7 Ways To Have More Fun

7 Ways To Have More Fun

Инглиш ридинг

1. Do something challenging

When you look back over the past year, what are the things that you remember?

For me, it’s acting in a short film, making a bunch of new friends at a work conference, and telling someone I had a crush on that I liked him.

All of these things scared the crap out of me(пугало меня до смерти) in some way.

I was reluctant(вынужден) to get out of my comfort zone, and in many ways I would have preferred to stay home, away from the possibility of rejection or failure.

But when you deviate from your normal you create more excitement in your life. You create memories that you can look back on. You prevent the days from blending into one. Living a full life is the best way to have fun.

2. Do what you enjoyed as a child.

Children are really smart. They just start doing things, purely for the fun of it. They don’t drag mountains of anxiety and self-judgment into everything they do. They don’t worry if they’re being productive enough. They just play.

3. Make Bad Art.

The importance of making bad art is something I learned from Clinical Psychologist (and my mum!) Karen Nimmo. She believes that being creative is one of our greatest natural medicines. Making stuff grounds us and gives us a sense of accomplishment.

4. Do something frivolous.

Stop trying to be productive. Stop trying to convince yourself that you have fun when you play chess, and read classical novels (if that’s not true for you!). Know that it’s completely fine to read a trashy novel, go window shopping, play angry birds and buy useless trinkets(безделушки) from the op shop. You can spend your time doing anything you want. Stop taking it all so seriously.

5. Do something by yourself.

Spending time alone is hugely underrated(недооцененный). You are the only person you are guaranteed to have a relationship with for your entire life. You might as well learn to enjoy your own company.

6. Make a plan.

When we plan things out, we get to enjoy not just the event itself, but build anticipation through the planning process. Before the event even happens we’ve experienced so much joy through the build-up.

7. Learn to love what is.

What’s that one chore(домашняя работа) that you absolutely dread(боишься)? For me it was cooking. I hated the whole process, from the grocery shopping to the dishes. But it’s pointless to spend time and energy hating something that you have to do.

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