7 benefits of turning from an office worker and working as a freelancer

7 benefits of turning from an office worker and working as a freelancer

There are seven benefits to working as a freelancer. The merits of each are very attractive, but please check not only the merits of becoming a freelancer, but also how it is compared to continuing to work as an office worker.

Income increase

If you become freelance, you can expect an increase in your income . In freelance, you can get the compensation that you get from one job request as it is, so you can expect to earn more than the salary of the office worker .

Also, as is often the case with free engineers, there are many high-priced projects, such as 700,000 yen per month. I don't think there are many office workers who care about the unit price of work, but it is very important for freelancers.

High degree of freedom in job selection

For office workers who are doing a given job, freelancers can choose only the jobs they like and are good at. Not only is it more efficient, but it also reduces stress on your work because you don't have to hate the work you hate and don't like .

If it is related to the business, you can drop it at an expense

Freelancers can reduce business expenses, meals for meetings, transportation expenses, etc. as expenses . Be sure to keep receipts and slips, as you will need "evidence" to

record them as expenses .

You can reduce the tax burden

Freelancers can reduce their tax payments with a special deduction for white and blue filing . In particular, blue filing requires keeping books compared to white filing, which is troublesome, but if you use it well, you can receive a deduction of over 600,000 yen .

Easy to balance work-life

Freelance work is basically free, so you can take a month off or go on a trip at will. If you have a good balance with your work, you can respond to urgent needs, so you can spend a more fulfilling private life than an office worker.

Unlike office workers, there is no concept of "retirement"

Freelance does not have the concept of retirement , and as long as you have the skills to meet the demand, you can earn income even as you grow older. It is a story that you can save your work on your own for physical problems, so it can be a more reliable source of income than a pension in Japan, where you are worried about reducing your pension .

Side business is possible

Many office workers are prohibited from doing side jobs at their place of employment, but if they are freelancers, they are free to do side jobs or not . If the main business is stagnant, it is possible to focus on the side business, so the risk of bankruptcy of office workers being cut off can be dispersed by freelance.

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