7 tips for improving home comfort

7 tips for improving home comfort


According to the principles of feng shui, an ancient oriental practice, it takes very little to make a home a place of well-being and positive, establishing a balance between you and the environment, and leaving all sources of anxiety and concern outside the door of your home.

Check out our tips to relieve stress and improve your physical and mental health!

1. Proper home lighting

Inadequate or poor lighting is known to strain the eyes and mind, and can also cause migraines and psychophysical distress. One of the latest trends in lighting is natural lighting, a technology that can transfer sunlight into your home. How is this possible? This task is realized thanks to special tubular skylights that capture light from the roof and are able to transport and distribute it in the room, which minimizes the use of artificial light and, accordingly, energy consumption.

2. Improving sleep quality

Did you know that using electronic devices before bed affects sleep quality? Scientific research at the University of Oxford has demonstrated that electromagnetic waves emitted from televisions and computers alter metabolism and can disrupt sleep. It is also not recommended to use smartphones and tablets before bed because the blue light they emit alters the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

3. Focus on environmentally friendly materials

To design your home in an environmentally friendly way, the first thing to do is to choose furniture made from environmentally friendly materials. Any ideas? Wood, stone, and marble, in addition to being non-toxic, are ideal solutions for lovers of urban style; however, it is important to ascertain the origin of the materials, selecting only those that come from environmentally sound sources that are verified with due diligence. For furniture and furnishings, choose natural materials such as straw, cork, and bamboo, which are guaranteed to contain low levels of benzene, which is harmful to the skin and the respiratory tract.

4. Choosing the right shades

Take advantage of color schemes to enhance your everyday well-being: how do you do it? Following the principles of chromotherapy! The energetic properties of yellow and red are ideal for use on the walls of certain areas, such as the kitchen and living room, while the cooler and calmer shades are ideal for bedrooms. In turn, the green color will help in concentration and study. If you're worried that a colored wall will tire you out over time, try to spice up the setting by choosing matching colored pieces of furniture and accessories.

5. Living in a clean environment

Did you know that your mattress can contain on average more than two million dust mites? Carpets, pillows, and sofas are known to be a breeding ground for mites and allergens, which are a major cause of allergies and respiratory problems. Spend one hour a week cleaning fabrics: Ultra Vortex is ideal for allergy sufferers. With its special UV lamp, you can sterilize mattresses, pillows, and upholstered furniture, thereby preventing dermatitis, asthma, and allergies.

6. Creating your own green corner

Houseplants aren't just a matter of decoration, a NASA study found that having certain types of plants in different areas of the home has benefits for both health and mood; all of this is possible thanks to chlorophyll photosynthesis, which purifies the air by releasing oxygen and absorbing pollutants. Which plants are best for the home? Lavender, with its soothing properties, aloe, which guarantees very clean air, and ivy, which has powerful bactericidal potential.

7. Get rid of unnecessary things

Many studies show that living in an orderly environment is beneficial not only for physical but also for mental health. The benefits are not just limited to housekeeping: freeing up space in the home also means setting aside time and space for yourself, surrounding yourself with things that are really important and valuable to you, and avoiding piling up useless things. Not sure where to start? Find out how to do effective decluttering!

Authors BIO:
Salman Hashmi is the author of this article. He is passionate about home improvement. He writes on topics such as sofa upholstery and sofa repair.

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