying 'I want my mum, I want my mum' and he was like 'You're not going to get your mum'," she said.
The victim said she even questioned the rapist during her ordeal, asking him questions such as "Have you got a wife then?" - which he denied - and "Do you live here?", but the teenager was told to "Stop being so nosy".
"He was just acting like a schoolboy, saying all these things like 'Don't be cheeky, don't be rude'," she told the officer.
Despite her pleas and attempts to defy the rapist, she said her callous attacker eventually told her "This won't take a moment" before raping her.
"I was just closing my eyes and hoping that everything was going to be over. He struck me again when I didn't lift my legs up... I was shaking, I was thinking 'Oh my God'," she said.
She said that after the assault she had pleaded with, and convinced, him not to leave her tied up before he left the scene of the attack.
"I was just sitting there for two minutes crying my eyes out," she said.
She then frantically searched for help, eventually finding a dog walker.
"I fell into his arms and said 'I have been raped, take me home' and started crying. His arm was around me trying to comfort me."
The victim burst into tears on the video after finishing her story and the court then watched her being consoled by her mother, who hugged her for several minutes while the police officer left the room.
The mother - also tearful - then said to her daughter: "It was not as bad as we thought, really."
The girl replied: "I feel much better now it is out of my system."
The court later heard from one of Imiela's former work colleagues, Alex Lawrie, who said he had given the railway worker a lift from Kent for a time in 2002 when they were both based in the Woking area.
He confirmed that they used to drive along the same road that the girl had cycled past just before the attack later that year.
Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd
Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group

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“They’re making babies down there,” my brother told my mom after walking in on me and a friend fooling around. Little did I know that he was right. That was the day I conceived my first child. I was only 16 .
My mother was blasting Al Green like she did every Sunday when she cleaned the house. “No, we weren’t,” I tried to assure her, but I doubt she believed me. I was usually pretty open about my sex life with her. She had known for quite some time that I was sexually active. I probably could’ve just told her the truth, like I had many times before, but this time was different from the rest. This time I did it in her house, and my heart was still racing from the excitement.
You’d think the experience of being a teen mom would make me want to keep all boys at least 10 feet away from my daughter, or at least ban boys from her room. Certainly, I don’t want her to go through what I did as a teen mom. I want her to wait until she’s ready to experience motherhood on her own terms, until she’s lived life for herself at least a little bit.
But I know that trying to keep teens from having sex is impossible. If they want to have sex, they’ll find a way. I know this because I remember being a teen. I remember a dark moonlit bedroom not being a requirement for fooling around. I remember taking advantage of my boyfriend’s parents being at work. I remember the sex in parked cars, the park and garages. And I remember not being the exception — almost all of my friends were having sex.
Banning boys from spending the night wouldn’t have prevented my teen pregnancy. It won’t protect my daughter either. Not from pregnancy, or the other potential consequences of unsafe sex. If my daughter were to engage in unsafe sex with a person of any gender, she could contract an STD or STI. It would be completely irresponsible of me to ignore the possibility that my daughter isn’t heterosexual. If I am worried about boys, I should be equally worried about girls. It’s either no one can spend the night, or everyone can.
That’s the logic I used when I asked my mother at 15 to have a good friend who happened to be male sleep over.
“You realize I could be sleeping with my girlfriends when they spend the night, right?” I remember asking her. I identified as bisexual at the time, and she knew it. But I could tell she had never even considered the possibility that my girlfriends were anything more than friends.
“Well, if he’s just a friend and you trust him, I’ll trust you.”
My mom trusted me. After that day, she often let me have boys spend the night. Every male friend I had knew what my bedroom looked like. And although it may seem counterintuitive, this is what she did right. She understood and listened. She never judged or punished me for being sexual. She believed me when I told her that a boy was just a friend and nothing sexual would happen if he spent the night. She created an environment where talking about sex was natural.
But despite her trust in me, she also failed me. She never talked to me about safe sex . I don’t know why. Perhaps she intended to but didn’t know how, or maybe she trusted I was getting accurate information somewhere else. She never once mentioned birth control or condoms; she just vaguely mentioned staying safe a few times.
And it’s not that I didn’t know birth control existed; I did. I just didn’t know how to ask for it. Every time I confessed my sexual activity to her, I hoped she would offer to get me the pill, buy me condoms, and teach me about safe sex with both girls and boys. I wanted her to teach me how to be assertive and insist protection be used. But she never did.
I won’t fail my daughter the same way. She’ll have my trust and guidance. She already knows about my own experiences and that I could never be mad at her for being sexual. I’ll give her support and information. She can have boys and girls spend the night just like I did as a teen, but unlike me, she’ll have access to condoms, birth control and information about STIs and STDs. The conversation about sex will be ongoing and comprehensive.
I know I can’t stop her from having sex, but at least I can help her stay safe.
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SheKnows is a part of Penske Media Corporation. © 2022 SheMedia, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, Oct 15th 2022

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Published: 19:29 BST, 22 August 2014 | Updated: 23:17 BST, 22 August 2014
A mother-of-two called the police after finding out that her 13-year-old daughter had been sending and receiving nude pictures of herself and other teens on her tablet computer.
The mom, who has not been named to protect her identity, from Dinwiddie County, Virginia, was horrified when she discovered sexually explicit content on her daughter’s electronic devices.
Her daughter had been 'sexting' boys a series of naked images on her cell phone and tablet computer and had received similar pictures back in response.
Images: The mom of a teenage girl found out that her daughter had been sending and receiving naked pictures of herself and other teens using her tablet and phone
Police: The worried mom made the difficult decision to call the police over the incident to protect her daughter
Her mother told WTVR : ‘What scares me is... this much bigger than we realize. How many others are doing this and you don't realize it.’
The parents became aware of their 13-year-old’s activity when their other child heard voices in her bedroom around 4 a.m.
They punished her and took away her electronic devices.
But when they had a quick look through the device they were unprepared for what they found.
‘Looking through the phone and the tablet we did find, sexual pictures, conversations, that were very inappropriate for her age,’ she said.
However, while none of the images showed their daughter with anyone else she was sending most pictures to boys who would then text one back to the eighth grader.
But worryingly, one 'sext' involved a high school senior.
‘We believe them to be 17-18ish... Definitely older than her, did request they have sex,’ she said.
‘Everybody wanted to be her friend, because according to these people, she was cool now.’
The girl could face criminal charges.
But her concerned parents said that they called in the sheriff's office to protect her.
‘We did this now to protect her. For now and in the future, because this could get worse, she could be taken,’ she said.
Commonwealth's Attorney Lisa Caruso said there are other options for the teen, not necessarily going through the court system.
Charges: Commonwealth's Attorney Lisa Caruso said there are other options for the teen, not necessarily going through the court system
However, the older teens could face felony charges depending on their ages.
Now, the mom is urging other parents to do more to protect their kids.
She said parents should start by having all electronics fitted with parental controls to keep childre
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