7 benefits you'll earn by writing every day

7 benefits you'll earn by writing every day


We usually start writing in college, when a teacher asks us to write an essay. Even if it is not always easy at first or really fun, writing can become a real source of pleasure and develop unsuspected talents in you. Much scientific research has already demonstrated the many benefits of writing on the brain and cognitive faculties . (Mueller & Oppenheimer, 2014; Ziming, 2005;Write my essay

Velay, Longcamp & Zerbato-Poudou, 2004). Writing regularly can bring huge changes in our life , such as: learning more and faster, developing your creativity, enriching your vocabulary, speaking better, making you become a real writer, finding the meaning of your life or simply improving your writing handwritten!

Here are in detail the 7 benefits that writing will bring you


1 # You will learn by writing

Most writers are voracious readers, and reading stimulates your urge to write. Reading books, articles, blogs or newspapers will allow you to learn a new field and even become an expert in it. You can also study by writing. Visual memory combined with gestural memory will help you better retain information.

Even if you write as a hobby, Do my essay

writing will help you develop new knowledge and skills. Choose to read and write in the area that appeals to you the most.

2 # your creativity will develop through writing

Everyone has already known the anguish or the boredom of the blank page, in front of a sheet or a screen. Your mind seems empty and the time long, waiting for ideas and words to appear. This blockage often happens when you are not used to writing or are afraid to write something that you think is not good enough.

3 # Your vocabulary will be enriched

You might be at a loss for words. Not being able to express your idea clearly enough or that you are underestimated because of your lack of vocabulary.

When you write everyday, the dictionary becomes one of your best friends. You will shine at every opportunity and not just at scrabble games.

4 # your words will have more impact

At the same time that your vocabulary is enriched, your sentences will be clearer, more precise, more argued. It doesn't matter where you are; with friends or at work. You will be able to communicate both orally and in writing.

You will speak with more confidence and convince others more easily. Your conversations will be richer and have more impact.

To overcome it, write a little every day, if the sentences are poorly worded, that's okay. It won't take long for better ideas to arrive and you'll get easier and easier to write.

5 # You will make many people's dream come true

If writing isn't part of your job, you can start by keeping a journal. Almost everyone has wanted to write a book at least once and yet only a few do. Because it is difficult? No ! It is above all a question of organization and motivation. By writing a little bit every day, you will be fanning the flame of your inner writer. Many writers have started by writing without having literary training, that's encouraging!

6 # You will understand yourself better by writing your life story

Telling your life story in writing can be very interesting, both for other people and especially for you. Telling your stories, your failures and your successes can help you understand new facets of your story and better identify your strengths. We are not always aware of the meaning of our life course. Recounting it can help us by introspection to see things from a new perspective.

7 # you will improve your handwriting

Indeed, with the increasing use of keyboards, we are beginning to lose the habit of cursive (manual) writing. Our letters are less beautiful and we seem to have the handwriting of a 10 year old child. Not ideal when you have to write a note and make a good impression! But rest assured, with a little practice and the right material, you will succeed in finding a writing style that will make a good impression without your hand getting tired after 5 minutes. There is no shame in relearning to write letters correctly, moreover many books for adults are devoted to calligraphy. To rediscover the pleasure of writing, forget the Bic, Buy essay online opt instead for nibs in different formats that will help you embellish your handwriting.

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