7 volunteering ideas to help the environment

7 volunteering ideas to help the environment

Aarti Gupta

Climate change is now increasingly visible on the earth through various recurrent tsunamis, earthquakes and other natural disasters. In 2020 alone, there were 58,950 wildfires, a significant increase from 2019. Green movements have gained momentum in the wake of these increasing environmental issues, especially in the past five years. 

Climate change volunteering has been a great impetus to such green movements. There is an increasing awareness among the younger groups who volunteer for sustainability initiatives through school volunteering programs or NGO workshops. This kind of mass volunteering is what the world needs right now. 

Read on for seven ways you can join the green movements of today:

1. Participate In Programs Focused On Planting Trees

A small deed can bring a significant change. You can volunteer sustainability programs as small as planting trees in your city's outskirts or grow them as a part of community gardening activities to contribute to the environment. On a microclimatic level, there will be evident changes in the oxygen content and climatic resilience at the given site. These small changes add to the bigger revolution the world looks forward to.

2. Join A Local Group For Cleaning Nearby Water Bodies

Context first. Before you look for volunteering activities in your city, look around your neighbourhood. Begin with climate change volunteering by organising a clean-up session for the local waterbodies such as lakes, ponds or rivers. Pave the way for a cleaner, healthier neighbourhood where the groundwater can recharge quicker and drainage can flow better. Such cleaning in some critical localities shall bring a noticeable change at a larger level.

3. Be A Part Of An Animal Rescue Team

Nothing is better than a rescue mission. You can now volunteer for sustainability-related activities by looking at all of the flora and fauna. Build a shelter for stranded animals by the city's streets, or step into the wild forests to rescue animals struck in trafficking. You can preserve the originality of nature by saving fellow species.

4. Give A Hand At Urban Farming Projects

Urban farms are the future of a greener earth. Know the science behind the smart farming methods in the suffocating urban zones, and get your hands on the soil-less farms with organic fertilisers and more, which have an equally green impact as a traditional farm. This type of climate change volunteering can bring a far-set, futuristic vision to the world we live in.

5. Learn Vernacular, Eco-Conscious Practices From Workshops

Old is gold for a reason. When you volunteer at sustainability workshops that bring back the authentic, natural practices, you vow to lead a life that leaves fewer carbon footprints on our dear planet. It can be an old-style adobe wall construction, a native organic dye-making technique or anything of your choice.

6. Take A Few Community Groups For Field Trips

Inspiration is superior to learning. As you gain experience with climate change volunteering, you will be ready to lead people on your discovered path. Begin with a small field trip in your community. It can be a short walk for the kids or a long discussion on greener solutions with the neighbours. Local engagement matters here.

7. Host A Guest Lecture On Eco-Friendly Living

The good word needs to be shared. After spending years volunteering, it will be time for you to share your experience with the world. You can host a guest lecture at a university and stir the green thoughts in young student groups who will become the leaders of tomorrow. A real-time experience is the best lesson of all, and the millennials will be sure to value it.

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Get started with climate change volunteering along with millions of other environmental activists and green volunteers. Help our planet recover.

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