75 book challenge

75 book challenge

73 book bible

75 Book Challenge


Just start a thread and begin listing the books you have read in 2016. You don't have to begin on January 1! Last year, some members just listed their titles and authors while others posted a mini-review of each book. It's all up to you. It turns out we care less about the numbers than we do about the exchange of book info and the community of readers.We hope you'll join us, but be forewarned. We like to comment on each other's threads and we've found our stacks of books to be read have grown exponentially!Note: Please put your username in your thread title. This makes it much easier for folks to find you. New folks, start here: Welcome To New Friends We use wiki pages to keep track of useful stuff. The group wikis:75er's Wiki - Here’s where we keep links to our important threads! 2016 Threadbook - Looking for someone’s thread? Recent members: tjblue, andrewreads, brodiew2, ahef1963, DRODELL, Valentina_Rossi, segametse, Anupom1122, sasi55, blackdogbooks, AmberGraceKoch, lunacat, fajriy_arunna, mike.lanmanf, KatrinaRusski, faerysecret, Diane-bpcb, DanielRetureau, MaliniChaudhri, ChelleBearss, Miss_Moneypenny, Saaaaaaniaaaaaa, letsabisa, JoannKInlaw, Joseph.Carper, Nighat-Kouser, amcheri, EruditeVolatility, Deesirings, ProducervanPost a new topic

Topics messagesLast message TIFFIN: First of 2016 145tiffin, February 21 The Outsider by Colin Wilson, A David Bowie Top 100 Read 19Berly, February 12 Group read: The Prime Minister by Anthony Trollope 114lauralkeet, January 29 MarissaKings' 2016 Reads 82MarissaKings, January 28 qebo’s 2016 books (4) 75qebo, January 21 justchris reads more but talks less in 2016 50justchris, January 20 calm reading 72calm, January 15 Marie's 2016 Challenge (x2) 158rosylibrarian, January 12 Zoë's 2016 Challenge, Part 2 183_Zoe_, January 11 Christmas Swap 2016 206Helenoel, January 11 Sgt Big G reads 75 books and makes no promises to write about any of them 40sgtbigg, January 10 Chatterbox's Serendipitous Reading Adventures in 2016 -- Part V 116elkiedee, January 8 The 2016 Nonfiction Reading Challenge Part XII: Quirky, Uncategorizable or "Who Knew?"  Witchyrichy Reads in 2016 157witchyrichy, January 8 Reading is not the problem - (Sir)Thomas 4.

Challenge 38SirThomas, January 8 gkur 75 books in 2016!  jessibud2 follows a Path Paved with Books 260SqueakyChu, January 7 9th year of 75ing it! Cal8769 is back 189cal8769, January 7 RichardDerus is baaaaaaaack for 2016!  Cheli's concentrating on mysteries and histories in 2016 Part II 42thornton37814, January 7 FamilyHistorian Reading in 2016 - thread #8 272Familyhistorian, January 7 Robin Reads in 2016 183rretzler, January 6 Natalie SW / 2016 38NatalieSW, January 6 The very booky adventures of evilmoose - Part I 267Berly, January 6 Ronincats reads and crafts into a new year of Reading: Thread 7 270ronincats, January 5 HanGerg hopes for stability in 2016 85HanGerg, January 5 In Memoriam 87laytonwoman3rd, January 5 75 Books - Year 9 - Fourpawz2 in 2016 - Thread 2 110souloftherose, January 5 scaifea's thread #27 326scaifea, January 5 Connie joins the group a bit late 285connie53, January 5 Beeg's 75 book challenge 2016 243beeg, January 5

Norabelle414's Trilogy in Three Parts 119norabelle414, January 5 BLBera's Reading in 2016 - Part 7 254BLBera, January 4 SomeGuyinVirginia and the Mysterious Tower: Cover me! MichiganTrumpet's (Marianne) Fanfare for Books in 2016 #3 177michigantrumpet, January 4 andrewreads 75 books in 2016 39kgodey, January 4 American Author Challenge: Poetry Part 2 181msf59, January 4 Joanne (coppers) Reads in 2016 - Part 3 285coppers, January 4 Paul S' attempt to read at least 75 books and acquire less books in 2016 ; part 4 93paulstalder, January 4Kath's list 2016 132Berly, January 3 Anne (AMQS) reads in 2016 -- third thread 141AMQS, January 3 Katelisim's 2016 18katelisim, January 3 Take It Or Leave It Challenge - December 2016 - Page 1 160SqueakyChu, January 3 LeahBird's List of Books (Probably Listened to in the Car) in 2016!  mstrust's #7- The Return of The BBC 226mstrust, January 3 DFED Takes On 2016!  bell7's (Mary's) Ridiculous Reading List for 2016 - the unbelievable 6th thread 94bell7, January 3

hredwards giving it another try 2016 163hredwards, January 3 archerygirl scales Mount TBR in 2016 220archerygirl, January 3 SharronA's 2016 Books 18SharronA, January 3 ejj's 2016 attempt, one more time 25ejj1955, January 2 Laytonwoman comes down to the wire-- (Thread Four for 2016) 180laytonwoman3rd, January 2 cindystark - finally going to get that stack off my nightstand 87cindystark, January 2 Karen O's Book-a-Rama in 2016!  karenmarie's book journey of 2016, thread #5 155SomeGuyInVirginia, January 2 kac522's 75 Books and Endless Cuppas in 2016 223kac522, January 2 vancouverdeb reads in 2016 - Thread #9 334mdoris, January 2 bluesalamanders 2016 119bluesalamanders, January 2 75 Books Challenge for 2016 for ralphcoviello 35Oregonreader, January 2 CBL's Literary Adventures in 2016 Part 8 225mstrust, January 2 Kkunker's (Kimberly's) read 75+ Books in 2016 40kkunker, January 2 lkernagh (Lori)'s 2016 Journey of Books, Food, Crafts and Walking - Part 6 293lkernagh, January 2

Nebula21's Reads In 2016 34nebula21, January 2 Mark's Reading Place: Chapter 29 352msf59, January 2 Snash Reads in 2016 73snash, January 2 souloftherose reads and reads in 2016 - part 4 243souloftherose, January 2 Nathalie (Deern) reads on in 2016 - Part 5 108Deern, January 2 Cushla's 2016 books 142Berly, January 2 cameling's reads on a beanbag 328Berly, January 2 Nittnut - Reading around New Zealand - Four 220Berly, January 2 rosalita comes out tonight: Take 3 315Berly, January 2 Ellen (ebt1002) Reads On in 2016 - Chapter 13 166Berly, January 2 Swynn reads and runs in 2016: Lap 3 80ronincats, January 2 inge87's Books of 2016, Part III: Nothing Gold Can Stay 65inge87, January 1 fuzzi's "DOUBLE OR NOTHING" 150 Book Challenge Thread!  jennyifer24's 75 book challenge 139aktakukac, January 1 Crazy4reading New Adventure in 2016 for 75 books 76crazy4reading, January 1 Banjo Keeps Reading in 2016 # 3 134banjo123, January 1

Rachel (aktakukac) Reads in 2016 (Part 2) 71aktakukac, January 1 Rae's Reality 7drneutron, January 1 Jessika.C quest for 75 books read in 2016 10ronincats, January 1 MickyFine Swings Through 2016: Fourth Dance 183MickyFine, January 1 Carmenere's 6 foot 2 inch challenge for 2016 (#9) 218thornton37814, January 1 Paul C's 2016 Reading and Life - 26 307thornton37814, January 1 LibraryLover23's 2016 Reading Challenge 126LibraryLover23, January 1 Kassilem's (Melissa) 2016 Reading, Part 2 91Kassilem, January 1 Cariola's 2016 Reading Log 262Cariola, January 1 Sir Furboy's 75 Books 167ronincats, January 1 lycomayflower reads things in 2016 she hasn't read before--part the second 153lycomayflower, January 1 John's 2016 Thread - A Year of Normality, the final part.  Just Joey's Book Blog 218JustJoey4, January 1 RBeffa's New Adventures in Time and Space 2016 274RBeffa, January 1 Eclecticdodo moves on up to 75 - part 2 228eclecticdodo, January 1

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